I haven't been on in a LONG time!! I just wanted a little hiatus in MyO. Some of you guys might have noticed... maybe not, but I turned off my site for awhile.
And I changed my layout! I hope you guys likes it. =] The girl is the protagonist in the manga, Princess Ai. The post might be hard to read... so maybe I'll try to find a better color to make it easier to read.
ALOT of things happen during my high school life... but I won't explain about it. =P
So... have you guys heard of Hurricane Rita?? She's coming toward us!! Aah! Even though we're up above the high lands... we're still evacuating... just to be safe. AND GUESS WHAT?? I have NO SCHOOL today nor Friday!! And who knows if we have school on Monday... but I am worried about my school... *sigh* So, I have to pack... all my mangas, video games, DVDs, CDs, laptop... and a whole LOT more things! Even though it never flooded in our neighborhood, I'm taking EVERYTHING off the frikin floor. But I don't think its gonna be worse than Katrina or as bad as Katrina either.
And I think my school is gonna get flooded... because its built like a bowl like New Orleans was. What joy...
I didn't want to take my textbooks home... but they made us take it home... GRR. LOL.
*sigh* Well I'll try to get to some sites... and I'll be off trying to pack more stuff.
And for the rest of the day... we'll be stuck out in traffic evacuating.
Sayonara and have a nice day!!!

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