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myOtaku.com: RinoaSquall4ever

Saturday, May 21, 2005

   Anime Night
Hey everyone.
I am watching Zatch Bell right now. It's the first show.
It seems very interesting. ^^

Well glad that you guys likes my new layout. ^^
And also thank you to my friends that went and saw my fanart. And thanks for the suggestion, ElvesAteMyRamen. ^^

Well... today is Anime Night! And they will have the InuYasha movie!! YAY! I can't wait. And they will also have Samurai Champloo!

Bugs are popping out again... which is starting to irratate me. Ugh.

Well, only three more days till summer break!!! ^^ YAY! I can't wait.

Well I have to go now. ByeBye! I will visit your sites soon!

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