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myOtaku.com: RocketShip

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Sora Hanaki (09/09/07)

Hi hi ^^

Thank you for signing my guestbook.
I like your site~
And you're welcome for all the comments.
I love your art, it's really good.
It's good that these people are the ones that make you want to continue your manga, I'd want to see more of these people then because your manga looks cool ^^

I'm going to add you as a friend, I hope you won't mind.
Bye bye now.


Nishika Nori (09/09/07)

Hey! No prob about the comment! You draw just like the pros! And thanks for signing my guestbook! I like your site to!

Plus thanks for the rockin comment! Your really nice!

Addin ya!

Nishika Nori

LeoFire (09/09/07)

Oh, it was worth a comment about. I am very bad at hands and usually try to put them behind their head or out of the picture somehow. I really admire your work; everything is either really cute or really nice looking. You MUST keep it up. I wish to see more.

love everlasting (09/08/07)

Thanks for signing in!!
WHAT?! You NEVER HEARD OF Ouran High School?! Oh my GOD!! It's like the funniest show ever xD So sweet, all the guys in the Host Club fell in love with the girl xDD so cute and funny =^.^=

..::love everlasting::..

reeanimation (09/08/07)

no problem! and of course, as long as i can too. ^^ I can't wait until you update! i'm soo excited! XD



bonitachika792 (09/08/07)

AHhh i saw your art work its awesome and I just have to add you too! Ill be commenting ill be around to!

just.me (09/06/07)

Heey :D
You've got some pretty good drawings in your gallery, i really like your style a lot ^__^ I hope you don't mind that I'll be watching you as a friend ;)
See you around~

Fury (09/06/07)

Hey i don't understand
You have awesome drawing skills, but no one votes or comments on them
I'll be adding you and i'll come back to comment on your post
later for now

Kissable-Krista (09/03/07)

Thanks for your sweet GB entry. :D It made me smile. :]
I'll be adding you, so i hope we talk again soon~

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