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• roboartemis86
• Illinois, USA
Member Since
• 2005-06-29
• Student Worker at my college
Real Name
• Andi (or is it? Muwahahaha... oh, wait, it is...)
• restraining that crazy voice in my head that used to tell me to trip random people...
Anime Fan Since
• discovered in 2000, fan since 2004
Favorite Anime
• do I have to pick? Umm... how about The Big O, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Read Or Die (OVA), Trigun, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Witch Hunter Robin, xxxHoLic
• Get around to watching Orphen and Revolutionary Girl Utena. Oh, and remembering to watch Naruto!
• drawing, reading, archery, and Taiji
• well, I'm told I'm a good artist... and that I'm very flexible... can't really think of anything else at the moment
Monday, January 9, 2006
All Is Well... Kinda...
So, Saturday I went to go see The Chronicles of Narnia. It was good. The end of that book always made me kind of sad, and the move had the exact same feeling for me, so that just proves that it was a good adaptation ^_^ Although, the end also makes me sad when I think about the book Prince Caspian *cries* If you haven't read any of the Narnia books, I'm not going to say anymore ^_^
Anyway, after the movie we all went to the Denny's right next to it. We were there for quite a while too. We got our checks at about 8:30pm and we didn't leave until 10:30pm *hehe* But yeah, so I got my conversation fix since the guys ended up talking about paintballing and such so we girls caught up on a lot. Of course, once the boys started talking about CJ's insanely cool Best Buy employee discount, I broke in and asked when the Playstation 3's were coming out ^_^ He doesn't know yet, but he said he'd tell me when he finds out and what the mark-up is. Hehe, it pays to have connections. Especially ones with kick-ass discounts *rubs hands together evilly* As you can tell, I'm in a better mood than last time *contimplates* Yes, these boys just might fit into the group nicely after all... wow, now I sound like even worse of a person than I did before. But seriously, it was the downloading, DVD burning, and computer capacity topics that got everyone together as one group. That's geek-bonding for you ^_^
Anyway, I've got to go to sleep now. I have to get up early to go into work tomorrow to check my schedule. It's rush now that classes start in a week, so I wouldn't be surprised if I had to be in by 7:30am. Which means I have to be there before that just in case T_T Damn my forgetfulness. I wish I had remembered to call and check on Friday. Bah! Oh well. Have a good day everyone!
-Quote of the Day-
CJ (to Charlie): "You could always just go out and connect to an unencrypted wireless network that's near-by."
Keebs: "Yeah, like the kind at Android's house."
Me (to Charlie): "Don't bother trying to hack in at my house though. Our internet's encrypted."
CJ: "Yeah."
Me: "I take it you've tried?"
CJ: "PDA."
-After movie conversation- (haha... that's so illegal...)
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