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somewhere in my own little world.. i think they call it hell, don't they?..
Member Since
track runner..oh..and also a JV volleyball player at my High School
Real Name
Erin (man..i hate my name..)
eh? i didn't think they would ask that so um..well..ill think of them and tell you later..
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
InuYasha!!!! (i just love Sesshoumaru though..), Trigun. YuYu Hakusho, Wolfs Rain, Naruto, Ranma 1/2, Cowboy Beebop, FLCL, Case Closed, Love Hina, Gravitation(i know, i know..) and..uh.. when i think of the rest i'll tell you..
be a writer.. maybe in a band for a lil while whith my one friend and to go to Georiga.. I can't wait to see you Sen!!! <3 ya!!..oh.. and Japan too. that would be sweet,
anying and everything anime or manga related!! ^.^..oh! and writing various things
the few people i let read my writing say i have a talent for it...
Hey there. I'm finally trying to open up to people and trust them a little more so I thought I would start by posting some of the things I write. I would really like it if you would leave a comment on it, good or bad, just so I know what others think about it and if I should continue or not. thanks. enjoy your visit

give RinsRose more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
Friday, April 1, 2005
What is life than just a mere game? A twisted versus of fates where there are no winners but, all just losers whom wonder the board aimlessly looking for a goal? A life can no more be controlled by yourself than the one called destiny. Our lives, our being, our souls, are no more than pons in the game of checkers; playing pieces in the game of life. Our minds are trained to follow the lead of the grand masters; the competitors. We serve our penalties and receive our materialistic rewards. This means nothing though. The board is a never ending circle of endless possibilities; endless mistakes. We play our part as a no one in each step; each roll of the die. But we walk continually into each new day; each new draw of a card; each new square on the board. The game is one of the ages, one as old as the sky we look up to. The game is that of Time..
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Friday, February 4, 2005
Tears of blood
Slit thy wrists and watch it flow, this pain of forgiveness you will never know. You shall not fret for your enemies that lie dead, but only your image in the mirror. This crimson water trickles down onto thy soul, but you shall never know. Never know of what you have caused for the lowsome beings on which you walk. The ones you kill have no ill will for you, nor can they speak a word to your ignorant soul, but only wither as the tears of blood shed flow.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
the feelings of betrayal still linger as your hazed vision comes to clear. the bitter taste they left in your memory fades into the endless void as the winds of renewal blow past. the wound in your heart begins to heal as their burning words are distinguished with the ever strengthening currents of emotion. as the crisp winds blow against your back it renews your need for revenge but, it leaves a haunting feeling in the depths of your soul. you look around, only to realize you are alone and they are not. you have lost this emphasized battle, but your war of true hearts is drawing closer.
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