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myOtaku.com: Roaring Flame Cat

Thursday, September 16, 2004

-.- oh man waz I tired... I just woke up from like a 6 hour nap...

Y waz I so sleepy...? Well 3 1.things I'm always sleepy 2.I had stayed up till like 5-6AM finishing my story.... and 3.I went to a japanese culture club thing @ my school 2day....

Hmmmmmm what to ramble endlessly on about??? I think I'll start with my story 1st cuz if I don't I'm gonna explode...

Ok my story iz on Fanfiction.net and anyway it's called "What is their Last Name?" ~a Kingdom Hearts story~ Well it's a really funny story *if I do day so myself* Well all of my friends are like mad @ me because I had wrote 2 versions of the story. 1 rated PG due to swearing *the 1 they read* and 1 rated PG13 *no 1 except the pple who care on FF.net have seen this 1* Well in the non-edited version donald goes through this huge temper tantrum but he says a # of nawty words... Well me writing thiz @ 5AM so it seemed very funny 2 me at the time... -.- Well I showed it 2 my mom 2 proof read my work and she told me 2 edit the swearing out due to it threw off the flow of the story... so reading my work again t myself after sleeping 4 like 10 hours I agreed that the flow was thrown off so I edited it and I left the original version to disappear within the sands of time....

Ok now time to ramble endlessly about the Japanese club! Welllllllll we didn't really talk about much... I drew a ton of pictures... and they said something about an anime convention... I was like O.O ok now you got my attention! the convention iz sometime in Oct. in da windy city of CHICAGO!!! X3 BWAHAHAHAHA 2 all u pple who aren't me :3 *ok I'm sry all of u pple who arent me pls 4give me*

Well that's all 4 now folks... I'm going back 2 bed cuz I'm sleepy again.......... -.-

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