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Sunday, January 21, 2007
6 new fanart! XD They're all for an art contest on GaiaOnline.com except for "Sun Yan-zi." Please comment!! And if you really really must save time, at least see "Sun Yan-zi," "Cairbre and Arella," and "Shoin and Nayame," okay?? ^-^ Thankies!
Anywho, in other news...The semester got extended because of all the snow and storm days we had...and we still have a ton of days extended for second semester too...They just wanted to even it out. So at least that means finals are pushed back a bit. "A bit" meaning starting on the 31st. =O I really need to improve my English grade. I have like a 90.3% in that class, and if I screw up just once, it'll go straight down to a B...and that would be the one thing keeping me from a 4.0!!!! Which would of course piss me off beyond belief. XD
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
we got SNOW!!!!! for the THIRD TIME this winter!!!! *gasp*
the first time we had it was in NOVEMBER (and keep in mind that we usually get a light sheet, if it sticks to the ground at all, in mid-january), when it snowed bucketfuls on us. and we got 2 days off school.
then we got the HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE windstorm that put out the power of over 700,000 homes. us included. we had to wait 2 days for our power to come back, but lots of other places had to wait THREE WEEKS!!!! =O we got 3 days off of school for that, which was the last 3 days of school before winter break anyways....so we basically got an extra-long winter break.
and NOW we have snow - and TONS TONS TONS TONS AND TONS OF IT. seriously, we have NEVER had this much snow before......or maybe like 40 years ago we got this much snow (i heard we used to have a lot of snow in MARCH)....-.- damn global warming. anywhoo...we just got snow on wednesday night, and i was unfortunately stuck in the car with my mom. and it took us 2.5 hours to drive a distance that usually takes TEN mintues to cross. so we got school off thursday, then yesterday (friday)!!! so that's a total of seven weather-related no school days so far. WAHOO! XD lol i swear if we keep this up we'll be going to school till july 4. lol
but i am enjoying the snow. ^_^ lookit my pictures!!!
wednesday night:

thursday morning:

thursday afternoon:

hahaha my snowman, george II, has a horn. =p
today (sat.), when we got an extra light sheet of snow! and yes, this is my doggie. and he is my baby. =3

and we have this HUGE HUGE HUGE hill that our house is on top of (hence the view ^_^). my brother and i sledded down it!!! omg it was SO much fun!! ^_^ this is us sledding...or rather me filming while we were sledding. XD sorry it has no audio...i can't figure out how to put sound on...
quote of the day "People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing." -Dale Carnegie
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Monday, December 18, 2006
oh, man...last time i posted was thanksgiving? >_< sorry.....school is poop. for school i'm in key club and earthworks club, but i'm also in a club outside of school about environmental protection but specifically for birds, and then there's chinese school and also a place where i volunteer for autistic kids. and they're ALL on saturday mornings. so i usually have to juggle them all around...and with all the tests and projects the teachers have been giving us....UGH. oh yes, and the piano recital way back when....xp
we recently got a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE windstorm (but it ended up having a LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT of lightening and thumder and rain too - it snowed literally 1-3 feet in ONE night in the mountains!!). and now over 700,000 houses don't have electricity...it was last thursday when the storm came and the lights were flickering on and off...and then they finally just went out. we were w/o electricity for like two days, then everything came back on again for ONE MINUTE, and then they all went out again. x______x but the day after that we got our heater working again for good. xp there are still a LOT of people who don't have any electricity though...
so today and tomorrow (the last days of school before winter break) HAVE NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!
anywho...guess what???? remember how my really really really really really good friend kiki moved allll the way across the country this summer??? well she's coming back for christmas!!!! yaaaayyyy!!!! i'm so excited. ^_^
ok....not much else then. ^_^ hope everyone's doing okay!!! i'll be checking everybody's sites today. XD
quote of the day in a letter to helen keller "Fate narrowed the world you live in, but you have burst the bonds of fate and contrived to make us...think better of the world." -Charles T. Copeland, Harvard professor and Keller's former teacher
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Friday, November 24, 2006
sweefundunger GASP!
guess what??? i actually submitted some new stuff to my portfolio on theO!!!! *everyone gazes in astonishment* even though it's only 2 wallpapers....XD
how was everyone's thanksgiving? ours was small but still yummy! what are your favorite turkey day foods??? i like stuffing, cranberry sauce, candied yams, and mashed potatoes. oh and pumpkin pie too. ^_^ what about you guys?
quote of the day "There are two worlds: the world that we can measure with line and rule and the world that we feel with our heart and imagination." -Helen Keller
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Wednesday, November 8, 2006
sweefundunger X__________________X
talk about busy...
volleyball, slipping grades, piano recitals, chinese school, chinese mid-terms, switching up to pre-calc, history day, hw, english essays...it's a good thing we have thursday and friday off. xp
so yyyeah....sorry i haven't been around....the above is why. X_X
and i noticed that i haven't been submitting ANY art to theO....it's all going to my DA account. mostly cuz i'm not that into drawing anime anymore....xp but please look at some of my stuff! ^_^
The Old and Wise
I hear someone singing...
Quiet Fire
Puppy Love
quote of the day (i dunno if i've already used this one but w/e...) "Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks, 'They're only animals.'" -Adorno Theodor, Holocaust survivor
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Sunday, October 22, 2006
oh, man....i haven't been here in FOREVER, have i??? sorry. >_<
basically my excuse is...school. HWHWHWHWHHWHWHWHWHW OMG I HATE MY ENGLISH TEACHER. yyyeah...ugh. so much freakin' hw....TT_TT
anyhow....one of the assistant principals said that he'd be willing to be my history day teacher.....so now i finally can compete! =D but first i need to find out how to sign up for the regionals competition. and get a good video editing program. and decide on my topic (rachel carson or helen keller? keep in mind the theme is triumph and tradgedy this year, and i'm deciding to be more unique and center on women's rights w/ these ppl rather than environment and disabilities. please help me decide!!). so yesh. i need to call our state representative...
the school vb season ended too. :( made me sad....vb was always the highlight of my day. but i got some good info. on club ball, which is like select soccer or basketball except for volleyball. so hopefull i'll make it on....
i might move up in math classes too. i'm in advanced algebra/trigonometry 3, but all the stuff that we've been doing this past month i've learned in 7th grade. so i might move up to pre-calc. but the only problem is that there's one thing i haven't learned yet that we're supposed to learn this year in adv. alg./trig.3, and that's log....so my current teacher gave me a book to learn it. and i've been looking through it today....but also since already a whole month of school has passed, i'm gonna need to catch up REALLY bad w/ the rest of the pre-calc ppl if i move. PLUS i'll have to COMPLETELY re-arrange my schedule. :\ so i kinda don't want to move. but at the same time i do cuz the only ONE thing i haven't learned yet that i'm supposed to learn this year is log. TT_TT
yeah. nothing else new, really.
hope you guys are doing great! :)
quote of the day "Oh beautiful, for-smoggy skies, insecticided grain! "For strip-mined mountain's majesty above the asphalt plain! "America, America, Man sheds his waste on thee "And hides the pines with billboard signs from sea to oily sea!" -George Carlinps--lookit my pics of my bug bites from taiwan!! and these are just VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY FEW of them...

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Sunday, October 1, 2006
oh, man....sorry i haven't been on AT ALL....i have been SO busy.
vb's taking up ALL my time. and then there's trying to keep up w/ earthworks club and key club too....xp
well i'm trying to work out my schedule so that i have enough time for computers......and seeing my friends......
i've been missing taiwan lately. :\ yet when i was there i missed here.....i dunno. i guess my 2 months in it over the summer got me attatched. i miss the CHEAPCHEAPCHEAP clothes, jewelry, FOOD, milk tea, bubble tea, shaved ice.....green bean milkshakes....."egg cookies" (as kiki translates it....XD)......and my family. and my friends from the summer school.
and kiki.
she's on the other side of the country now. and she is gonna stay there. and i miss her. :( especially at chinese school...cuz that's when i usually see her. and when she's not there i get so lonely. :(
i still email her and stuff....and her mom's coming to visit this october...so i hope i can give something i made for kiki to her mom...so that she can give it to kiki for me. she's not adjusting very well to the east-coast environment....
but what more can i do than continue supporting her through email?
anyhow.....i was at piano lessons last wednesday...and as i was leaving the girl who's supposed to go next after me came in (but this was like her first time or something cuz i had never seen her before after piano). and she suddenly looked so familiar to me. she was like..a little 5-year-old asian girl. ((ADORABLE)) and my teacher was like, "hey, selena..." and right as i was leaving and closed the door behind me i remembered....last year i was a CIT at a preschool camp and selena was one of the kids i watched there!!! x3 and she was like my favorite just cuz she was so cute!!! omg!!! and now she has the same piano teacher as me! XD she's so big now.....x3
lol. and yesterday i went to cinfv's party. it was to celebrate an indian festival that i can't spell/pronounce. xp but it was fun, cuz i got to eat indian food (YUM!) and see a whole bunch of my buddies from my old school. :) so yesh.
quote of the day "Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks, 'They're only animals.'" -Adorno Theodor, Holocaust survivor
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
school = death.
ooook.....so. there's hw. and then there's studying. and then there's volleyball games (which take FOREVER). and then there's volleyball practice (which take even longer). and then there's piano lessons. and then there's practicing piano. and then there's chinese school. and then there's chinese school hw. and then there's earthworks club. and then there's trying to convince teachers to support me for nhd. and then there's trying to figure out how to sign up for nhs. and then there's key club.
and i wanna do yoga too....
i don't think that's possible. :(
we have early dismissal on wednesdays, so IDEALLY there should be more time for hw. but each piece of hw we get takes like...an hour for me. just cuz i wanna make sure i'm really thorough with everything and our math book words the sentences all weird so it's tough to figure out. but right after school on wednesdays i have like 45 minutes and then piano lessons and then maybe another 45 minutes and then vb practice and then dinner so by the time i'm actually able to start on hw, it's the same time as every other day......
school's not exactly something i look forward to. i actually dread going, but once i'm there it's not SO bad. i guess i'm just feeling too tired and stressed out. ugh.
and i heard sophmore year it's worse......O_<
at least i have ceramics class to look forward to everyday...except thursday. xp and PE is okay...i just hate doing the "personal fitness" worksheets (you're not supposed to do worksheets in PE!!!) and doing stuff in the weight-room. cuz then your hands smell like the dumbbells. and they smell pretty gross. x_x
yeah. that's pretty much what my whole life is now. just. school. grades. vb. school. grades. vb.
vb is probably the best part of the day...it just takes forever.
BUT GUESS WHAT? we won our first game of the season on the 18th!!! and our coach ran a set of 6s for us cuz we won!! ^^ um....a 6 is like running back and forth between the sidelines 6 times basically....yeah....we do 2 of them for warm-ups. xp but i guess it's not so bad.
i think the main reason for all my stressing though is cuz i keep telling myself that i want to do this and this and this (which is all extra stuff that i don't even need to do for school or anything...it's just stuff that i feel like i absolutely HAVE to do. and it feels like it's never gonna end.) so i write it in my planner.....and i have some weird psychological problem or something cuz every time i look at my planner and it's all scribbled in w/ writing, i get REALLY stressed. like i'll go over it 30 times just to sort out what order i'm doing everything in, and when, and how....so that it would be most convenient...and if i can make it in bed by 9 or 9:30 by the time i'm finished.....
quote of the day "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Friday, September 8, 2006
sweefundunger TGIF!!!!!!!
wow....i have been SO busy lately. >_<
volleyball practice, volleyball games, first week of school, homework, tests, quizzes, chinese school starts tomorrow, buying all my supplies for school, getting all my freakin' syllabi signed....
anyhow....high school seems to be pretty good. :) all the teachers seem like they're really nice....the worst is my math teacher, but he's ok...he's just....serious. and boring. -_-' and he like JUST graduated.
i'm taking spanish 3, honors biology, honors freshmen composition (basically honors english xp...but really it's not even real honors cuz EVERY freshman has to take it), advanced algebra/trigonometry 3 (errrrr i hate trig), myp computer applications (for this semester, next semester i'm having foundations world history instead of comp. apps.), ceramics (next semester i'm having digital art instead...though i wanted drawing and painting. :( ), and 9th core PE. yup.
we're JUST doing fitness testing now. and we just did the mile run today. and i did horribly. no, seriously, i did horribly. over 10 minutes on the mile run.....NOTHING that i've been getting (or will get, i know it) have been meeting up w/ presidential standards. ERRRRRR!!!! *blows steam from nose* I MUST IMPROOOOOOOOOOOOVE!!!!!!!!!!! so now i got a whole excersize schedule thing that i'm gonna work on everyday.
plus w/ volleyball...i got on the worst team for the school. :( it's still A LOT of fun, and i can tell that i'm improving a lot though....i HOPE (but highly doubt) that i can make it into club vb. cuz i KNOW that'll make me improve A TON. like up to varsity level a ton. doesn't matter if i'm w/ a "bad" club or not, as long as i play club, i know i'll improve. so i REALLY wanna make it in....but you have to try out for it. and that's why i'm not gonna make it...
oh well....gotta at least try, right?
also i'd like to start an ecology club at my new school.....so i'm gonna email this one staff person today about it.
and our school doesn't do history day.....remember that guys???? wayyy back when cinfv and i made a documentary on the berlin wall and placed 6th at state (and how i was SO SO SO--and still am--mad at it)???? yeah i wanna make an individual documentary this year...but since the school doesn't do it, i'm trying to talk to my history teacher about it....i know i probably don't have a good shot though...cuz i'm the ONLY student who wants to compete. and they're not gonna go through all that trouble for only ONE student. ugh.
hope hope hope hope....i've been doing a lot of "hoping" and "working" recently so that the hope can actually happen.
so now i'm just TIRED.
well....friday, right? chinese school and VB GAME tomorrow!!!!!
quote of the day "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." -Upton Sinclair
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
 ^ me at my chinese/taiwanese summer camp. :)well WAY too much has happened since i last updated, so i'll just do a quick briefing. ^_~
sooo...basically the summer school thing i was at took us on a trip every week, and at the end, we have a graduation trip (3 days). after dan shui, we went to yi-lan (a SMALL waterpark). for our graduation trip, we went to an amuesment park for the first day. i went on this roller-coaster w/ a whole bunch of loops and spins 2x. THAT WAS SO FUN. plus i got a cute lil doggie plushie there. x3 they had a roller coaster with a VERTICAL DROP that my friends went on. but i COULDN'T do that one. >_< too scary!!!
second day we went to xito and ri yue tan, which are like scenic places. ^^ very pretty. unfortunately i had gotten bitten by a horse fly or something at the amusement park and got one of my major reactions (why must my body react so seriously to bug bites?? TT_TT) again, except that time it was worse cuz it swelled to a H U G E size REALLY fast. so i spent a lot of time hiding in the bus. >____<
third day was the best. WE WENT TO A HUGE-MONGUS WATERPARK!!! it had waterslides SEVEN stories high!! AND BEACH VOLLEYBALL!!! unfortunately the fly bite was right on my wrist where i'm supposed to receive the ball, so i couldn't play for long. :( but there was this one ride-like thing where you're in an inner tube and slide almost STRAIGHT down from about seven stories high...and it's kinda like a skateboard park where you go UP and down and UP and down. SO FUN!!! and kiki (yes, she went on our graduation trip w/ us even though she was at a different camp-i'll explain that later) was going w/ me and was REALLY freaked out, so she asked the saftey supervisor guy if the front or the back was scarier, and he said the back. so she sat in the front, and i sat in the back. then once we were all set and everything the guy said to her, "remember how i told you that the back is scarier? well it's actually the front!" and then he just PUSHED us off! XD lol SO fun. :)
so yeah...kiki quit her camp. had to pay extra, and her reason for quitting was good enough that she got to arrange to go to our graduation trip with us. basically her reason was cuz her roomies wrongly accused her of stealing some PENS and made such a huge deal out of it that the police became involved. and if you leave a police record in taiwan, you can't go back. almost ALL of kiki's relatives are over there. >_>
anyhow, the day after graduation trip was over, almost everyone (including me) left the camp--last day. we were all crying cuz we became such good friends w/ the counselors and each other. :( it was sad...
then i met up with my home family who had JUST arrived in taiwan and stayed in taiwan for another (pretty eventless) week and a half. then we went to japan. B) though that was kinda eventless too...just mostly walking around and seeing what there is to see.
we were supposed to leave the 23rd, but there ended up being a big problem with our plane, so they delayed the flight to the 24th. SO they put us in this REALLY fancy hotel for a night, and it was right next to TOKYO DISNEYLAND!!!!!! so of course we went there. and it was awesome, except we didn't make it in time for the haunted mansion. :( the park closes at 10, and we got there at about 7-ish. plus waiting in LINES takes forever. >_< space mt. really wasn't worth that wait...
then we came home, picked up our dog from sakki's (YAY!), and settled back in. :)
but then kiki left to move ACROSS THE COUNTRY from us a little after we got back. :( at least i got to see her on her last day....
i also found out that volleyball had already started at my school (even though school hasn't started yet), so i joined, got on the worst team (>_<), and am having lots of fun! i can definately say that i'm already improving tons though. ^^
ok...done debriefing. that really was NOT that short, was it...? heh. oh well. sorry.
quote of the day (from potc2--AWESOME movie) tortuga lady 1: jack sparrow? tortuga lady 2: i haven't seen him in a month. tortuga lady 1: when you find him, be sure to give him this message. *SLAP*." XD XD lolps--new layout bg is a picture of dawn from our back porch. =D song is chinese, called "yu jian," or to...um..basically to meet (with) another person. i suck at translating. xp
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