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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Okies, just being weird sorry lol...but here's more of...TEH STORY!!
~~ At Erika's class ~~
"Hey Erika, who's that guy that just came in?..." Yusuke asked right after a young man came in through the doorway.
"Hmmm...I don't know Yusuke, I think he's a new kid or something..." She responded, taking a quick glance at the teacher before looking back at Yusuke. "I guess we'll find out..." She said as she watched the guy go up to the teacher and introduce himself.
The teacher quickly nodded and introduced him to the class. "Hello class, we have a new student today. His name is AleXavier, and he will be with us for the rest of the year. Please make him feel welcome." The teacher finished his brief announcement and pointed to the seat next to Erika. AleXavier quickly nodded and took the seat that he had been assigned to.
"Hi AleXavier..." Erika looked at him and smiled slightly.
He smiled back and looked at her. "Well, I see you know my name, but I don't know yours. What is your name miss?"
Erika smiled again and nodded. "My name's Erika, and this is Yusuke, my boyfriend. Nice to meet you, and forget the 'miss' thing, it's all good!"
He chuckled and smiled. "Ok, nice to meet you both!"
Erika and Yusuke nodded, and then turned back to the teacher who had been waiting for us to be quiet for quite some time.
"Well, Erika and Yusukem since you seem to get along 'so well' with AleXavier, I'll let you show him around the school. Now if you may, let me start this lesson."
Erika's face turned a light shade of red and nodded. "Right. Sorry about that Mr. Turner" She said. Then, after the teacher had turned around, she smiled a little and winked at Yusuke, who only replied with a nod, and a wink back.
~~ In Hiei's Class... ~~
"Does anyone know where Rita is today?" Mrs Smith asked as she glimpsed around the room checking to see who was there. Nobody raised their hand so she came to the conclusion that I was absent, and not late.
But then, Joe raised his hand and declared "I saw her earlier today Mrs. Smith, she was outside hanging out with Hiei and her other friends..."
Mrs. Smith quickly shifted her gaze to Hiei, whose face was somewhat red with anger because of what Joe had said ::Damn...that human just ruined everything...I didn't want them to find out that Rita was missing...at least, not yet. Now they'll think that I had something to do with her disappearance...::
"Well Hiei?...do you know where she is?" Mrs. Smith asked anxiously.
Hiei shook his head 'no' and then gave Joe a quick 'death glare' look.
"That's different...surely you must've seen her by the lockers...after all, your locker is right under hers...am I correct?"
Hiei nodded and then waited for her to stop looking at him like he was some kind of criminal.
"Hmmm...well I wonder what happened...maybe her mom took her back home...I guess we'll find out later, for now I'll just count her as unexcused absence." She said, still somewhat unsure if Hiei was telling the truth or not.
::That was...close:: Hiei thought, letting out a relieved sigh before opening his book to the page that Mrs. Smith had written on the board in front of him.
Welp, enjoy everyone!! *waves* Bye!! ^^
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Saturday, November 20, 2004
Here is my story peoples!
Welp, here ya go!! ^^
"So where am I anyway?..." I asked Zero, wondering if he would help me.
"You're in a secluded part of the forest...a part only used by the owners and special guests..." He responded in a deep voice.
I looked at him suspiciously. "Secluded?...and it's only used by the owners and guests?..."
I smirked also and looked around. "I take it taht I'm the guest..." I sighed and then looked back at Zero. "What am I here for anyways?..."
He looked at me and smiled. "It was the master's orders that you stay here..."
"Master?...hmm..." I looked at the sky thoughtfully. ::Could it be that guy that I saw earlier today?...hmm, maybe, but I'll find out soon I'm sure...:: I sighed softly and then looked back at Zero. "So what are you here for?..." I asked in a suspicious tone.
"I'm here to watch you..." He responded softly.
"Watch me?...no thanks, I can take care of myself." I started walking towards a small path in between two trees but then Zero popped up in front of me and stopped me from walking.
"Sorry, but you can't leave this spot until the master commands.
I saw a bright flash in his eyes that assured me that he wsn't joking. "But...I need to go to the bathroom!" I said and started jumping up and down to show him that I, too, wasn't joking.
He almost burst out laughing right there but he managed to keep his face serious even though I could tell he was laughing on the inside. "The restroom's this way, follow me." He said after a long sigh and he led me to a huge mansion that ws pure black, not counting the faint light emerging from it.
"...whoa..." I managed to say soon after I snapped out of my amazement.
"This is where you will be staying...the master has commanded that you be summoned to his room...from there he will lead you to your own room, you shall stay there until someone comes to ask for your presence"
I stared at him with my 'what the hell??!!...' look and then looked straight ahead towards the doors leading to the inside of the mansion. "...Those are some creepy-looking doors..." I said and then caught a glimpse of a faint smirk on Zero's face...
~~ At school... ~~
"Ok class, I am your new art teacher! I'm very happy to be getting the chance to work with you guys!" The teacher said as she scanned the room full of kids.
"New teacher?...what happened to the other one?!" Kimi said, somewhat surprised.
"Well, since you asked, your precious teacher, Mrs Ruttle, is having some family issues and she has decided to retire. " She responded.
Some of the kids gasped, but Kimi only smiled and raised her hand. The teacher called on her and as Kimi was lowering her hand, she asked, "And what's your name?...we need to call you something..."
The teacher smiled at her. "I really don't believe in calling people by their last name so...you guys will be calling me by my first, Miyu."
Kimi's smile became greater and she said, "Miyu...ok I got it." ::This teacher's actually kind of cool...:: Kimi thought.
Enjoy mwahaha! ^^
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Friday, November 19, 2004
Quick update! ^^
Yesh, it is I...teh user who barely...er...uses myo ^^; but anyways! Moving on! I just wanted to inform you guys that I should be posting my story pretty soon, but I will need about...an hour or so before I can post it ^^ or somewhere along those lines! lol. I'm sorry I won't be able to get to everyone's site!! I IS SORRY!! >.<; welp, I gots to leave!! But I will leave you with THIS:
What I look like on gaia NOW!! MWAHAHAHA!! BEHOLD TEH HYPERNESS!! WELP, GOTTA GO!! BUH BYE!! *waves* ^^
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Friday, November 5, 2004
eek, I is tiredness! XP Oh well, you prolly dun wanna hear from me ^^; and I'm not surprised since I wasn't on for quite a while ><; Busy with school and whatnot *coughgaiacough* o.o;...yep, school really takes it outta ya *nods* eep, well I'm truly sorry for not getting to visit sites...I really am! *NODS* Eesh...*falls on keyoard* fhand bna kl;sjfasn...*wakes up* o.o;...so sorry about that...><;; too tired...it's 3:21 am ^^;;; but I'm still kinda hyper after the game ^^;; had a bad last game thou...lost 22 to nothin XD poor football players...they're gonna get chewed out by the coaches ^^;; and so are we by Mrs Steele for not playing the parts right >>;; She's such a showoff lol *sigh* lol but anyways lol, that is all I have to say in this early mornin...and 'scuse me for not getting to sites!! *bows* T.T; Welp, byes! *waves* ^^;
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
I don't like the color orange that much but what the hell! XD
 You're orange. You're strong and have the reflexes of a tiger. You're overly protective, and those skills come in handy... You're a natural person, with a taste for natural foods (I mean organic, here.). Well, that's not true. ...Just food in general! You're as quick-witted as your reflexes, and sometimes painfully logical. You love wild animals and pets. (Preferably wild animals!) You're a natural person, and a true child of Gaia. You're a stimulating, and outgoing person. You enjoy making people think, especially with your infectiously spontaneous attitude. You're a generally optomistic person, with a love for showing off all of your good traits. Although many people may see you as strung-out, or just plain weird, you're very down-to-earth and humble. You're incredibly sweet (as this color's other name!), and you care about people in general. As this color would describe, you're energetic beyond all human comprehension. You've got a nack for drawing, and you enjoy it, too. When it comes to school, you're a good listener with an even better memory. You're studious... At least when you need to be!
What color are you? (Amazingly detailed & accurate--with pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
O.O! This quiz is awesome dude! XD
 You're a "Black Angel" which means your
an Angel of Death. You don't really care much
about people (and if you do, it's just a few) since no one was particularly nice
to you. You're always alone unless forced to
be with other people and you love to cause
trouble. You feel depressed a lot and don't
have something that could cheer you up like
most people. You don't find joy in people but probably something else. You love to be alone to think and like the night because it provides solitude. You're very secretive.(If you can't see tje pics, go to my homepage and look near the bottom and find your result)
What Color Angel are You? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla
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Welp, I'm at my friends house at her b-day partay lol ^^; although it's about 1:43 in the morning ^^;; but I'm sleeping over so yea lol and one of our friends (Kevin lmao) is also staying over (but sleeping in a different room >>;) and we got mad at him before and I was talking to Carra (b-day girl lol) and Nicole (a friend lol) and we all agreed that Kevin was being an ass >>;! XP It was teh weirdness lmao XD *sighs* Well, I'll go check on some sites lol *nods* bye everyone!! *waves* ^^
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Lately, my days have been very confusing. The day I went to thei first school dance of this year (it was a friday), I had the worst and most lonely night ever. Yes, there were people there, lots of them, too. But that's not why I was sad. The guy I like (yes I do like someone >>;) was there, I talk to him of course b/c he's one of my 'best friends' I guess you could say, but, he was there with his buddies (who are my buddies too) and talking and stuff and all of a sudden, I started crying. Maybe it was because I saw my 'friends' having fun and dancing while I was just sitting by myself in a corner...or maybe it was because I saw him having fun or something like that...it's very complicated.
I have a very strong feeling that he likes me, but he's just...shy. Not at all like my other friend, Joe, who is probably not shy about anything O.o; But he (the guy I like) doesn't have a girlfriend and I don't have a boyfriend and both of us probably like each other so, why is this so complicated? I honestly have no idea, but I really have no choice but to wait.
(In later news >>;...) I also went to the fair the day after that ^^; (saturday) but I had to go on all of the rides by myself so it sucked. The only reason I was there was b/c I kinda wanted to go and only my dad could take me (cuz my mom was at work) and it sucked because he didn't (and couldn't) get on any of the rides with me.
~~wrote this during 6th period today~~
@.@...god my head hurts so bad! >.<...these kids are so loud IT IS NOT HELPING!! >.< ow, my head! *sighs* Well, at least I get to sit by him so that's good >>; right? @.@ I is so confused...he was looking at me worried too cause you could tell there was something wrong with me, but I think he's the only one who actually cared. I feel bad enough to call my mom and ask her to pick me up from school so I can go home...but I think I'll stick it out...if I can.
I guess that's all I have to say for today >>; I'll try to get to everyone's sites if I can, so hopefully I will! ^^ *nods* Well everyone, thanks for listening and I'll ttyl!! *waves* Byes! ^^;
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Hey everyone ^^; Just wanted to update and say 'yesh I am alive...'
At least I think I am...>>; *shakes head* but anyways, I have been having CRAZY days lately...and tomorrow I have a game...and I have to wear the 'dreaded' uniform...*shudder* T.T...welp, that is all I have to say for now lol ^^; except I have another sn and it is Bikesandanime99 lol...^^; I might get another one so yea lol *sweatdrop* but anyways ttys everyone and I shall post my story soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ *waves*
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Ello everyone!
Well, sorry I haven't been online and visiting sites...so sorry! T_T *bows* I've just been busy and having complicated days *sigh* But, since I haven't been on for soooo long, I thought you guys should get more of my story! *yey* lol Welp, Anime Dragon's in this post! XD Enjoy everyone! ^^
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I kept on walking, trying to ignore the fact that someone was watching me..."Ughhh...I'm going nowhere..." I mumbled. I stopped walking, and looked around. "Hmm...I don't even know where I'm going or where I am...for all I know I could be going in circles!..."
"Not necessarily..." A voice from behind me said.
I quickly turned around and stared at the man in front of me. He had long dark green hair that reached the middle of his back, and he also had aqua eyes. ::He's tall...:: I thought. "Who are you?!" I asked and narrowed my eyes.
He smirked and then bowed slightly. "Name's Zero...nice to meet you...Rita"
I stared at him for a second and then shook my head to snap me out of my daze. "So you know my name then...that's great" I said sarcastically. "But then again I should start getting used to it...you're the second person that I don't know that DOES know my name...the first one was the guy in the shades who told me I had a different mother..." I mumbled the last part and then looked at the ground.
"Heh..." was all he said...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
::I sure hope Rita's ok...:: Erika thought as she walked to class with Yusuke.
Yusuke saw the worried look on her face and tried to comfort her. "I'm sure she's ok Erika..." He said putting his arm around her shoulder and smiling at her.
"I guess you're probably right..." She said "Rita's not one to be pushed around easily..." She smiled at him and her face turned to her normal, happy expression.
~~While in the halls of da school...~~
A girl in while hair and two string of black above her violet eyes approached Kimi and Kurama as they were walking...
"Excuse me, would you mind giving me some directions?" She asked
They both spun around to see her standing right there, with her class schedule in hand.
"Uh...yeah sure" Kimi responded "Let me see your schedule"
She handed Kimi her schedule and smiled "Thank you so much!"
Kimi smiled at her "You're welcome!" Kimi said, shortly after turning her attention back to the shcedule. ::Sachiko Briefs...why does that name sounds so familiar?...:: Kimi thought, and then looked up at her. "So, Sachiko, I take it you're new here right?"
Sachiko nodded and smiled. "Yes I am "
Kimi looked at her curiously for a moment before asking, "Have we met before?..."
"I don't think so..." She responded warmly
"Oh ok..." Kimi said, still unsure. ::I don't think so huh?...that means there's still a possibility...:: Kimi thought. "Well it seems we have first period together! Come on, we'll show you to your class!" Kimi said, taking a quick glance at Kurama before heading towards their class...
Welp everyone, hope you enjoyed it! ^^ Your parts will be coming up soon, and if there is anyone else that wants to be in my fanfic then just tell me! ^^ Byes everyone! *waves* ^^
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Whoo-hoo I'm so happy!!!!!!!!! ^^ My friend Kevin might be coming over tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO-HOO!!! ^^ I'm soooo glad!! Hopefully when he calls me tonight his mom will have said 'yes' to him coming over after school!! ^_________^ *sighs* Ok well anyways this dude at school keeps on stalking me it's creepy Oo; Someone help me!!!!! ^^' Well anyways here's a pic of what I look like on gaia now! ^^

lol umm...I think it's cool lookin! XD Well anyways, tty guys soon! *waves* Byes!! ^^
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