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myOtaku.com: roboartemis

Monday, October 10, 2005

   Crash And Burn...
Wow, anime marathons make me so worn out. Especially when you add that with spending time at my dad's house and spending an absurd amount of time hanging with my friend. Pheww! I'm pooped. But it was all good. I went hiking Sunday afternoon in the forest preserve behind my house with my friend Keebs and her boyfriend. What is it about hills that makes a guy pick up a stick and yell out "Braveheart!", cause I'm kind of wondering. But we all had fun, especially when I showed them the abandoned picnic lodge. It used to be the company picnic area for this one local business, but then the forest preserve bought up the land and it just sits there now. It's creepy ^_^ Anyway, I'm off to get some well earned sleep so see ya later.

-Quote of the Day-
Ichigo: "I'm gonna save you even if I have to drag you away. From this point on all your opinions are rejected! Got that, dumbass?!"
Rukia: "What the Hell is that?! You're ignoring all of the rescuee's opinions?! What kind of tyrannical way is that to save someone?!"
Ichigo "Shut up! The one being rescued doesn't get to complain! You just act the part and stand around trembling and say 'Oh, save me!'"
Rukia "'Oh, save me!' my butt! I don't tremble!"
-Bleach- (I've finally caught up! Muwahahaha!)

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