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myOtaku.com: RKluverX

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wow I hate my layout

Oh well. You'll all have to live with it for the time being. XD

I finally started playing Tales of the Abyss again. 8DD Before I was stuck on the Arietta battle for some reason. Then I went and played it and won right away. Whaaat? XDD I'm lame, I know.

Now I'm fighting Dist. His big robot is annoying. And Tear keeps dying even after I run out of Life Bottles, so I'm gonna have to either A) fight lots of those stupid monsters while your chasing Dist's little robot so I can get more money, allowing me to get more Life Bottles or B) Just keep fighting him with the stuff I have until I win. XDD I dunno which I'll end up doing. *ponders*

Ummm, I have some art up. And stuff. One ToS picture and one original. Yup. Just thought I'd let you guys know. 8D

And now I'm off to go play ToA. :]


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