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myOtaku.com: Roaring Flame Cat

Monday, February 7, 2005

   A place where artists can throw pencils with vengence
WOOT!!! *throws sharpend pencils at unknown pple* MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
*ahem* Sory I haven't been around so long pple... My mom's a slave driver out to ruin me... SHE MADE ME CLEAN MY ROOM!!!!

Ok you're all probally looking at your hampster powered comp screen like O.o *what's so bad about that?*

What's so bad about it iz my room iz THE ENTIRE DOWNSTAIRS!!! and I mean I CLEANED EVERTING!!!!! I dusted, vacuumed, cleaned, wiped down my table tops, re-arranged a few of my coutches, AND CLEANED UNDER MY BED!!!!! *do you know what lives under my bed????* Well acually te things that live under my bed are pretty nice! but then there's Reamfeagr... he's not to nice but he is fun to pet-that is when he'll let me... *looks at battle scar* ...Well I survied Reamfeagr and cleaning my room so I SHALL LIVE TO DEAW ANOTHER DAY!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!! *does a dance*

Well I have been working on a few *and I mean a few* of my requests... *why iz it that when I'm extreemly busy I have 1,000 requests?* I mean not that I mind! I LOVE doing requests for you guys! *gives me a nice challenge and drives me to get better in my art!* I mean I know there have been a couple that pple have made to me a long time ago *and I MEAN a long time ago* that I didn't do... and I still kind of beat myself up over 'em... It not that I didn't want to do them it's just I got real busy... and then when I got some time to myself I wasn't in an artsy mood... *I'M REALLY ETERNALLY SORRY FOR ANYONE WHO HAS MADE A REQUEST TO ME AND I NEVER DID IT!!!!!!* Then again I bet most of you who did make a request don't even remember that you gave me a request... *shifty eyes*

lol... Well I'm still alive so ya... O one last thing! I updated a new story on fanfiction.net! I'm quite proud of it! it's called "A Day at the Races" and it's a Final Fantasy VII story. Halriously funny if I do say so myself! Here's a link to it! http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2245464/1/ I litereally laughed myself to tears when I was writing this. *and If I laugh at it I know it's funny... or do I... Cuz I laugh at everything and anything... hmmm* Well please take a look at it... PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU!!!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW FF VII TO READ IT!!! IT HUMOR THE LANGUAGE OF THE WORLD!!!!! C'MON!!!! *kill joys...* lol X3

Well I'm off to throw more pencils with vengence! C-YAAAAAAAAAAZ!!!!!

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