froku (03/25/05)
Hi thanx for signing my GB. I'll a d you as a friend
DejikoNyo (03/25/05)
Your site is cool Nyo! YEPPY MORE INUYASHA FANS!!!Nyo Ahahaha...sry lol ^^ I luv you Icon! Where did you get it! Well Inuyasha ROCKS! and umm yeah C Ya Nyo!
Michiyo Shimizu (03/25/05)
Hello! I like your site, I like the song, but it keeps repeating.. hehehe. You're Heather's sister? cool!!! I love the bg, it's so kawaii!!! and you're the same as me, except, you're now older by one year.. T.T I'll add u as friend, and if u know what ur sister and I talk about, *sniffles* then welcome! ^-^
kate1 (03/24/05)
i love your site
kagomeinuyasha199 (03/24/05)
Cool site!!! Love ti!! Pm me sometime!!! Hope we can be friends!!!!
Marik2112 (03/24/05)
RACHEL!!!! *Leaps on you* Hiiiii!!! ^^ Great site you got, love the music!! I'll add you as a friend!!
shippo-souten (03/24/05)
hello there! thaxxz 4 signing my gestbook i lov ur site if u need help just pm me! ur sister is so cool i lov to be ur friend i added u as a friend okay> thaxxz bi!
HalfDemonInuyasha (03/24/05)
Yeah, Inuyasha rocks! I love your background. It looks really cool! Hope to talk to you on AIM or something
bmc2rocks (03/24/05)
hey wass up... if you need any help with your site, just ask... i hope that your days at myotaku are long and fun +^.^+ i'll add you as a friend and stop by somemore...see ya later ^^
::History is like an Endless Waltz in three-four time. The Never-Ending steps of War, Peace, and Revolution::
InuGirl 22 (03/24/05)
Hay rachael ^^ just sayin hi, and i add you as a freind!! mahahah!! inuyasha is mine!!