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Student at High School and Hostess
Real Name
Rita Jaganshi
I married Hiei...XD And now I'm in high school, in band, and a squad leader. :]
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh! and Yu-Yu Hakusho are my two main ones. :P
To become a Web Art Director and get better at my instrument in well as try to get more involved in here. <3
Watch TV, play on the computer, play video games, ride cars and motorcycles, and drawing them too!!^_^ (I'm secretly trying to take over the world...but don't tell anyone! ^^)
Um...I can play an instrument, and I'm fairly good at anything I try. :D I can also write well. ;P <3
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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
 You are a Samurai. Always up for a challenge and never a subtle creature, you are predictable and unafraid of death - it is an honor for you. You never back down, and you know that to be a Samurai is to serve. You are obediant and disciplined - the pinnacle of perfection in your art.
- What kind of Warrior are you? - brought to you by Quizilla
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If you were in an anime what kind of girl would you be?(anime pics and MANY results) brought to you by Quizilla
That's really true! I am a tomboy!
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Hi everybody! I'm pretty happy today {wow...those last 3 words all ended in y} Anywayz, I'm glad that my bro finally got a gf. When he didn't have one, he thought he was ugly and fat. But now, he takes his gf on
rides on his motorcycle. I'm glad she likes them or there would be a problem. Minor though. I am also hoping for Sailor Mars's pic to come out pretty good! Knowing her, it will be awesome!!! It is one with Hiei and me in it. Check out her site and pics when u can. She's a great drawer! Well, I gotta go, so good luck wherever you may need it! { that my new quote?}
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Monday, March 15, 2004
Hi everybody! I hope you're having a great day! Anywayz, I really don't want spring break to be over. Not that it's going to be anytime soon. If u don't mind, since I have nothing else to post here, I was wondering that if you could tell me what anime you would like to be in. Or who's your favorite character in any anime. Thanx!
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Sunday, March 14, 2004
 Your date went perfect!! Hiei and you will deffinantly be with you for a while! He loves you to no end! GO YOU! But..sence I love him too, we have to share! But its ok! Cuz he loves us both! Check out Date With Hiei #2 coming soon!
A Date With Hiei (FOR GIRLS AND WITH PICS!!) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are a romantic writer. You're ALWAYS writing about some significant other--about lacking one, about wanting one, about having one, about being with one--it doesn't matter. If it involves even a tiny ounce of love, you're there! Much into the works of Christina Rossetti and the works of Alfred Tennyson, you are a bit of a classical writer as well....but, for the sake of all things cheesy, you're more of a hopeless romantic than a classical writer. You write whatever comes to mind--which usually involves a significant other. ^^; Oh well. If literary geniuses don't do it, who will, right?
What's YOUR Writing Style? brought to you by Quizilla
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Permalink What Magical Girl Are You?
I'm not a clutz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi! I just woke up. I'm tired. *yawns* Anywayz, just in case your reading this in the afternoon or some time around there, it's
9:33 A.M. here. I'm excited cuz at 2:15 I got to go duel against these guys that are like, 17, and I'm 13. But that's not why I'm excited. I'm just excited cuz I get to duel. I think I'm the only girl that actually goes to duel there instead of just watch. The guys say I'm very brave for going and dueling. When I show up there, they already know I'm gonna duel, not just stand there in the sidelines. I'm glad for that! They know they better respect me or they're gonna have problems. Anywayz, gotta go. Good luck everybody! Wherever u may need it! Bye!
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Saturday, March 13, 2004
Well, I have nothig else to post, so I will ask a question. How many visitors do u guys/girls have so far? Just wondering. {I don't mean to be nosy.} Good luck wherever u may need it!
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 You are the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Unless your opponent's packin' serious God Card, you pretty much end the duel when you hit the field. And you DO hit the field, cuz there's not much left of it when you're done. You rule the duels and look damn cool doing it. Feel special.
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Dragon Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha! I RULE! Fear me! No, really! Hey! Are u even listening to me!*sighs* guess not. *flies away shamefully*
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