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Student at High School and Hostess
Real Name
Rita Jaganshi
I married Hiei...XD And now I'm in high school, in band, and a squad leader. :]
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh! and Yu-Yu Hakusho are my two main ones. :P
To become a Web Art Director and get better at my instrument in well as try to get more involved in here. <3
Watch TV, play on the computer, play video games, ride cars and motorcycles, and drawing them too!!^_^ (I'm secretly trying to take over the world...but don't tell anyone! ^^)
Um...I can play an instrument, and I'm fairly good at anything I try. :D I can also write well. ;P <3
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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Tests are EVIL!!!!!!!!! I hate them!!!!!! Oh, well, not that I really have a choice...I'm glad my friend Kimi signed up for this!! Can u guys and girls visit her site if you can??? It's azngirl K170. I'm gonna go eat dad says that when I wake up I eat AOL b/c that's the kind of internet we have. I'm eating tacos right now!! Taco Bell is good...Yummmmm...
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Monday, March 29, 2004
Oh, yeah! I forgot to tell you guys that I almost blew up the microwave today! It was cool! Ttyl ok?! Bye!
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Yay! I get to sit with my friends for 3 days!!!!! Yay! What I mean is that I get to sit with the friends that have different lunch periods than I do. You see, I have A lunch, 2 of my friends have B lunch and another 2 have C lunch. That doesn't mean that I only have 4 friends cuz I have a lot more but they don't want to sit with me cuz they usually do and they want to sit with their other friends too. The reason why is because of testing!! That's right testing!! I never thought such an evil thing could get me to sit with my other friends!! Yay!! I'm happy!! Anywayz, I just want to say to Kimi that if you're reading this, can u turn your site on? Cuz I tried to visit it and it said that I couldn't b/c it was turned off. Wierd.
Anywayz, gotta go! Ttyl! Bye!
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
Mwahahahaha!!!! I am evil! Well, that's what I think since I kept on laughing at my dad for almost everything he said. Oh, well. Stupid computer!! Turned off like 2 times while I was chatting with my buddy!!! Grrrr...*kicks computer* that'll teach you!!!
Wait how am I typing? Ahhhh!!! Ghost computer!! Must run away!!! *dad laughs evilly in background* That's what you get for laughing at me!!! Mwahahahaha!! Me:dad! You are so mean!!! Dad: I know!! Me:You are EVIL!! EVIL you hear me!!! Evil!!! Dad: I think I and they get the point! Me:You were typing all of this? Dad: No duh Rita!! Me:Oh. Well I didn't know okay? Dad:Riiight..
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
Hi! That last post was wierd or is it weird?
How do u spell that? I always get confused.
*laughs nervously* That doesn't mean I'm stupid or anything...Besides, I got all A's on my report card!! ^_^ Hey, did I just brag?
I think I did. Anywayz, hope your having a pretty good day! Ttyl ok?! Bye!
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Friday, March 26, 2004
Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...*slap* Huh?! Oh, yeah, I'm suposed to be typing a*asks herself*What time is it? 12:19A.M.!!!!!! Now I know why I'm so sleepy...and tired...and zzzzzzzzz...*harder slap*Ouch...Ok I think I bored you guys with this one...yeah, I did. Hehe. Sorry you guys, I was at my friend's house and we played Super Smash Bros. and we searched for some stuff and we dueled. I won though. But I don't make her feel bad b/c she's just a beginner. I had fun today. No yesterday. No today. No YESTERDAY!!! Oh, sorry about that. I was just arguing with myself. Anywayz, I gotta go sleep...*falls asleep on the keyboard* ui6hb zzzzzzzzzz...
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Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Hi everybody! I really want to know what my friend wanted to say to me! He likes to play with my hair a lot, so I asked him what was the deal with him and my hair. He just smiled at me. I just blushed. Anywayz, like I said before, I really want to know what he was gonna say to me and one of my friends offered to help. I said sure, why not? So right now she's helping me find out what he was gonna say to me. Well, gotta go so, Bye!
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Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Hi! Thanx to all you ppl that leave me comments on my posts! I like reading them! Anywayz, I really hope you keep on commenting on my posts! That Chibi-Hiei picture is just too cute!!!! Ah, well, gotta go and visit you guy's and girl's sites! Ttyl ok? Bye and good luck! Hey, just a question, What do u guys and gals that watched today's Yu-Yu Hakusho episode think about it? Hiei rocked!!!! Yay Hiei!
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Monday, March 22, 2004
OMG! Hiei looks so CUTE!!!
Hiei: SHUTUP >< !!!!!!!!!!! animeblack:party pooper T.T
are you obessed with yu yu hakusho like me ^_^!!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
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Hi everybody! I had a pretty good day today!
Anywayz, I was talking with my friend who is a guy, and earlier he was drawing a picture of a pretty girl that was not real. I asked him why he drew them and he said that maybe he might actually get to meet some1 that looks like that. About 5 sec. after that he said to me this is Rita in the future. I said
I wouldn't know but if it is then I wouldn't look that bad. He just laughed. He has been really nice to me these past couple of days.
I mean extremely nice. Anywayz, he said he wanted to tell me something but then he said
I better not b/c you'll probably tell my gf.
I promised him I wouldn't and he knows I always keep my promises. But he still didn't
tell me. He has shown a lot of signs that he likes me but I don't want him to break up with his gf b/c of me. I'm just not that kind of girl. I like hi too but his gf is really nice and I don't want him to break up with her b/c of me. And not I'm here posting this story while at the same time wondering what he wanted to say to me. *sighs* Oh, well, maybe I'll find out. We'll see. Well, gotta go so bye! Oh, yeah, I also wore a skirt to school today wich is kinda weird for me since I'm usually wearing jeans or pants or something like that. But I promised
my friend that I would wear a skirt when we came back from spring break and I don't like to break my promises. Sorry this was so long. Bye!
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