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Wouldn't you like to know. ;]
Member Since
Stuuudent D:
Real Name
Sticky 8D
Anime Fan Since
Ever since I saw Pokemon for the first time! Or was it DBZ...^.^x
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin,Trigun, Azumanga Daioh, Fruits Basket, Scrapped Princess, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, and a bunch more...
To do something artsy and actually make a living. *scoff*
Drawing, swiming, basketball, violin, and playing Tales of Symphonia! ::droooool::
Hello. I'm not really around here much anymore, but if you for some unknown reason wanna chat, just send a PM my way. 8]

My button! Thanks to, ReignOfRed.
BG from HERE.

Oh yeah! Go Kratos! PM rurounigirl1123 to join. ^_^x
I am a member of the ‘Hagane no Kokoro’ club. If you want to join go to Kana’s site. Please don’t steal this banner.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I just watched Conqueror of Shambala...
And all I can say is... Poor Winry. D8>
She totally got hosed.
I mean, the part where all pops up and you're like "YAY BROTHERS TOGETHER" was adorable, but I still felt really bad for Winry. XD
But boy did Al look cute, in his lil Ed cosplay. X3 AWww. *pinches cheeks*
Yeeeah that is all *fangirls all by her lonesome*
~RK |
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Sunday, March 2, 2008
I'be been in a really anime-ish mood lately. I had the urge yesterday, after listening to the song "Bratja" a million times, to buy FMA DVD's. Because FMA is one of those shows that is really super popular, but with good reason (in my opinion XD). And now I want to make my parents take me to the store. Though the prolly won't. :<
That, and I've been into Ghost in the Shell lately. I'm not much into violence and such, but the philosophies in GITS are really intriguing. And the art is pretty cool.
BUT I have pretty much no money. I should probably consider getting a job. XD Durrrh.
uhh yah that's all. There IS a picture up in my gallery since last time, but I don't think anyone really cares too much. XD
Till later, then~ Gotta go. *runs*
~RK |
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Sunday, February 3, 2008
Another post? So soon? Woahdang. I may actually not die for a while this time. XD
Again, not much going on. I don't really want to watch the Super Bowl. :< I more want to 1) Practice my violin, as I need practice badly and 2) Play the FMA game I bought years ago and pretty much abandoned. o__o It was a fun game- I dunno why I blew it off. I'd like to do that, assuming my brother isn't playing Guitar Hero all morning. XDD Which he very well might.
Iii've also posted another oekaki in my art section, if you're interested. ;D More Pokemon stuff, because Pokemon are so fun to drawww<33
Ahh I've got some chores to do before the game, because we'll eventually have friends and family over. Guuh I hate Super Bowl day. DX Too much going on.
Kay. I'm off~
~RK |
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
This thing on? *taptap*
Hullo, everyone. Everyone meaning no one. Because this is a dead little bloggy page here. D;
Poor myO. I kinda miss you, I really do.
I'd say "I'll be sure to post more here all the time!" But that would be a downright lie. XD I'll just pop by and keep this site active, I suppose.
Oh, a new picture is up. If anyone cares. *shrugs*
*out of stuff to say, yet again*
~RK |
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Friday, August 10, 2007
I really hate this layout. XDD Toooo lazy to fix.
Hiya guys. Just putting off doing my summer reading paper. 8] Yay me. Just thought I'd stop buy. Say I'm not dead. Tell you that I have some new art up. 8D Uhhh. Yeaup. That's about it. XD;; Sorry guys.
Anything new going on with all of youz? :3
~RK |
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Featured Quiz Result:
... you know i do it on purpose.
 You are Kratos Aurion, a mercenary for hire who has been hired to protect Colette. You are an extremely useful character, and are a bit stronger than Lloyd. When everyone gets to the Tower of Salvation, you reveal yourself as an angle of Cruxis, an half-elf orginization. Lloyds team then attacks you. After that, you run into Lloyds group several other times. Two times you are fighting him. The other two he is in your party. Kratos has most of the attacks Lloyd has, and some magic attacks too. His control is almost identicle to Zelos.
What character from Tales of Symphonia are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Well, it is ture. ^_^''
That's extremely accurate. Holy crap. o.e''
 You're like me! The intelligent loner. You're shy at times but friendly, and you are never weak and always independent. You are incredibly intelligent (wise beyond your years) and have a talent for many things (sports, music, art). You have a kind and warm personality and enjoy the simple things. Like hanging out with friends and watching movies at home. But you're sometimes quiet nature makes you a bit of an outcast and a mystery to people. No matter how pretty you are or smart or athletic, you just can't seem to break into the crowd and be noticed. Don't worry, try to be more outgoing and speak out when you have more to say. Don't hide behind your books and sports and computer, get out there and get noticed. You also have deep desires in life and feel vunerable and alone at times. Don't feel sad either, What helps me to express feelings and dreams that I can't say to people, is through my writting. Maybe you should try.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!) brought to you by Quizilla