Birthday 1990-06-02 Gender
Female Location Arkansas Member Since 2004-02-27 Occupation Student at High School and Hostess Real Name Rita Jaganshi
Achievements I married Hiei...XD And now I'm in high school, in band, and a squad leader. :] Anime Fan Since Forever! Favorite Anime Yu-Gi-Oh! and Yu-Yu Hakusho are my two main ones. :P Goals To become a Web Art Director and get better at my instrument in well as try to get more involved in here. <3 Hobbies Watch TV, play on the computer, play video games, ride cars and motorcycles, and drawing them too!!^_^ (I'm secretly trying to take over the world...but don't tell anyone! ^^) Talents Um...I can play an instrument, and I'm fairly good at anything I try. :D I can also write well. ;P <3 RitaKaiba26
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Kewl! Well, I AM dangerous...^_~ Your the Xtreme Queen, u luv to do anything dangerous or anything that looks crazy, nothing scares u! But ur a lil 2 dangerous for ur own good!!
*yawn* Hi!
Hello pplz! *yawn* It's 8:42 AM here right now and I'm kinda sleepy...But I won't go back to sleep...Anywayz, the reason I didn't go to school today is b/c I felt kinda sick *cough* See? When I get sick, the sickness thingy stays for a while. *cough* Oh gosh.
It's a cold I have...but instead of drinking something hot, I eat ice-cream and stuff. I dunno it helps me somehow...*yawn* Oh well.'s today's YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!
You can sing at least one song from the series.
*laughs* Uhhh...I can do that! I can sing like all of them I think...Well, gotta go! I might update again later...Bye! ^_^ ^_~ Comments (2) |
Sunday, May 2, 2004
*sigh* Hiei...I made this one! I have an account there!
*looks at Anime Dragon* I did not cheat!! Just telling you!! ^_^ ^_~
Hello pplz! How r u doing?? I'm pretty good. I went to the dueling tournament today but there wasn't any b/c this dude got all of his god cards stolen. Ouch! Speaking of god cards, I have Obelisk the Tormentor!!! Weeeeeeee!!
Yami-Rita: Hyper again are we??
Hiei: Too hyper if you ask me.
Me: Oh, come on guys. Can't a person be happy here?
YR and Hiei: NO!!
Me: Sorry! You didn't have to yell you know!!!
YR and Hiei: Oh, well.
Me: Well, at least I got to duel today against bagel-boy I mean Roman. I call him bagel-boy cuz he was eating a bagel while we dueled.
Well, nuttin' else to post so here's today's YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!
You are convinced Kurama is staring at you from your Yu-Yu Hakusho wall scroll.
Hmmm...I don't have a Kurama wall scroll...*eats taco* Oh well!
Tty guyz later! Bye! ^_^ ^_~ Comments (4) |
Saturday, May 1, 2004
Hello pplz! Hello ya'll! That was Kimi!! Weeeeeee!! Uhh...that slipped out...
Hiei: Sure it did...
Me: That was different...hey Kimi where r ur spirit guides??
Kimi:Why did u have2 ask?{Hey,get ur butt over here!Move!!! [Just shut up & let her speak.(moron)]
Me: *Yells at AOL caller ID* LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!
Kimi:Dang!!!!!{Hahaha...dung..}[Dang,she said DANG!]
Me: O.O ?_? That was weird!
Hiei: *is currently eating some sweet snow that Rita gave him*
Me: Isn't he so kawaii??!!
Kimi:*interrupted* {Draco: Kawaii rhymes w Hawaii!!!!lol!}[ Denryuu:U need help.]....ok...more fightin' & annoyance.
Me: *has laffy taffy in hand* Hey look! Laffy Taffy!!
Draco{Yay!!!! like Youko & Hiei,they're laffy!!lol [& ur taffy,u need 2 be eaten...]Don't say that!
Hiei: WHAT?! WHAT DO U MEAN BY i'm laffy??!!
Me: Nothing wrong...I think...
Kimi:*chews on choco* Yum...{Chocolate?! Where?! *looks around*}['s right in front of u.]
Me: *hides bag of chocolates* Hey look! It's over there! *points to a dam*
Yami-Rita: *laughs evilly*
Kimi:......{Yay! Candy!!!*runs in2 door,gets up,runs in2 lamp,etc...}[no comment]
Hiei: *has stopped eating sweet snow and is looking for more* More sweet snow!!
Rita: *hands him a chocolate bar* Here this will do.
Hiei: Takes choco bar* *eats it* *gets all hyper*
Rita: Uh-oh. Not good...
Kimi: Lucky u. Draco's hyper all the time.Denryuu[& we have proof right here.]*Draco continuously runs in2 stuff,the door,lamp,bed,tv...*
Rita: *watches Draco run into stuff* Ouch! That's gotta hurt...Draco nooo! That was my mom's lamp...
Hiei: *is really hyper and is following Draco's example of running into stuff* Weeeee!
Rita: *grabs Hiei* Stop!! @_@
Kimi & Denryuu:*stares at the chaos*.......
Me: Kimi I think we better go. Anime Dragon must be getting impatient...
Kimi:Ok.....[Why don't we...*still starin'*]
Me: I think we should go's another YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!
Everytime you see a tree, you look up expecting to see Hiei there.
LOL!! I've done that plenty of times... Kimi:Well, right now he's runnin' in2 a tree....O.O. Well, bye pplz! ^_^ ^_~ Comments (3) |
Well, it's 9:56 here right now and
Anime Dragon and I are still waiting for Kimi to get here.
Yami-Rita: By here she means her home. Not the internet!
Me: Uhhh...what she said. If you are wondering who she is, she is my dark side. Since I am a Gemini Kimi tought I should have 1.
Yay! A new episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! today!! *jumps up and down* Yay! I'm so happy!
YR: Hyper again are we?
Me: Yesh!!!
Hiei: Hn. Isn't she most of the time?
YR: Yes you're right...
Me: Well, here's today's YKYWTMYYHW
quote thingy!
You see a baby and immediately shout out "Koenma!"
Hello hello!
Hi! I feel way better today that I did yesterday. And tomorrow Kimi's coming to my house!! Yay! Anime Dragon contain your excitement cuz she's gonna duel you!! She told me she wanted to too. ^_^ Not much to say today so here's today's YKYWTMYYHW quote thingy!
You are convinced you can create a bow and set of arrows out of lightning but only end up getting struck and fried.