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myOtaku.com: roboartemis

Friday, October 21, 2005

   Eh, It Balances Out...
I’m sick again T_T But only a little. Just some slightly congested airways and a cough here or there, usually only when I laugh first. We just turned our heat on today, so I blame my cold on that ^_^ Actually, we tried to turn it on yesterday, but it wouldn’t work. So my uncle came over today and fixed it. Yay for electricians! Especially since my uncle will tell us the stories that my mom is too embarrassed to talk about *hehehe* Like the time Grandpa got drunk and lost a fight with the cat. Hahahaha!

Oh, and something else happened today as well. This traveling group came to the college today and gave free salsa lessons in the cafeteria. I could see them from where I was working at the school textbook store (I was stuck at the cash register today. So boring!) but unfortunately, the group was only there for precisely the time I was working, so no salsa lessons for me T_T Oh well. One of my co-workers was out there dancing though. Maybe I’ll ask her to give me some pointers next time I see her.

In anime news, I ordered the last episodes I was missing from Yu Yu Hakusho. Muwahahaha, soon all 112 episodes will be mine, on bilingual, optionally subtitled DVDs no less. I love import sets! All the legality and guilt free emotions of buying from the rights owners, but at a wonderful fraction of the cost. Thank You EBay and Amazon! *prostrates self before internet sales gods* You bring me affordable anime, and for that I am ever your loyal servant!

Ok, now that that’s all over, I’ll be leaving now. I’m happily bouncing on some good vibes right now. Weeeeeeee! See ya!

-Quote of the Day-
“Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think.”
-Jean de la Bruyère- (I love this quote, because it’s so true. Hey, I didn’t get the nickname “Android” in high school for being the emotional type. I got it for being the analytical one who seemed to laugh at everything as if I possessed no human emotions. Ahh, those were the good ol’ days. Actually, they sucked, but there were always plenty of people to laugh at/with, so it evens out ^_^)

Here is the actual tea house. Stupid tree with your stupid branches getting in my way! But besides that, the picture came out fine ^_^ (remember what I said about illnesses and them making me crazy... yeah...)
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