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• rinoa_heartilly611
• 1989-05-16
• Balamb Garden
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• 2005-12-04
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• 2002
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• um...learn to drive.
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• "I have many skills." - Xena: Warrior Princess
| Rinoa Heartilly07
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I've got this theory...
Yeah, I'm solidly convinced the world is dead set against me. Particularly Caraway and my house phone.
So I overslept by about an hour, getting up at the time I'm supposed to be leaving the house. I hurry and get dressed, after asking if Caraway would be kind enough to take me to the Garden. After agreeing, I finish getting dressed, then get told to stay home. So I stay home and go back to sleep.
I finally get up around 11 am, and I start telling Caraway that I made a phone call and stuff, then the General starts demanding the stupid trivial details of the phone call. That starts an arugment.
I go to my room. I come out two minutes later to get something to eat since I'm starving, and I get yelled at about the stupid computer! Caraway starts blaming the computer as to why I overslept and starts telling me that I can only be on it until 9 pm every evening. ajkasd ofijuawel;ijasdfn l Not only was that random, it is completely uncalled for! I fix the computer when it breaks, I repair damage viruses do to it when the general opens a file that is not safe!! I present valid arguement after valid arguement as to why that rule is unreasonable and all the General can say is "I'm the adult and I said so. You need to learn your place." ajl;kdfi;aw er;awbnajsdf "You need to walk away now because I'm getting angry, and if I'm angry we won't work anything out, will we?" klafdjfa;ifu awenasldfjk alkfnjawo' rueq'owenf'afjo wl9ufja'obfd
If it weren't for me, the computer would have died a long time ago.
So then I get on the computer later in the day and I'm on for maybe 15 minutes trying to check my email, myotaku, etc, and every few minutes Caraway wants something. "Open the door, do this" What the bloody hell? Then I get told that I get 30 minutes left, then I need to do some stuff. alsdfj a;wljiero;wjke ;faklsfnm; lasfahsfdl;
So I get off the damn computer and do what I need to do, then while I'm doing some chores,I get told off that I don't know my place and some other not good things. I get yelled at for staying home. If I had gone, and come home complaining about long my day was the response would have been thus: "Go to bed earlier. I said you could stay home."
I'm so frustrated. Then that stupid phone keeps ringing non stop. I want 10 minutes without Caraway doing something or saying something. I just want to be left alone. Carawy tells me to go to bed at 9:30 at night. "You're tired." "But I'm not sleepy." "Get off the computer."
Everything is about taht stupid computer. I want to break it so badly. Just hack it into a bunch of pieces.
papers are constantly being rustled and moved about. I hate the sound. I want quiet so I can listen to music. It's so agitating to have that going in the background when you're trying to watch an AMV or the questions "who's blah blah blah?"
No one ever listens to me. Squall doesn't. Caraway doesn't. It's like they all tune me out or something. I try talking about something, I mention something, and 2 seconds later, they're asking me about information I already said to them. I swear Squall's going deaf. It's just sucks. It all just sucks.
I wish I had gone to school today. I'm actually looking forward to going tomorrow.
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