I am so frikin sorry that I couldn't make it to your sites yesterday! I said I would, but I only got to like three sites... and then I had to go somewhere... and then when I got home, I couldn't get on the computer because my parents wouldn't let me. ARGH. I'm very sorry! I will get to sites today! *bows*
So yesterday, Anime Night was awesome! Of course InuYasha movie was a blast, even though I alreday have it and watched it like five times... I get bored easily, so I watch a movie. I got use of watching the japanese version of the movie, so some of the english diolouge was WAY different from the japanese.
Samurai Champloo was awesome too! Man, I felt sorry for the guy that people called him a monster. So tragic at the end. X_X
It is getting so frikin hot outside! Usually I don't like swimming, but today would be a PERFECT day for swimming. YUP. I just don't want the chlorine to get into my hair and all... wish people would get the salt system thing instead of chlorine. Bleh.
*sigh* Tomorrow's a school day... *sigh* I am so tired.
Well don't forget, to InuYasha's fans, they will be starting NEW InuYasha shows starting next Saturday at 10 PM central... or 11 PM eastern/pacific... and so on.
Well I am off to go visit your sites!! ^^

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