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Student at High School and Hostess
Real Name
Rita Jaganshi
I married Hiei...XD And now I'm in high school, in band, and a squad leader. :]
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh! and Yu-Yu Hakusho are my two main ones. :P
To become a Web Art Director and get better at my instrument in well as try to get more involved in here. <3
Watch TV, play on the computer, play video games, ride cars and motorcycles, and drawing them too!!^_^ (I'm secretly trying to take over the world...but don't tell anyone! ^^)
Um...I can play an instrument, and I'm fairly good at anything I try. :D I can also write well. ;P <3
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Friday, May 7, 2004
(This is mostly 'bout Hiei ^_^)
Well, I heard this song and the instant I heard it, I thought about Hiei and how his life is. I thought he could probably relate to this song and his past life. The song is called "Somewhere I belong" By Linkin Park.
When this began
I had nothing to say
And I'd get lost in the nothingness
inside of me
I was confused
And I let it all out to find/that
Not the only person with these
things in mind
Inside of me
But all the vacancy the words
Is the only real thing that I've
got left to feel
Nothing to lose
Just stuck/hollow and alone
And the fault is my own
And the fault is my own
I want to heal
I want to heal
What I thought was never real
I want to let go of the pain I've
held so long
[Erase all the pain 'til it's gone]
It's gone]
I want to heal
I want to feel
Like I'm close to something real
I want to find something I've
wanted all along
Somewhere I belong
And I've got nothing to say
I can't believe I didn't fall right
down on my face
I was confused
Looking everywhere/only to find
that it's
Not the way I had imagined it all
in my mind
So what am I
What do I have but negativity
'cause I can't justify the
Way everyone is looking at me
Nothing to lose
Nothing to gain/hollow and alone
And the fault is my own
The fault is my own
I will never know
Myself until I do this on my own
And I will never feel
Anything else until my wounds are
I will never be
Anything 'til I break away from me
And I will break away
I'll find myself today
I want to heal
I want to feel like I'm
Somewhere I belong
*sigh* Like I said, this post is dedicated to my Hiei. I will always be here with you...^_^ ^_~
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I feel better today!! ^_^
Well, like that *points* says, I feel better today! *sigh* I had to wake up at 6:00 am today b/c my friend was gonna be dropped off by her mom that way my mom could drop us off at school b/c her mom had to go to this school early in the morning. Whew! That was kinda long!
Hehehe. I found out what my friend Jose's middle name is! It's Tono. {I dunno how to put the little squiggly thingy over the n so it looks weird @_@} I think it is a kewl name! Anywayz, I hope Kimi finishes the little drawing of Hiei
that she said she was gonna draw for me. She had already drawn one of them but she told me she waz gonna draw me a new one. I also wrote 'I love {hehehe. Like I'll tell! ^_^}' on my hand today. I dunno y I did that I guess I was just bored or something &_&. Well, here's today YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!
You get mad a people you jab them with your finger and shout "Spirit Gun".
LMAO!!!!! Hey, maybe I should do that when I'm mad at, that'd be a lot of times...well, gotta go! Bye! ^_^ ^_~
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Thursday, May 6, 2004
Hello hello!!
Hi pplz! *waves* Well, I feel better now! *sigh* I changed some of my quiz results that r on the bottom of the page if u don't know where those are, *points* they r there! *smiles* *stomach growls* Wow I'm hungry...I better get something to eat...
Hiei: Can u get me some sweet snow?
Me: Sure! *goes to kitchen and comes out with ice-cream AKA sweet snow!*
Hiei: O.O *drools* SWEET SNOW!!
Me: *nods* And it's your favorite!
Hiei: *lunges at ice-cream* Gimme!!
Me: *hands Hiei ice-cream* Here you
go! *smiles*
Hiei: *eats sweet snow* YUM!!!
Me: Uhhh...I better finish b4 he gets all hyper. Here's another YKYWTMYYHW qoute thingy!
you mindlessly wander around a huge mansion yelling "hey master genkaaaaaai, I'm here fo the training noooooow"
LOL!! Maybe I'll try that sometime.
Well, bye! ^_^ ^_~
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Hello pplz!!
Hey pplz! I'm feeling much better now! *smiles* And I would like thank all the ppl that made me feel better today! One of these ppl is KittieVersion666! Thanx a lot!! If you guys could visit her site we would both appreciate it a lot!! Bye pplz! ^_^ ^_~
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God I hated my day today!!! It was so f***ing {bleep!}. Sorry about that. I just had to get it out. Well, I forgot I had band practice today so I got there late. Then the band teacher kept on telling us we were doping something wrong when we really weren't!! {I think she has something against the French Horns} Then, when my mom picked me up {which was at like 4:15} she told me that they were going to take the internet away from me b/c I was on it too much. She said I was on it for like 4 hours which is a lie. She always has to exaggerate!! And that my dad
was mad at me b/c every time he called I was on the net. Which is not true!!! Ahhhh!!! And in 7th period I found out y Shawn went out with me. This girl showed me a note that he and this other girl had written back and forth to each other and the girl asked him y he went out with me and he said b/c he was sorry for me. I was like "WHAT???!!!!!!!!!" "HE WAS THE ONE WHO ASKED ME OUT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!" Man he is sich an ass!!!! Well, here's today's YKYWTMYYHW qoute thingy.
You try so hard to use the spirit wave punch and u break your hand on the wall.
Hehehe. Maybe I should get my anger out on the wall...*looks at wall*
Wall: *whimpers*
Me: *laughs evilly*
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Red rose huh? What Anime Rose Are You?
*looks at Hiei* It says true love...
Hiei: *notices Rita looking at him*
Me: It's so cute when he blushes! *hugs Hiei*
Hiei: *hugs back* Red rose...true love...*kisses Rita*
Me: *sigh* *faint*
Hiei: *catches Rita* I think I should let her sleep for now...
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EWWWWWWWW!!! Today in 7th period, I was sitting right beside Tory and Shawn was sitting right in front of us. I was bored so I rested my head on my binder and looked the other way. Then I felt something touch my leg. Then I noticed that Shawn was leaning close to me and I just stood up and said "EWWWWWWWWW!!!!" Then I hit him in his shoulder. And my friend Megan {who saw everything} told me I could sit with her so I did. Then she told me "If u wanna go tell on him I'll go with you" I just said "Naa. I'll think about it" Then after like 1 minute everybody that was at that other table with Shawn moved to where I was. So then Shawn was all alone. When Shawn touched me I was kept on giving him death glares and Tory
told him "That's not right man. That's not right." And Megan said "Why are you touching his girl like that?!" When all of us were at the table, the other Shawn {who is waaaaaaaay nicer and not as rude} asked Tory if he was still Shawn's friend. Tory just told him "I've never been his friend" And I was like wow...well, that's pretty much what happened, here's today's YKYWTMYYHW qoute thingy!
You and your equally obsessed friend can recreate a whole episode from memory.
Hmmm...Kimi would that be us? I think so. Anywayz, ttyl pplz! Bye! ^_^ ^_~
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Kinda confused...
Hello pplz! *waves* I had a really weird day today. Well, kinda weird.
My friend Tory asked me out again and I don't know what to say...I mean, I like his personality WAY better than I like Shawn's. He nicer, not as much of a show off, AND, he doesn't do drugs *shudders* What I mean by doesn't do drugs is that Shawn's ex-gf {she went out with him after me} asked him y he lived at a boy's shelter and he said that he was in
CRIP and that he got caught smokin' weed. I was just like, ewwwww...seriously. So I think I will say yes to Tory and see how our future relationship is. Well, I just got back from band practice
and my lips hurt like hell!! I play the French Horn so I have to use a mouthpiece. Oh, Kimi. Here's
my poem for Mrs Smith's class.
No way, no way, no way.
I could not even see the light of day.
"When was the last time I cleaned this" I thought
With a half-alive sweater I fought.
"I will never finish" I said as I looked around
Not even my dog could find his way and he's a bloodhound.
"How did I do this?" I asked myself
I will never finish without some help.
So I looked around for my friend's phone #'s
As I looked around I almost died of hunger
I was picking up a piece of cheese
When I heard somebody sneeze
"Who's there?" I asked aloud
But after I heard no sound
As I sighed I looked around
But still I saw no one about.
"This is so stupid" I said
But then I was filled with dread
As a hand crept up to my shoulder
I got colder and colder...
So? What do you think? Tell me ok?! Anywayz, here's today's YKYWTMYYHW qoute thingy!
You've watched an episode of YYH SO MANY TIMES, you can cue the lines.
LMAO!!! I can do that!! I can
do almost all of the episodes...well, gotta go! Bye! ^_^ ^_~
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Monday, May 3, 2004
Another post yay!!
YR: She's hyper again!
Hiei: *nods*
Me: No I'm not!! I'm just happy!! Anywayz, I'm feelin much better not thanx my friends for your support!! *hugs all*{uhhh...except for the one's who don't like hugs}
Hiei: What about me?!
Me: Oh sorry! *hugs Hiei*
Hiei: Much better.
Me: O.o *shakes head* Uhhh...anywayz, the school called my home and I answered! The lady just said that it was her and asked me if the one talking was Rita{ me lol} and I said yes and she asked me y I didn't go to school and I said because I didn't feel well. Then she asked me if my parents knew and I said yes they do. She then talked to my dad and blah blah blah...
Hiei: Does she ever shut up?
YR: Sometimes...
Me: So anywayz, here's another YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!
You jump off the roof of your house trying to fly on a boat oar.
LOL!!!!! Hahaha! Nope never tried that...I might though...*looks at a boat oar that popped out of nowhere* And I might try it today...^_^ ^_~
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Many people have over looked these dragons. Instead, they have dubbed them
What Kind of Dragon Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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