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Final Fantasy VII... I steal everyone's materia... Ph33r m3
Member Since
a slave of the halls of doom known as school...
Real Name
Suzanne's my name driving pple up a wall iz my game!!!
I have succeeded in making everyone love my art and wet their pants when reading my "humor" stories... lol Well not everyone but enough where I'm a happy artist ^_^
Anime Fan Since
my nick name waz Charlie *as in last minute Charlie XD I've had that nick name for like ever*
Favorite Anime
Whatever I draw I like and/or love. Titles I'm fond of are Jing: King of Bandits, Flame of Recca, Cased Closed and Card Captor Sakura
I want to be a world known anime artist from the US like Piro-san... lol XD I also want to toutch Cloud and Vincent's hair just to see what it feels like... and then steal their materia X3
Playin' my cube and PS2 *My 2 fav r Skies of Arcadia and Super Smash Bro. Melee *Bowser's mine MINE I SAY!!!* and 4 the PS2 my fav games r Kingdom Hearts, Grandia II, Final Fantay VII *hands down* and Inuyasha* Oh and I enjoy making fanarts of fanart ^_^
Screaming Japanese sentences down the halls of my school such as "NANI UN DIO!?!?!" *What are you talking about!?!* sleeping, drawing, singing in Eng. and Jap., and taking forever to to the simplest task... *I'm not slow I'm evenly paced...*
| Roaring Flame Cat
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
OMG my nephew Seth just threw 1 of hiz *fake* guns @ me and now I have a huge bleeding gouge on my head the length of a quater and its right on my right eyebrow. da** it hurts... when he 1st did it I had 2 use all of my self concious 2 prevent myself from swearing... pls look on the net 4 an head hurts 2 much 4 me 2 do it.............i'm going 2 bed.......
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Friday, April 9, 2004
Does any 1 have a request!?
I am so board I wanna draw something but I have abosolutly no requests...All I need 4 a request iz a pic u want me to draw and I'll draw it (any kind of anime no realistic pics pls I suck at those and nobody likes a sucky pic.) If u want a dragon u don't have 2 give me a pic because well I'm an expert at dragons so no pic nessasary but if u want to send me a pic of a specific dragon go ahead and send me a pic I can also do griffons, phinoxes, mermaids, faries, and I'm not so good @ drawing unicorns but if u want 1 I'll try my best. so gemme requsts pls I'm begging pls? just put the links of the pics in the comment box and I'll get 2 ur pics a.s.a.p
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more doggie quizies
![Inuyasha...YAY!]( INUYASHA!!!! Your Significant other is INUYASHA! Your so lucky...He's not only very good looking, but he is extreamly protective and won't let harm come to the one he love's... YOU GO!
Who is your Secret Inuyasha Love? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, April 6, 2004
stupid me......
I 4 got 2 mentoin that I used reference 4 my 3 newest pics from and now I have 2 unpost them and fix my comment so I don't get A)blamed 4 plagerisim and B)so I don't det in big troubble *hits self in head repeating "sutipd me dumb, dumb, dumb!!!"*
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Monday, April 5, 2004
lol funny joke!!!!!
ok how many dragon ball Z careters does it take to capture a Pikachu?
Give Up?
1 but it takez 4 episodes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!
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WHOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED MY CONSTITUTION TEST YA!!!!!!!!! I was literally having panic attacks over fear that I waz gonna flunk it *WHEW* WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOW 2 CELEBRATE!!!!
pic from
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Sunday, April 4, 2004
MWAHAHAHAHAHA PET ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
border="0" alt="I took Suta-Raito's Pokemon Quiz and I'm a Skitty!">
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
my god pple r evil....
well reason 4 thiz iz I put my story that I've been writing since halloween on fan and I dont think any 1 haz evan read it...*crys* its a really good story if I do say so myself...OK what the story iz about iz Inuyasha takes some R+R at Kagome's house 4 Halloween and haveing collected most of the jewel shards hey had naraku on the run.anywho Inuaysha and myoga fear that thiz would be the worst winter because of a curse that Inuyasha hasThe curse iz that once wvery 50 years Inu loses hiz powers (az he would on the night of a new moon but there's a catch)The moon turns from pearl white 2 frozen Ice blue and during the time that the moon iz changing colors Inuyasha losses more and more if hiz demon powers...until he iz 100% human BUT the catch iz that he can't change bau UNTIL Inuyasha iz kissedby hiz 1 and only 1 true love MWAHAHAHAHA!!!! *ahem*well if the story interest u go 2 thiz webste and u'll be right on chapter 1 of my story! pple happy readings lol man I used alot of I've gone nuts...
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
![inuyasha]( ur Inu-Yasha!! go good guys!!
are u Sesshomaru or Inu-Yasha? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, March 25, 2004
What's fruits basket all about?
My evil friends r all morons...I asked all of my friends what in god's name waz it about and they either A) had no clue what I waz talking about or B) said it waz very confuzing...Like that helps! Soooooo If any 1 can give ma an answer without saying It's confuzing *let me decide that* I would most appreciate it ^^ And yes Tecno Cat I no i spelled confusing wrong so :P
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