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Tree hugger
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Sweefundunger Oyspoo
Helping a close friend through anorexia
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Pokemon and Sailor Moon XD
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Ghibli films and Naruto
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Art, volleyball, volunteering, listening to music
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
sweefundunger eep!
yyeah. i had my 1st 3 finals today...i think they went okay. there was math, computer art, and history. tomorrow i have ENGLISH (the one i'm most worried about), then PE. =/ yyyeah...don't ask how we have PE finals. >.< but then thursday i have biology and spanish, which are going to be easy.....
so. i've been spending most of my time studying and will be spending most of my time studying until finals (and school!) are over on thrusday. this is just a quick little just-to-let-you-know post. yeah.
just got back from open gym in volleyball. excuse my language, but i am SO pissed cuz i had to leave early since my parents had to go to a meeting and i didn't have a ride home.....and i had to miss my absolute, all-time FAVORITE drill (diamond drill...for you fellow volleyballers out there B)). EEEEEEEUUUUURRRRRGGGGGHHH. SO much freaking fun..and i had to miss it. RAR.
ah well. the rest was super fun too. and we have another open gym tomorrow! ^_^
anywho. one more fanart so go comment!!!! thankies. <3
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Monday, June 11, 2007
sweefundungerous shifty eyes
i'm at school right now....shhhh.....>___>
jeez. i haven't been on myO in forever. again. been cramming for finals...which are next week. TT_TT ohgodenglishfinalfreakingoutomgomgomg STRESSINGSTRESSINGSTRESSING. x___X gah!
*ahem* anywho. been doing the open gyms for volleyball....really they're set up more like team practices than actual open gyms...but i like it better that way. ^^ last thursday...though...we had some pretty rough conditioning. i HATE conditioning. aaaaahhh!!! we had to do crabwalks all the way down the court and back...TWICE. that's like...120 feet. so. we basically did a wall-sit for five minutes. OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW. i couldn't go down the stairs without gripping and clinging onto the handrail after that. i couldn't even get up on my when i was sitting, i couldn't stand back up on my own. my shoulders and back really hurt too from all our hitting lines. >_< and then the very next day (when i was most sore) we had to do the mile in PE. GAH! lucky my teacher let me just walk most of it....but even with that i was still so freakin' sore. uuughh....
BUT. i'm finally getting my timing down for hitting. i'm a short lil back-row player, so i don't spike much and i'm not very good at all, but i'm finally starting to get a hand on it (haha lame pun =p)!! yay! my serves are also getting better and my passes are getting more controlled. x3 i feel all special.
i had a piano recital yesterday....i guess i did okay. but...i only JUST realized that i had forgotten my (un-memorized) music at home when we were literally 2 minutes away. >_< omg, i felt so stupid. i kept on reminding myself to get my cell phone and keys and everything...but i forgot my music! xp good thing i was second to last to play....gah....i made a couple mistakes but was able to keep going and pretend that i did them on purpose. XD lol so. yeah. i guess that went alright.
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Friday, June 1, 2007
it's the weekend!!!! yaaayyy!!! *runs around* lol FINALLY the week is over. xp
it has been SO hot here recently. seriously, our weather has been going crazy these past two years. last winter was our most extreme in like 50 years (we usually only get inch of snow every winter, but we had like 3 big storms this time!), and now 90-degree MAY. gah! i remember the times when 80 degrees was unbearably hot...TT_TT and that only happened in august back in my elementary years. now it's 90 degrees in MAY?! damn global warming....*shakes fist*
open gyms have also started for the upcoming volleyball season at my school! it's actually supposed to be a fall sport, but tryouts are like...end of june/start of july, and practices run all the way through october. i can't do it next year cuz i'm gonna be in spain for the first semester, but i'm still going to the open gyms just to play. SO MUCH FREAKING FUN!!!!! ^________________^ but with this weather...we were in the gym that's usually cold, but we were still SO hot.....i was sweating a LOT.....omg it was gross. >>
ah well. totally worth it if we can do the diamond drill. x3
mmmfff.....2+ fanart!
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
yeeesssss....kakashi = total sexiness. and actually those pics of him without his mask on are fake
digital edits.....our dear kishimoto did not draw any pictures of him revealing his face. TT_TT but
the mask makes him looks sexier anyways. x3
hum dee dum....turned in the english essay today. >_< *crosses fingers* our next unit is POETRY.
oh holy bejeezus i suck at poetry. xp i used to be really good in like...6th grade. but then i just
kinda stopped and now i can't write for my life. TT_TT gaaaah!!! xp lol
meep. nothing really to say in this post. OH did you know that one of my classmates is engaged
now? and she's FOURTEEN?!?!? i'm not kidding - she even has a ring and everything!!! and she's
not even one of those flirty types....she's actually one of the er...lesser known people in our grade. and um....
yyyeah just kinda gives a bad impression. >.< oyoyoyoyoyoy. she's frickin' ENGAGED at FOURTEEN.
ps - 2 new fanart! x3
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Monday, May 21, 2007
oyoyoyoyoyoyy...again, i have neglected my poor otaku friends...TT_TT sorry! been really busy
with an english essay least it's the weekend now.
anywho. not much going on...i uploaded another 2 fanart....aaaand ummmmmmm yeah. =/
damn i can't think of a good title for this's supposed to be on whether people are born
selfish or not. i said that they are not....but in reality i'm not so i don't sound very
argumentative in my paper. >_< oy.
ah...and a piccy of kakashi just for sexiness...x3

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Friday, May 11, 2007
oh crap. i just remembered that i have chinese school tomorrow. and i haven't even started my hw yet. >_<
ok. anywho. i've been working really hard on my chinese lately...this class that i'm in this year.....i swear, they're only trying to teach us basic conversation. i already know all that stuff. i'm already fluent...i went to chinese school to learn reading and writing. and at first, waayyy back in 1st grade, that's what it was...but slowly people's chinese, including mine, started DEproving, so the school shifted towards a more conversation-oriented focus. but i go back to visit taiwan almost every year. last summer, i stayed there for 8 weeks. i'm fluent now. but the class is soo boring...and we aren't learning least i'm not. so i now have to take the material into my own hands and learn it myself. >_< been memorizing 10 words a day, since i've forgotten so many by now.
OH YES. recently i was flipping through the channels on tv...fell upon cartoon network....and i now officially state that i have been re-sucked into the wondrous world of anime. *_____* lol i kinda lost my interest in it a couple years ago....but....NARUTO IS AMAZING. kakashi might even rival riku. omg, i can't choose!!!!! XO but...yeah. i guess my expectations just rose for anime.....and naruto absolutely SOARS over my expectations~!! the art itself is sososososoososo beautiful!!! XD lol the artist actually pays attention to unique facial structures and build and stuff for each of the characters, which you rarely see in the anime world. *hugs imaginary kakashi doll* wwhheee~! x3 though the english dubs suck, so i just watch the japanese eps off of youtube. >D lol
oh yeah. and 2 more fanart. ^^
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
hm. i forgot to mention in my last post.....that i was going through all my theO fanart.....and i realized that it is like...13 images behind my DA! =o don't worry, though...i won't upload 13 fanart at the same time and make you guys all go comment on them....>D i just uploaded 2 for now. so go see. ^^
OH YEAH. also on sunday i got a hair cut. and it was......not what i had in mind. >____< i guess it was partly my fault since i didn't make myself really clear. i just wanted a trim for my hair and then add some long bangs that fall to my eyebrow-ish and a little longer on the the image below. but instead they cut my hair STRAIGHT across and WAY shorter than i had wanted. and then they cut my bangs straight across! so now i look like some japanese student or something....i mean, it's not that bad, but it totally goes against my style....=( omg and as i was walking out, i noticed one of the barber shop's ads and it had EXACTLY the same type of bangs that i wanted! and i felt so stupid cuz i had noticed it before but not paid much attention to it....>___O

that, by the way, is hebe from the taiwanese pop group S.H.E. she is GORGEOUS. <333
ANYWHO. i don't remember how much i've mentioned this in my posts before...but i'm doing a kind of study abroad thing next year for the first semester! i'm gonna be in spain at my friend's school, so she can help me out as i adjust. plus she's fluent in chinese (she is from taiwan like me! only she was born and raised in spain), so she can explain things to me that way. not like her english is bad's actually pretty good. but anyways....i was writing a letter to put into the school newsletter to find a host family....and so i was putting some pictures of me on it. i didn't really have any good, recent photos, so i asked my brother to take one of me. he actually took a whole full-body and.....GOD i look so fat. >____> oy. at least only in that picture. cuz the other pictures he took of me weren't that bad. but that one picture was just....O_____O yyyeah.

my new haircut....i tried to push the bangs apart so it didn't look so..ick. >_<
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Monday, April 30, 2007
i am at school now. i should be working on my bug in computer visual arts, but instead i'm updating here. *shifty eyes*
anywho. volunteered at a farm...fair...event....thing..yeah. i did that on saturday. i watched sheep and face painted lil kids. ^^ it was quite fun. plus they gave us all these rice krispies treats, brownies, cookies, chips, and apples for free too for volunteering. =9 yummm......and surprisingly, face painting is actually more tiring than it sounds, AND i also did not have enough time for lunch that day, so i ate a LOT. xp lol
i was a complete idiot on sunday mom asked me to boil some pork thing while she was out...and i totally forgot. cuz i was watching tv and surfing the internet....and kinda doing hw at the same time. yeah, stupid. when my mom called me to ask me whether or not i had done it yet (i can't believe she actually has to call me to remind me!!! i swear, i am the most absent-minded person EVER), i just panicked.....and when i told her i was doing it all then, she just hung up w/o even saying anything. so. yeah. i felt like crap. >>'s only monday......TT_TT
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
i know for lots of you, nature and the environment really are not that important...they are too far away from your familiarities that you probably simply don't care for it. but sometime, preferably today, just go out to your neighborhood park or something. maybe you'll discover why i care so deeply for our planet, why i will study to be an environmental scientist in both college and grad school, and why i consider the fate of our environment in every little task i do. <33333
yesterday, arbor day for my state, i planted 8 trees, 3 shrubs, and 1 fern at a city park in a collaborated effort with fellow citizens to give back to our planet. it was fun to hang out with friends, play in the mud, and get dirty (not to mention trying to balance on a shovel lol). by the end of those 3.5 hours, i was ready to just faint and give up, but i knew that my hard work was worth it.
everyone says to plant trees, do the 3 Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), and reduce energy and water, but no one really says why.
trees conduct photosynthesis, as we all should know. they take carbon dioxide (or CO2) and convert it into oxygen (O2). all plants do this. however, humans have been burning fossil fuels for energy, causing extra CO2 to be released into the atmosphere. this buildup of CO2, a greenhouse gas, causes - well - more greenhouse gases. the greenhouse gases like CO2 trap heat coming in from the sun and keep it in the earth, whereas normally the heat would just escape back out into space. this process is called the greenhouse effect. without the greenhouse effect, the earth would freeze over. but with too much, it warms up. the earth's changing temperature is natural - but the rapid rate at which global warming is happening right now is not.
so? plant more trees and stop using so much electricity (unless it's powered by clean energy, meaning energy that doesn't release fossil fuels, like wind and solar). ^_~
the 3 Rs reduce waste like garbage. we are running out of room to put our landfills. eventually, we will run out of room. BUT we can stall that time by doing the 3 Rs, which also prevent excess garbage like on the streets or in public places, where animals may mistake them for food and injest them.
quoteS of the day
"Save the Earth! It's the only planet with chocolate." -Anonymous
"There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs, there'd be no place to put it all." -Robert Orben
Oh beautiful, for-smoggy skies,
Insecticided grain!
For strip-mined mountain's majesty's
Above thy fruited plain!
America, America, Man sheds his waste on thee,
And hides the pines with billboard signs from sea to oily sea!
-George Carlin
"Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks, 'They're only animals.'" -Adorno Theodor, Holocaust survivor
"Give a man a fish, and he can eat for a day. But teach a man how to fish, and he'll be dead of mercury poisoning inisde of 3 years." -Charles Haas
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi
"Man did not weave the web of life. We are but one strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves." -Chief Seattle
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
sweefundunger. ^^
I was just randomly doodling Saturday night and suddenly came up with all these new neat-o photo ideas. Not like the usual see-it-and-like-it method that I usually use with my photos (I just tend to shoot whatever catches my eye =p), but an actual of...people. xp Please excuse my lack of writing skills. >_____< Anyhow, it would be kinda difficult to attempt to take these pictures. It would involve finding the right model in my area, looking for the place I want to shoot at (these are all nature scenes...just with people in them), perhaps finding a hair or makeup expert (I can only use eye shadow and mascara, seriously the image I have in mind would require wavy hair), making sure the place I want to shoot at will be empty of other people, making sure the day of shooting will have the right weather, the commute to get there, and finding AND buying the right clothes that I have in mind...Otherwise I'd have to make the clothes...which I will NOT be able to do. And I need to get me-self a good camera. And figure out what the heck the deal is with all that lenses stuff (obviously I am far from professional xp). And find a way to make the camera stay dry in the pouring rain. >_____________<
Plus, I'm 15.
>_> At least I have these ideas sketched out. Maybe I'll have to wait till I'm older when I can actually get everything together. Or I'll just have to like...paint it. But that will take YEARS and YEARS and YEARS more of practice with a paintbrush to get it to quality. Argh. Perhaps a good first step is to go and get some acrylics. X________X argh.
my deviantart [/shameless self advertising]

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