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Monday, December 31, 2007
The New Year
I just have to take a few minutes out of my day to wish everyone of my friends a Happy New Year. I am so lucky to have all of you who support me and I know this is going to sound really afterschool special but I love all of you as well. I may not always be on my site because growing up is a bittersweet process and I've sorta turned away from my anime roots but I will always be loyal to everyone here no matter what. I truly appreciate all of you. There are some special words I'd like to say to specific people even if they don't get to read them:
Lord Sesshoumaru/Chris:
You are so funny and you know exactly how to brighten my day with your wit, intentionally or not. I always enjoy reading your posts when I get the chance because they always make me smile. You are one cool cat. Yes, I actually said that. I can't wait to see what the new year holds for you!
Fantasy Hearts: You are also one cool cat. I appreciate that you always comment on whatever it is I have to say and that your loyalty never wavers. We have so much in common. I'm sorry if I don't always appreciate you like I should. I'm glad to be starting the new year with you as my loyal friend.
AngelofDeath: Hello my dearest friend and teacher. You taught me everything I know and have helped me grow and taught me to be a better person and a better artist. I miss you and will never forget you and I will always look back on our John the Toliet days with a smile. Thank you for being one of my best friends and being in my life. I love you.
NekoVampLuna: What can I say besides Lalihoi! We've made it to a new year! You are and always will be my best friend whether you are Quince from a Midsummer Night's Dream, Raine from Final Fantasy 8, Misoka from my story dedicated to you and Zero/Zach, or just plain Shanin Duncan. I love you and I miss you and I hope to see you again one day.
Well, my friends if I have missed you, I apologize but the truth is that you are all very special to me and I can't wait to start a new glorious year full of hope and possibilities and above all things love and the love we all share for anime that brought us all together. You are my friends and that is worth everything.
Here's to a new Year 2008!
Much Love, Rinoa~***** <3
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
Greetings and Salutations!!!
Yes, it's me again. Finally. Le glomp again because I've once again managed to be gone forever!!! I've been so busy!! I designed the t-shirt for my senior class and won and I was also voted Most Artistic in our senior superlatives!!! Isn't that cool? I've also been devoting my time to cutting my hair in punkier by the day styles and Twilight of course and to brewing an original awesome novel of my own without a whole lot of success. Despite the constant break downs due to stress and Nazi teachers I've managed to keep as sane as physically and more importantly mentally possible. Hello, everyone, I know I haven't been here in awhile but I will try as much as possible to stop by. My faithful commenters, who comment no matter what HOO-HAH I post (that's right-HOO-HAH). It's been awhile. So long in fact, that it feels strange. Happy Holidays everyone!
Much Love, Rinoa~*
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Monday, November 19, 2007
As you can see, my theme for once, is not Rinoa, instead Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. For all those who are fans you know why. You just have to read it to understand the love...the devotion...the passion...the obsession....
Wow. I haven't posted in a long time.
FYI, I'm sooo on the Cullen's side. Edward Cullen is mine. That's basically all there is to it. I'm not a fan of Jacob Black. Edward is sexy, did I mention that? I don't do werewolves. Don't get me wrong, I respect them, but I'm sooo a VAMPIRE GIRL!
Can you blame me?
Much Love, Rinoa~*
P.S. Edward is sexy.
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
My first week of school
My first week of school was awesome! I have three ap classes and none of them have anything to do with math or science since i no longer need credit for those. Yay! I love being a senior! I have three cousins in school and two are freshman so i get to kinda take them under my senior wing of invincibilty. I did cut my hair and i will try to post pictures. I'm still writing my fanfic from X-2 but little by little. Oh yeah! I got to tell off my ex boyfriend and that was liberating! I feel so much better! Life is really good for me right now and i'm glad and i hope it continues. Homecoming is Sept. 22 and drama starts next thurs! Lalihoi! Swing Swing! Oh yeah, i now have a facebook account!
Much Love, Rin~*
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Friday, August 17, 2007
My Senior Year Begins
My senior year in high school starts in two more days so i won't be on for awhile but i won't forget to stop by eventually! Wish me luck! And kisses to all my online friends that actually comment on the crap i post! I love school and i will be joining drama (i hear they're doing a musical this year) and the talent show once again! I'll keep you all posted! ^_^ ~_'
Much Love, Rin~ *~})i({~*
P.S. I'm cutting my hair like Yuna's for the new school year! Bold and Cute!
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
Just a little hey
Sorry I haven't been on. It's been a busy summer with an endless vortex of change. As you can see, I have new music posted and I am going to get the 7th Harry Potter book tomorrow. Therefore, I will be unavailable for the next three days and I probably won't update for a while. I quit my job because they treated me like crap and anyway school is starting for me soon. Enjoy my new melodies!
Much Love Rin~
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
Summer Job
Sorry i haven't been on here lately! I've been busy fishing for jobs and i finally got one! I start working as a waitress in a local Retirement home monday or tuesday. I've even had to put off all my fanfics bcuz it's been so chaotic! Also, I've been working dilligently on my Seymour costume and it is coming out AWESOME! I'm a perfectionist and so i will settle for no less than a perfect match to seymour in the game. My thing with seymour is that i'm not like fangirl attracted to him, i just think that he is an awesome villian. He's like the boss that never ends and Anima is also quite a plus! If he didn't have such a feminine voice I'd probably have the hots for him. But they say Lord Sesshoumaru is feminine looking and i still have the hots for him. To me, Lord Sesshoumaru is so certain of his masculinity that he can pull of the whole feminine look! Anyway, once i have pictures of my costume i'll be sure to post them so keep a weather eye! Next year for Jacon i'll enter in the costume cabaret and see if i can win a prize! My friend did sango this year and she will be doing wedding Yuna with me for next year. I would like to say a special otaku hello to Hayner, Fantasy Hearts, NekoVampLuna and Lord Sesshoumaru! Nice to be back guys! ^_^
Much Love, Rin~
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
Just Random Tidbits
Okay, last night i was up until 12:45 summarizing the final chapter and the epilogue of my fanfic with Gippal in it! And i must say that it is pretty freakin awesome and that when i'm done i can guarantee that you all will know about it and that it will be available for reading on fanfiction.net! There is something i must confess, however. I LOVE GIPPAL! I think he is one of the most awesome characters in 10-2 despite all the other bishies. He is just cool. Another thing, I want to thank all of you who commented on my dilemma yesterday (special shout out to Fantasy Hearts) and i will be taking your advice! I also discovered the following: I am an insomniac who never sleeps, brims with creativity even in my rare occassional dream, and glows with a radioactive passion for my ideas. And it seems that my best ideas come up when i am lacking sleep. Also, pens and paper are the cornerstone of my potential and possibilities; creativity is the foundation for my existence. I know i sound a bit conceited, but when i get good ideas i just know it and it's not often that i get praised or praise myself at all. So i have temporary licence to be rather full of myself. I draw quite nicely as well but my dad won't let me use his scanner to post my artwork. Another thing: in this day and age of advanced technology, why can't Morton's Salt brand of table salt find a better way to distribute their product rather than a paper cylinder with a metal tab that you have to shove your fingernail underneath in order to open it. Painful. Anyway, back to my brilliance and the awesome fanfic. Yes, i think it has something that will appeal to almost everyone. Lemon for you perverts (myself included). Fighting and guts for all you psychos. Despair and emotional pain for all you emo kids. Comedy for all you comedians. Drama for all you drama geeks (myself included). Action for all those who are easily bored. Romance for all you Romeos and Juliets. The only thing i could not cram into it (and i would've if it would've fit in with the plot) is Yaoi or Yuri. But even without that i think it has a pretty fresh and creative and intriguing plot. For those of you taking the time to read all this, I commend you! And for all of you who will read the story and give me your feedback when you are done, I have an idea: Let's elope, wash cadavers, be penniless bohemian beggars in canada and let's all get married! When i grow up, I want to be a SeeD in a Garden!
Much Love, Rin~
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Guys i'm tinkering around with my site so if anything odd happens to it please forgive me. I am attempting to better it but alas, I'm computer retarted! -_-' BTW does anybody remember how in FF10 in Bevelle you have to defeat Issaru aeon vs. aeon? If so i would like some feedback on how to beat him. He keeps whipping me with his gay-ly named aeons. I always manage to stay alive until he brings out Bahamut! ^^' Help is appreciated! Thanx!
Much Love, Rin
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the Colors high.
Heave ho,
thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.
The king and his men
stole the queen from her bed
and bound her in her Bones.
The seas be ours
and by the powers
where we will we�ll roam.
Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the Colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.
Some men have died
and some are alive
and others sail on the sea
� with the keys to the cage�
and the Devil to pay
we lay to Fiddler�s Green!
The bell has been raised
from it�s watery grave�
Do you hear it�s sepulchral tone?
We are a call to all,
pay head the squall
and turn your sail toward home!
Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the Colors high�
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.
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