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myOtaku.com: RiniChan

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

   Moonlight Shadow
Thanks for everyone who signed my GuestBook..<3 to you all ^_^ It makes me happy that 3 people actually looked at my site XD I thought no one was going to because of all the people who joined this site -_-; I was also told to add a Background image but i kinda like the black..Sorry but i dont like images like that in the back..But i will add pictures..They are my speciality ^____^ *Copy and paste i guess..*


I wanna get kissed like that..One day im going to because if i dont i will force them to damn it ^_^; That pic is so sweet *Cries* ToT


Mellow picture ^_^ It is greatly detailed and stuff..I can look at it for hours and not get tired it is so good..I want a big chair like her..


Another fire picture *_* I love fire and lightning..I like mean guys i dont know why but im just attracted to them..*wishful sigh* Its not like i dont like nice guys <.< I like nice guys..But i am more magnet toward bad boys XD


Remember this episode? Poor little boy..But i have to admit..He is cute when he was bad..I think he was cute when he was sad and happy too ^_^ I liked when he got tied to the bed then he started crying..*Ooops i think i gave it away O_o*

And of course my idol..


MARIK BABY! yea..Just as sexy as Mustang and Shadow and Riku and all of those anime/game boys i love..<3 X 1244683


I also know a site where i can read free Japanese yaoi manga *_* That is why that pic looks like a cover because it is ^_^ and the one before it is a page from the manga called Hello Marik..I think it was Marik and Yami mmmmm...

And last and least my favorite picture from DeviantArt *The photo buying site thingy*


I think that picture is great..And not beacuse it has blood lol..Thats all i have time for now because i gotta eat >.< Thanks again for the people who showed me love on my GB and hope you like the pictures ^___^

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