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Montreal, Que. Canada
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Secondary School Student
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Eum...Ritsuka Aoyagi...I am sorry but i prefer not to distribute such information.
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I am incapable of choosing just one...I-I apologize
...My aspirations are meaningless...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Layer 07 - Kanari Mondai Janai?
E-Eum hello... I must really truly be one of the worst members on this site, in terms of my update rate and I am really sorry._. I am feeling very tired and I have been lacking energy as of late. I feel extremely fatigued during the afternoon and I find it impossible to feel asleep at night until the small hours of the morning. =_= Sleep eludes me entirely. Nights with very little sleep or entire days with nothing but. I was hoping that my situation would improve over the summer…so that I would be able to function properly at school…but my condition has only grown worse…Eum I am sorry. ._.
That was not important.
*Ears redden*
I am struggling with fan fiction writing, I have started several but I find that I am never able to even complete a single chapter…I-I lose confidence and eventually I become preoccupied with minor grammar alterations and other corrections until I reach a point where neglect the story entirely. It upsets me I guess…I-I hate not being able to finish anything…I have had my account up for months and I have failed to post a single story to date. E-Eum…if it is permitted I would like to ask for assistance in that regard…more specifically I would like to ask whether anyone would be interested in becoming my beta reader. /////// >_> I-I am somewhat embarrassed…I have seldom let others view my writing ._. Furthermore, it is only proper that I warn you of the mediocrity of my work in advance…
Eum…if you are interested…you could indicate that via PM or e-mail (which ever is most convenient) I g-guess. I would appreciate the aid whole-heartedly. ^__^:: I-I am not sure as to why I am feeling so uneasy. I apologize. I feel as though I am trembling *shivers*…I am not cold…snow is not due here for another nine to ten weeks (although I have seen it snow here at almost every month of the year O.o). I have not seen snow since last April =_=…I want to go skiing again ^__^ .
>_> I am of the assumption that bloging will always be strange for me…Everything that I have posted yields little in a way of comments (hence the huge gap in-between the April post and one of the more recent ones) and I have yet to reach the <> required to actually use this as a <>. >_< I understand that sites like this serve as more than one’s diary…b-but I am at a loss at what to do. *Nervous laughter* I c-could post art instead…but the disaster that is my deviantart account leads me to think otherwise…I am sorry…this is…confusing is all…
I apologize, I am writing this post with no structure or theme in mind…that is why it appears to be so disorganized and random…or otherwise chaotic. I am sorry I haven’t any idea what to write…this is wrong of me and I am sorry.
T-this post was stupid…sorry
I-I know that this is boring…eum…I…I am not quite sure as to what I should do with this. Does anyone have any suggestions? ...I should not be asking…I am sorry. Eum if there is anything anyone wishes to see in my next post or to please tell me…(you may address any question)
A-Ano Ja ne…
-Ritsuka Aoyagi
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Layer 06 - Iya! Gaku!
My summer is quickly drawing to a close...and a new acedemic cylce is about to begin =_=. I cannot say that this pleases me in anyway...perhaps it is just that I loathe the school that I attend...or maybe all public schools for the matter ^_^". My mother, at times, reminds me that reading manga and watching anime will accomplish nothing but reducing my brain to mush...*laughes* then I went on to say I think that public education has done that already.
*bows in an apologetic manner*
._. I had no intention of comming of as somewhat of a <> individual...I-I just resent the struggle I had adjusting to the switch from the private sector to the public one...I have made some good friends since then, besides it has been three years since I transfered. I am truly pathetic -_-.
*laughes nervously*
E-Eum...actually this is my final year as a secondary school student, I graduate this year and will be going to cegep/college in the next aceademic round. I-I am rather nervous...with the applications and all >_>...I mean I am only of sixteen years ._.
I am being immature....childish even and I am sorry. Mind you we all at some point wish that summer would last longer...truth be told...I-I actually like going to school and expanding my <> as it were...
Please enjoy the remainder of your summer.
This post was rather bothersome and quite frankly pointless to say in the least. i am sorry for taking up your time with my worthless drivel.
Ja ne and take care
-Ritsuka A.
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Layer 05 - Gomen nasai - ごめんさい
Eum, I apologize for not updating for quite a prolonged periond of time, truth be told I was rather occupied and could not write anything up until this moment in time. I have switched the background in hopes that this site would be less bothersome to the eyes...*weak laughter* I am really boring ^__^:: I suck royally! W~ Yeah! *flashes victory sign* Low score!!!!! If you do not understand the previous statement you should refer to the Gravitation mangas...I can not recall which volume it was...but in between one of the tracks (or chapters...or what have you...TTwTT Maki Murakami is strange....)there is a picture of Shindo Shuichi and a failed examination paper.
ja ne and take care
Ritsuka Aoyagi-kun
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