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Out on a date with my beloved Soubi.
Member Since
Finding the killer of my brother Seimei. A.K.A Beloved..
Real Name
Liveing till now.
Anime Fan Since
3 year's old.
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, Loveless, Ranma 1/2, DBZ, flcl, Fullmetal Alchemist, Chobits, Card coptor sakura, and a lot more.
To get past the rest of the school year. (whats left of it)
Reading, Conputer, movies, and Sleeping.
My name is Ritsuka and i love Soubi =^_^=. My Goal right now is to find Septimal Moon and find the truth behind my brother's murder. Well anyways hope you enjoy my site and plz sing my G.B ^_^. Well see ya around!
"Soubi your so mean!!!"

2: no bad talking about my thoughts
3: No hater's
As you can see i'm pretty nice... But, if you mess with me i'll send Soubi after your Ass! ^_^ k? well byes!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
i fixed my conputer and now it goes supper fast! well thats it...byes!
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
La de da
well hello to one and all!!! so i know that its a bit late but, im ganna tell ya what i got for christmas anyways. so i got some pants and a few shrits, FF3 for ds, pokemon ranger for ds, a nightmar befor christmas blankie, gravitation books, batteling vixens books,amd finaly my printer larry...dont ask why i named it larry. so what did i do later well...i broke into song and dance *smile*...well not really. what i really did was play with my ff3 game and then i finaly started reading gravitation. as i read i see more of why i HATE Thoma more and more. right now im about to wach Martin Mystery for no resone. La de da... yeah well...byes ^_^.
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Saturday, December 23, 2006
no Subject
well as you can see im BORED!!! well i just did my nail....there HOT...PINK!!! yeah, yeah, i know but, i don't have Purpel yet and i only grabed the hot pink. so anyways i have no idae what i'm ganna do to day >_<. last night i wached a Jack black movie and for once he was not funny at all O_o. i thought i'd never say that. mom and grandma went to go christmas shoping and i have to fold cloes -_-. well now what? well there's always the conputer as you can see. maybe tonight ill stay up really late and be a neard and wach all the starwars movies and lord of the ring. LMAO! well now that you know one of my drity lil...i can't think of the word. well i remmber sooner or later. well i right now i'm trying to think of something to talk about.....-_-.....AH.....Nope. well ok well here are a lil pic's for ya all.

Happy holiday!
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Friday, December 22, 2006
what i'm ganna do for christmas!
Yeah well as you can see by what my subject name is im... BORD!!! anyways what to talk about. well i'm going to grandma's and pa's to "spend christmas with the family" well that a lot of crap. all we'll do there is grandma will wach her story's, grandpa will go walking, Aunt robyn will be geting drunk, richy and jo will be geting in to troubel, and i will be reading or be on the conputer. well when christmas comes i'll be the frist up and i'll wait about and hour then grandpa will come out with the gifts that mom told him to give me. Oh1 so you know this year i heard that grandpa was not ganna make a display for me. anyways he'll give me about 7 manga's (THANK YOU MOM!!!) and i'll sit in the liveing room and r3ead them while grabdpa reads the paper and drinks his...EWWW!!! black coffe. and as always when it comes time for gift passing i'll be the one to pass them out. wowza! well then when every thing is said and done the day will end with me and some one fighting about something stupid. well if some of you don't do this after we go home for new years me and mom take the money that she gets and we do a lil "after" christmas shoping. this time my goal is to get a cam so i can make memories with my dear Soubi.... yes i know i'm totaly over doing the whol me being Ritsuka and me loveing Soubi... but come on you'v seen Soubi he's SOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!! well as you have seen i am really bord cuz i would never write this much in one blogy thingy. well see ya all around.
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
Fire drill thingy... -_-
so you know i did'et start it... they dared me... NO, NO, NO, i really did'et. from what i know some one from one of the apartment (hope i spelled that right) went off. also that means all of the apartments go off. It was funny as hell. everyone was like wtf and i was all like LMFAO and then the evl ones came. the fire man ppl. well i was in my robe and my fullmetal alchemist blankie over myself...i know you won;t some of that blankie. well all im saying is LMFAO and wowza im i bord... I know I know i spelled it wrong. well see ya around ppl.
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