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Student at High School and Hostess
Real Name
Rita Jaganshi
I married Hiei...XD And now I'm in high school, in band, and a squad leader. :]
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh! and Yu-Yu Hakusho are my two main ones. :P
To become a Web Art Director and get better at my instrument in well as try to get more involved in here. <3
Watch TV, play on the computer, play video games, ride cars and motorcycles, and drawing them too!!^_^ (I'm secretly trying to take over the world...but don't tell anyone! ^^)
Um...I can play an instrument, and I'm fairly good at anything I try. :D I can also write well. ;P <3
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Thursday, May 20, 2004
New idea!!!!!!!!!
Wow, I was reading this fanfic on and it gave me a great idea!! I didn't take the author's idea though, I just got the basic things and stuff, and made it to fit my story. Once again, I did not steal their idea. Now my story has a new twist, if you want call it that. I just thought I might tell you. Even though some of you may not care...*nervous laugh* Ummm...anywayz, here's another YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!!
You name your radio Botan because it won't shut up.
LOL!!! Yeah right now I'm listening to the radio and it won't
shut up. *sigh* Does it ever?
Hiei: Yes. When you turn it off.
Me: -_-* I knew that...I think...
Hiei: *sigh* Come on, your dad's taking us to eat something...somewhere.
Me: Oh, yeah! He oughta be here soon! Bye pplz!! ^_^ ^_~
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Here's a quiz 4 u ppl!! ^_^
Hope ya like it!'s 4 girls
 Your charm is...Cute!
What is Your Attractive Charm? -- for girls brought to you by Quizilla
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Here's some more pplz!! ^_^
~Later in 2nd period~~
"Whoa!!" I exclaimed as I saw Hiei zoom past me after kicking the dodgeball all the way across the football field. I just stared at him wide-eyed as he passed the base and made a 'home run'. He stood right beside me since I had alredy kicked, and I was still shocked but excited at the same time. "Good job Hiei" I said. He turned his head the other way but I could still see a small smile on his face.
~~End of 2nd period~~
"Come on Tyler, I don't wanna be late for math! Besides, I still
have to show Hiei where our math class is!!" I said hurriedly.
"I'm comin, I'm coming!!" Tyler responded. "Our math class huh? Sounds to me like you might have a crush on Hiei" She said as she winked at me.
"Shut up Tyler. I have more important things to worry about than having a boyfriend!" I said.
"Like what?" She asked
I checked my watch. "Like getting to class on time!! Bye Tyler!!"
"Bye Rita! Oh, and don't forget about Hiei!!"
I turned around to see her smiling. I sighed and went to look for Hiei.
~~2 minutes later~~
"Hiei?" I asked aloud. I saw him sitting down on a bench and his things scattered all over the floor. I gasped and ran to him. "Hiei are you ok?" I asked.
"Hn" Was all he said.
I sighed. "Who did this?!" I asked him. No response. "Come on Hiei you can tell me!" I smiled at him. "Fine don't tell me. But I will find out who it was and when I do they're dead!!"
"No need. I can do this by myself" He said looking up at me.
I smiled. "Ok fine but I'll be watching!" I winked at him. "Come on Hiei. We don't wanna be late!!" I said cheerfully. I helped him gather his things and we went to math...
Welp, there's some more! Tomorrow I'll put up 3rd period ok?! *sigh* Well, we got our yearbooks today and most ppl signed mine. I also found out why Hernan said he hated me! I asked Jose, his friend, why again and he said that it was b/c Hernan liked me. And he was also mad at me b/c of something I had said. Tomorrow I'll say sorry 4 whatever it was that I said and I hope everything will turn out ok. Welp, here's today's YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!!
You try to turn your body into a sword, but only succeed in passing out from concentrating too hard.
LOL!! Nope, neva tried that one either. Well, ttyl pplz! Bye! ^_^ ^_~
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Here's some more pplz!
I had already shown Hiei to the boy's locker room and introduced him to Coach Pogue. I looked at Coach Pogue in disgust remembering what a pervert he was. He extended his hand for Hiei to take but Hiei didn't take it. He just glared at coach and I asked "Coach do you want me to tell him all the rules and stuff?" Coach nodded and I told Hiei to come with me. *sigh* "Glad we're outta there! I don't like any of the coaches here and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't either"
"Hn" Was all he said.
"Today we have a new student!" Coach Pogue said. "His name is Hiei
and I suggest you treat him well" Hiei just looked at me with a smirk.
Coach just continued on about what we were gonna do that day and some other boring stuff which I never listen to.
"Rita?" One of my best friends, Erika, said.
"What?" I responded
"You're showing the new kid, Hiei, around aren't you?" She asked
"Yeah. What about it?" I asked, a little annoyed now.
"Nothing" She told me
"Hmmm...there's something she's not telling me, but what?" I thought. Some of my friends come to me for advice but I know that wasn't it. Tyler, another one of my friends, came up to me.
"Rita! Have you seen the new kid, Hiei? I think he's kinda cute!!" She said
I just shook my head and said "Yes I have seen him. I'm the one that's showing him around" Instantly, most of the girls looked at me. Ashley, one of the girls that all of my friends hate, came up to me.
"You're showing him around huh?" She asked me.
"Yeah what about it? You have a problem with that?"
"Actually I do" She said
"I should care?!" I asked
"Go to hell bitch" She said
"I WAS BORN IN HELL BITCH!!" I yelled at her. Then I gave her my get-out-of-here-before-I-kick-your-butt glare. I noticed that Hiei was staring at me wide-eyed. I blushed and started talking to my friends again.
Welp, there you have it! That's not all of 2nd per. but hey it works right? Talking about 2nd period, this dude named Hernan was walking right in front of us and Erika asked him if he hated me. He said "Yeah I do" And I said "Why?" Then I told Erika that all I had ever said to him in the hall was 'hi'. *sigh* Then I asked Jose, one of his friends, why Hernan hated me and he said that Hernan told him to not tell me. *heavy sigh* Sometimes I wonder if saying hi is bad. But anywayz, here's today's YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!!
If someone is bothering you, you claim to have a sword that can suck the soul out of the said person.
Hehehe! Erika told me that I should tell her sister that when she was bothering us. Welp, gotta go! Bye! Oh gosh I gotta update Kimi's site again! Bye! ^_^ ^_~
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
New fanfic!! Read plz!
Welp, here's my fanfic pplz. Hope ya like it!! ^^
"Well class, seems we have a new
student!" Mrs Smith, the english teacher said. Joe and Zack stopped their daily arguing and looked to the front. "His name is Hiei and he will be with us for the rest of the year!" She said in her usually
cheery voice. "Hiei please let me see your schedule" She told him. He only responded with a "Hn" and gave her his schedule. "Hmmm...Oh! looks like you have all the same classes as Rita, well, except for one...Rita?"
"Hm?" I looked up from my drawing of the dragon that was my spirit guide. Or so I had found out from a quiz I took on the internet.
"Rita, do you mind showing Hiei around the school and to your classes that you have together? Could you also show him his way to art? He has it 5th period."
"Not at all ma'am. I will show him around" I answered.
"Thank you. Hiei, take the empty seat next to Rita please" She told Hiei.
"Wow, cool hairstyle" I thought.
"I wouldn't mind hanging out with him" I smiled at him and he just gave me the what-are-you-looking-at? glare. I glared back and thought "Hm...this day might turn out to actually be interesting..."
~~End of first period~~
"Hiei are you ready to go?" I asked him. No response. *sigh* "I'll take that as a yes. Do you know your locker number?"
"2B" He responded.
"I gasped. "Well, looks like we'll see each other a lot of times
then" I told him. "Come on, my locker is 1B, besides, we don't wanna be late for PE"
Welp, that's the end of the first period chappie!! Hope ya liked it!!
I will probably post them by periods, but I'm not sure. Welp, here's today's YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!!
Everytime you see a kitten you yell "Eikichi!"
Hmm...nope I haven't done that yet.
Welp, I gotta go post on Kimi's site the fanfic she told me to post! Bye! ^_^ ^_~
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Monday, May 17, 2004
*sigh* Not very interesting...
Welp, today was not very interesting...I had fun yesterday and I hope this day will get just a little more interesting. *nods* Mhm, I'm gonna start writing a fanfic. I really hope It's good and I already have all the characters in there. It's mostly gonnna ge about my skewl and Kimi and me and stuff like that. *smells air* RAVIOLI!!!!!! *drool* Yum...I LOVE ravioli...It's my favorite food!! ^_^ Hiei do you like it?
Hiei: *nods* Yes it's one of y favorites. But I'd have to say sweet snow is #1.
Me: Come to think of it, I will give you some sweet snow after we eat the ravioli ok?
Hiei: ^_____^ Yes I like that...
Me: Oh, yesterday, I was watching the YYH movie Poltergeist Report, and I found this really kewl quote!! It was Hiei who said it...
"There is no one in the world who does not carry any scars on his heart, if there were someone like that, he would be a shallow soul..."
*sigh* That was so awesome!! He waz talking to Kurama when he said that...Hiei you are so kewl!!! ^_^
Hiei: *blush* If you say so...
Me: Kawaii!! Welp, here's today's YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!!
You try to stick a rose under your hair only to get poked by the thorns.
LOL!!! I wonder if Kimi does that...?_? I'll ask her either tomorrow or today! Anywayz, ttyl! Bye! ^_^ ^_~
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
*sigh* Welp, Xylena didn't bother us today!
Erika: Thank GOD!!
Me: ^_^ Yes I know. We had a fun day today didn't we? We went dueling, and we went to Golden Corral!!
Erika: Then we went to the car and called some friends!!
Me: Yesh. Kimi was kinda tired I guess...
Erika: we almost got Tyler c. in trouble!!
Me: Too bad she wasn't there though...
Erika: plus Rita and my boyfriend aka Daniel almost got into a fight!
Me: *nods* Yep. *looks at Erika lying on the floor* What r u doing?...-_-*
Erika: Am i boring you too much?
Me: ?_? No! Why would you think that?!
Erika: Because i am coming over to your house too much.
Me: Oh. No not at all! Besides, my parents like it because I'm not spending too much time on the computer and actually doing something healthy.
Erika: But does nina aka xylena {Rita: don't forget aka 'Drama Queen'!!} bother you?
Me: Yeah!! She is sooooo annoying!!
Erika: I think she is a pain.
Me: She is!! You know it!!
Yami-Rita: Looks like my good side is becoming darker by the second...
Erika: ? Do you think this is a long day?
Me: What do you mean? ?_?
Erika: I do not know...
Me: ?_? Ummm...okaay...-_-* Hey Erika you wanna finish this post b4
my computer freezes again? Oooh!! Tell them what was in front of my house!!
Erika: 'yeah' There was a police car in front of Rita's house!!
Me: *nods* Mhm. Erika drink your capri sun!! Anywayz, there was some ppl getting areested!! It was fun looking at that!! ^_^ Welp, here's another YKYWTMYYHW qoute thingy!!
You walk down the street and see
a kid kicking a soccer ball so you start making faces at him.
^______^ I should do that sometime!! Hn...I wonder when Hiei's gonna get home...I don't wanna see him fight Saturday though!!
Erika: Yes and don't forget Yusuke's MINE!!!
Me: Ummm...yes I know...-_-*
Erika: And Hiei's yours!! ^_^
Me: Yesh I know!! ^_________^ Well, ttyl! Bye! ^_^ ^_~
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Dang!! Yesterday was tiring!! Whew!
Me friend Erika and I walked a lot, with her annoying sister following behind. I mean she is so nosy!! Her favorite quote is probably "Mommy said so" Arrgh!!! "I can control your life Erika mommy said so!" "I can ruin your life Erika mommy said so!" "I can steal your friends Erika mommy said so!" Gosh!! She is so annoying!!!!!!!! She follows Erika and me everywhere!! She gets in our conversations, everithing and everywhere we go, she is there. *sigh* She really needs to get her own life and her own friends.
Yami-Rita: She's serious. I was there. I wanted to kill that girl and I bet Rita and Erika would have helped too. *chickles sinisterly*
Me: O_O Ummm...yeah, what she said. Welp, Hiei's sleeping right now so he can't talk right now! Anywayz, here's today's YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!
You buy anything and everything YYH you can get your hands on.
*nods* Mhm yeah I do that. When I have money that is...well, ttyl! Bye! ^_^ ^_~
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Saturday, May 15, 2004
Wow, Yu-Gi-Oh today waz awesome! Especially the Joey vs Marik duel! It was really good!!
Hiei: You're really good too!
Me: *blush* I hope so...I think so...welp, Hiei and I woke up at the same time today!
Hiei: Don't we usually?
Me: Mhm true. Whooo! I'm kinda tired!!
Hiei: After all you did yesterday I bet you are!
Me: Mhm. OK 1st I went to Erika's dad's gym. Then they came to my house. Then I went to their house!
I had a busy day yesterday!
Hiei: Yes and I was lonely...
Me: *hugs Hiei* Oh I'm sorry Hiei!
Hiei: *hugs back* It's ok. Just try to not leave me alone so much ok?!
Me: I promise!! ^_^ *sigh* Welp, here's today's YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!!
Your parents tell you "Don't kiss his picture too much or his ink will run"
*blush* My parents tell me that all the time...but why should I kiss his picture when I have him right here?! *kisses Hiei*
Hiei: *kisses back* *blushes*
Me: Kawaii!! *hugs Hiei* Welp, gotta go! Bye! ^_^ ^_~
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Friday, May 14, 2004
Hello hello!
I wrote this in my notebook throughout the day as it passed by...*sigh* Hello again! Today in 2nd period PE, I found this pencil eraser.
Yami-Rita: Yeah! That is SO interesting!! *sarcastic*
Me: -_-* Anywayz, I threw the pencil eraser at the bleachers, but
instead it hit my friend Morgan on the head! :-P I started to crack up laughing! *sigh* Yes it was good. The girls didn't get to do anything b/c these guyz were fixing
the locker room. So only the guys got to play. And Hiei is beating them! Whooo! Go Hiei! ^_^
And in 4th period study skills,
when the period was about to end, this dude named AJ started singing Outkast's "Roses"! Then Taylor and Seth, his other friends, started singing 2! I was in the middle of it b/c my desk is in-between theirs.
Also, in 5th period, this guy named Brad said "Hey look! It's my evil teapot!" I asked if I could have it and he said "Yeah sure" He's scared of me too! ^_^
In 6th period, we had a sub and we had to do 4 worksheets, but Kimi and I couldn't b/c them ppl wouldn't shut up!! Her fox demon form showed up too! I was mad but Yami-Rita didn't come out.
Yami-Rita: Which sucked by the way!
Me: Hye, that's what I say! *looks at Jack* EWWW!! Who told you to lick my drawing???!!! {BTW, Jack is a guy in 6th per.} *YR comes out*
YR: *laughs evilly* YOU WILL DIE!!
Jack: O_O Oh no! *whimpers* I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! *whimper whimper whimper*
Me: Jack, unless you wanna die, you will leave me alone NOW!!!*growls*
Jack: OK OK!! *runs away*
Hiei: *scoff* What a weakling!
Me: Yeah I know!
*sigh* 7th period. What did we have to do you ask? (Or maybe not...@_@) We had to watch a video!
YR: Bleh. Can you say boring?!
Me: *nods* Mhm. And it was about skeletons! *makes gagging face* Oh!
While I was in the lunch line, this dude (I dunno his name...^_^''') that was behind me poked me with both his fingers on my left and right side beside my stomach!! Then he grabbed my arm and said "Oops, my bad" and smiled at me! My face probably looked like this O_O.
*sigh again* Welp, I just came back from the gym with Erika and her little sis Xylena (Who tries to control Erika's life!!) We went in the hot tub!! It was fun!! Well,
here's today's YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!
You think you're just like Yusuke and think you're the best fighter in town and try taking on a
gang all by yourself.
*evil laugh* Welp, since I'm a pretty good fighter, I could probably take on Kuwabaka's gang all by myself!! Yesh, it was too bad that Hiei didn't go to the gym (again b/c of the stupid ningens...) But at least he got his own workout in training!! Well,
gotta go! Bye! ^_^ ^_~
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