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myOtaku.com: Roaring Flame Cat

Monday, May 10, 2004

ok my 3 friends were sleeping over at my house last night and man the scaryiest thing happened. Ok I have the whole downstairs 2 myself *as I have said 500 times b 4* any way I have a padiow door that goes to my back yard and anyway me and my friends were watching Mr. Bean and a movie I made of my mom snoring *LOL* in the dark *like a movie theater* and anyway there was a tapping on on the door and I thought it was the racoon that lives in our back yard but it was like tapping in a rithem and my friend were on the top bunk of my bed while I was on the rocking chair closest 2 the door anyway I then asked my friends "did u guys hear that?" and @ 1st they thought it was me tapping on the door but then I got up and walked away from the door and the tapping was still going so me and friends were all now panicking and we all stormed upstars and woke up my sister and she was like "OMG WHAT R U GUYS DOING!!!" we all told her what was going on and then from the upstairs we went out on the padiow and looked down on my padiow door and noting was there. I went on the balcony and looked down leaning my body on the balcony and and seeing noting I leand back and went inside. I went back down to my "lair" and watched a little tv and eventually had 2 use the bathroom and I looked in the mirror at my shirt and I noticed this large clump of long sliver like hair on my shirt *must've got it on my shirt when I leaned on the balcony* I showed my friends and they were still to freeked to listen but I meen this hair was like half a meeter long! So I came to the first conclution it was Inuyasha! I told my mom and she thought I was nuts... I didn't care what she said but I meen that was the the only conclution that made sence it b 4 midnight it was only 11:25 PM so It couldnt be ghosts and I'm pritty sure racoons can't tap rhythems... *man I hate thiz i waz 2 checken to look out the window 2 c who it waz and I meen it could've been my hanyo friend...or evan a dragon* any logical explination iz welcome by don't thell me I'm nuts I've already been tortured by my family enough....
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