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myOtaku.com: Roaring Flame Cat

Monday, July 19, 2004

   ALL BETTER!!!!!
I waz able 2 fix the pic my nephew wrecked and its about 95% fixed the rest iz outta my hands *it haz a huge fold down the center and I can't get it out but it's ok... I'm sry 4 all of u who think I over reacted I... I just can't help it I treat all of my pics like children and when 1 get's ruined it's like some 1 rippes my heart out *hmm iz that what it's liked 2 get dumped? B-ing a tomboy I have never gone on a date and hopefully never will... BOYZ R ICKY >P* lol but any way I'm better and thanx 2 all u pple who commented atleast I know some pple care unlike my parents... he wreckes my pic and he dosen't evan get punished and if he did it only lasted like 5 secondz... Jerks... well I just wanted all of u pple 2 know I'm feeling better! ^^
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