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Under the sea, with Kisame-san. ^_~
Member Since
I'm a full-time slacker. xD
Real Name
Uh... When I was still in elementary school I was accepted into this whole "Honor Chorus" thing-a-ma-bob. Only seven people from my school were selected so I guess that's purty kewl... And that's about it.
Anime Fan Since
Since I ever heard of anime, I guess.
Favorite Anime
I like Yu-Gi-Oh, Yuyu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Hellsing, The Dragonball trilogy, Naruto... Uh, pretty much every anime I've ever seen.
One day I hope to become a novelist for young adults, or at least get a comic in a newspaper. It would be like "Get Fuzzy" but with an anime edge. :P
I like drawing, writing, and making fun of my friends cuz they're douchebags.. (lol)
Talents? Well, I can crack my neck and I can't move my wrists without them cracking. Is that considered a talent or a medical condition? o.O Ooh! And I can put my foot behind my head! ^___^
| Rockinmuffin
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
I'm back, beeeeee-yatches!
Well, I'm finally back from North Carolina. Actually, I've been back for about two days but I've been lazy lately but what else is new. :3 I'll spare you most of the details of my trip because all I did was sleep and draw. I'm probably the only person that goes to the beach on vacation and never even puts on a bathing suit. xD
I just added, like, six pictures. Three yugioh pics and three original pics. Drawing is fun. Especially when you're in church. xD I always draw in my Sunday School Class and it drives my teacher nuts but she can't get me in trouble because I always answer her bible questions correctly. It's like;
TEACHER: Who died for our sins, MARIA?!
ME: Uh... Jesus?
TEACHER: O___O; *Thinking: How did she know?!*
xD Yeah, that's basically it. Heh heh. Church is fun. I love messing with my pastor and his sons. He has two twin boys my age, both of them are a little chunky and they're both kind of nerdy. The younger of the twins is obsessed with baseball and the older one is a mamma's boy. -_-; His favorite movie is Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3D and he never shuts up about it. I wanna smack him and call him a wussy yellow-belly dorky freak-boy, but that wouldn't be the Christian thing to do... >.> Lol. Besides, he's already scared of me. I told him I stole his soul and sould it on eBay and I think he believed me. O__o Lol.
I just realized, I think I have to much manga. I have an entire shelf full and have a total of 154 volumes of manga. >.>; It's basically all I spend my money on. Speaking of manga, you know what'a really good manga series? Vampire Game. It's got comedy, action, romance, vampires, vampire kiddies, hints of yaoi and straight pairings, crossdressing, and the main character is a spoiled bratty princess girl whose mood and personality changes every five minutes. I love her. And her name is Ishtar. She's one of the few female manga characters I've ever liked completely. But don't take my word for it, READ IT YOURSELVES! Dx I wish they made an anime of that series. It's so good! T___T And the vampire king Duzell is freaking hot! He's gt long silverish-white hair and red eyes. I want him in my bed. Now. xD lol.
I ramble a lot.
But it's on purpose.
I only do it to annoy you.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la!
Me gusta mucho los tacos y burritos.
Yo tengo una fiesta en mis pantalones.
*Sings* I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts!
I bet you're wondering when I'm going to stop, huh?
Well, the answer is soon.
Just a few more lines to suffer through.
I think Shadow the Hedgehog is a smexy man-beast! ^___^
Pants are for squares.
One time when I was little I stuck a bead up my nose because I wanted to know what it smelt like.
When I was five I had an imaginary Hippopotamus named Hippo that liked to eat my hair.
My brother killed him.
Poor Hippo. T___T
The most traumatic esperience of my life, besides my dad's "Divorce Party" was when a female clown hit on my brother.
I'm done now. xD I grow bored of your presence. YOU ARE DISMISSED!
...I need to stop drinking Kool-Aid. >.>
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Friday, July 7, 2006
More sorryness... Is
Sorry I haven't been on recently. I've been really bust with my new job (I'm pooped!) and so I haven't gotten the chance to visit anyone's site for a couple days and I won't be able to for a while. I'm leaving to go to North Carolina for a week in a day or so. I don't even want to go. I hate the beach. I hate the sun. I hate getting sand in my bathing suit when I don't even sit in the sand. I hate the perverted men (Old and young) that look at me. And I hate the sharks that want to eat my flesh, except Kisame because he's cool and I'll let him eat my flesh any day. ^_~
But yeah... I won't have any connection to the internet so all I'll be able to do is draw... And read... -_-; Not that I don't like to read, but the only book I have is a book I have to read over the dummer for school and any time the school makes me read a book they ruin them for me. It is because of my tenth grade English class that I officially loathe "To Kill a Mockingbird." T___T Those bastards ruined a classic for me! *Cries in a dark corner of the room*
Well, back to the point; I won't be around for about a week so I won't be able to comment on your sites, but I'll be sure to check up on all my friends when I come back, kay?
Much love from the muffin that rocks. ^_~

...And her smexy sharky obsession thingy! xD

...I need help. -_-;
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
*Jumps up and down excidedly like a bunny on crack*
Sorry peoples, I'm just really excited right now because I've been promoted! ^____^ I am now officially a Senor Otaku! *Throws confetti in the air* I just found out when I went to comment on someone's picture and I noticed I was no longer an otakuite. ^___^ I know it's really not that exciting, but I tend to be a drama queen and exagerate things. YAY!
My mom's birthday yesterday went by nicely. I gave her my gift and then we went to see a movie. Later her friend *cough* STALKER! *cough* took her, my brother, and I all out to eat at the Olive Garden and that was nice too. I think she had a nice day, though I think she would've had a nicer day if my brother had at least wished my mother a happy birthday. *Sigh* He can be so insensitive sometimes. He didn't wish me a happy birthday on my birthday either. TT___TT
Other than that, yer=sterday I bought volumes three through six of Naruto and read them all. xD Then I got on the internet for a while and went to bed at about four am. I woke up at about noon today and after I ate some fozen walfles I drew a chibi of Kisame from Naruto and it's already been posted and accepted. ^___^
Yeah, not much else going on. -_-; My life is very boring and bland if you think about it, but I'd rather be bored to death than die from work overload. And tommorrow I have to get up early to go watch the special ed girl so I guess I should go to bed at a decent hour... Oh well. *Shrugs shoulders*
Uh, well... >.> Buh-bye! *Runs away*
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Monday, July 3, 2006
ZOMG! O_o Like, whoa!
Even though it's a little after one thirty in the morning I'm really hyper right now because I had COOKIES! xD I couldn't stop myself... They were calling to me. It was all like;
COOKIES: "Maria, come and eat me!"
ME: "But my mommy told me not to eat anything this late at night. ...And she also told me to stop talking to inanimate objects."
COOKIES: "Are you gonna let her telll you what to do?!"
ME: "...Yes."
COOKIES: "But I'm delicious and full of fats and sugars and all sorts of other useless calories that will go straight to your thighs!" :D
ME: *Stares at cookie longingly* "I want you inside me."
The scary part is that I actually said that last line to the cookies. -_-; Yes, I'm a freak, a pervert, and I'm one-third schizophrenic! xD So, yeah... Point is, the cookie is now inside me and the sugar is rushing through my blood.
I love sugar. It is my heroin. xD
...Don't do heroin. :(
So... What to say, what to say? Well, I uploaded my picture of Mana an hour or two ago so if it's not up yet it should be soon. ...Now I wanna draw something. O_O I should draw a picture of someone from the Yu-Gi-Oh cast eating a pop-tart! Hmm... Should it be Seto Kaiba or Yami no Yugi? >:D I also wanna draw a picture of Kisame from Naruto. Because he's cool. So there. :P Here's a smexy picceh of him in case you don't know who he is:

He's a sharky thing... That hangs out with Itachi. I really don't know anything about him because I haven't gotten to the part where they introduce him in the manga yet. xD I still think he's cool though. He's my second favorite Naruto character, right after Kakashi. ^___^ Yay!
Oooh, today's my mommy's birthday! ^___^ I'll have to wake her up early in the morning in the most annoying way possible... >:D I need a blowhorn, a bucket of paste, and a drunken donkey. *Evil plotting*
>.> Wow, I ramble a lot. I went from cookies to drunken donkies. -_-; Curse that evil cookie and it's superb skills of seduction. *Runs off to do evil things*
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Saturday, July 1, 2006
TT____TT Sorry!
Sorry that I haven't been on the Otaku lately! I've been so busy lately! My mom keeps dragging me out of the house and lately I got a small job watching a girl over the summer because. She's 18 and she's special ed, but that's not why I need to watch her. She's pretty self-suficient but the problem is that she has seizures a lot. Her seizures are different though; instead of spasming like most people imagine seizures to be, she walks around in circles as if she's in a trance. After a minute or so she snaps out of it, so he sseizures aren't really a problem either, but she also has an adrenal deficiency so if she ever fell down during a seizure and knocked herself unconcious, her body wouldn't be able to produce the adrenaline she would need to wake herself up or something like that, so I'm pretty much just there to call 911 if that happens. So yeah... Sorry about the winded explanation.
Ooooh while I was there on Friday I started drawing a picure of Mana from Yugioh, but I'm still working on the detail. I lurve Mana. xD *Glomps Mana*
And I promise I'll go around all my friends' sites and check everything out to see what I've missed! *Sighs* So much catching up to do...
Oooh, by the way, recently I started a proboard/site thingy where you can post CYOA (Choose your own adventure) stories and other stories written in second person. Of course, I allow all types of fiction, including fanfiction and original so if you want to share your stories please become a member and join. So far I'm the only member. I'm so lonely. TT___TT Here's a link to my site; Padded Walls
Well, I better go check out everyone elses sites now. See ya! #^3^# *Hugs and kisses*
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Sunday, June 18, 2006
I'm excited. WATCH ME DANCE! xD
Wow... Today was a much busier day for me than normal. I was forced to get up early this morning to go to church but that's okay because I got to draw a copule of messy pics while I was there because I always know what to say to make the Sunday school teachers happy! HA! xD I BEAT THE PASTOR'S SONS! xD
Then I went to brunch with my dad and half-sisters for Father's Day. Bur we had to eat outside in the blistering heat and it sucked because the flies kept trying to eat my food. -_-; Stupid buggies.
Then I came home and did some more stuff... (Translation: I came home and slept for three hours) A few minutes ago I drew a very crappy sketch of Yami Yugi/Atemu on MS Paint which took five minutes. I love the overall crappiness of it all. xD

And here's a piccy of my most recent picture taken; it's my school picture for my Sophmore year. My hair is messy and looks like crap. And my smile is fake. -_-; Lol. Not to mention I look like a boy. YAY! I can be a cross-dresser when I grow up!

Ooooh! Yesterday my mommy got DSL so now I can get on the computer whenever I want! *Glomps monitor* Oh Compy, we shall have many late night adventures together of naughtiness! xD And daytime naughtiness too!

O_O WAIT! I don't wanna have naughty fun with Pegasus! ANYONE ELSE WOULD BE BETTER! Dx

Uhh... >.> I change my mind. Pegasus, come back! Dx *Runs after Pegasus and away from Tristan*
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Friday, June 16, 2006
Don't you just love it when you can remember your nice dreams?
During the school year, I can never remember my dreams, it's always just an empty black void, unless I'm having a nightmare of course. I don't have nightmares that often but I can remember being chased by vampires, being shot in the back, being set on fire, getting beaten to a pulp by a clown, being devoured by cockroaches, and then I had a particularly nasty dream the night I saw the Silent Hill movie...
But since school has ended I've been able to remember all my good dreams. ^___^ I've dreamt about flying through space with angel wings, I remember eating a giant marshmallow, I remember sitting in a burning swamp and talking to my friends about my brother's new profession in the Navy (He's not really in the Navy, I just dreamt that my friends and I were TALKING about him being in the Navy...) I even remember a particularly interesting dream that involved Ryou, a bed, and me... O////O I know what you're thinking and that's NOT what I dreamt! It was cuddling and nothing more! And even if there was more I wouldn't tell ya cuz my mommy taught me not to kiss and tell! ^_~
It's sort of weird how I can never remember them during the school year yet I suddenly remember a bunch of them during summer vacation. This just proves my theory that school is an evil establishment that sucks away our creativity and tries to turn us into fleshy zombie meat bags. Dx Curse you public school systems, CURSE YOU! I'm onto your little secret! *Glares at a lamp post* STOP MOCKING ME!
And I added some new fanart yesterday and very early this morning so you'll probably be able to see it by the time you read this post. YAY ME! xD Lol. And now... I'm going to read some fanfiction. xD Thank heavens for my lack of an active social life, though I do have to go to a pool party tomorrow for this girl's sweet sixteen. The weird thing is that this girl used to stalk me... kinda... >.> I wanted to say no but then I would've felt guilty because she doesn't have many friends and nearly no one came to her party last year and I know what that's like so... yeah. -_-; Damn. Why do I have to be so freaking nice?
O_O And now I rambling. I give you all permission to through a tuna can at my face the next time I do that... Which will probably be soon. xD TUNA'S MADE WITH DOLPHIN MEAT! *Gets smacked in the side of the head with a tuna can* Dx Ow! ...That HURT! *Passes out*
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Saturday, June 10, 2006
The funniest, most retarded, racist thing happened today...
My dad went to Food Lion today to get some mayonaise (cuz he's weird like that) and guess who decided to have a rally today? Everyone's favorite uneducated fuckheads; the KKK.
They weren't dressed in their traditional white hoods; they were just a bunch of young punks. Judging by how mouthy they were they were probably drunk.
Well, while my father was in the store, he must've given them a look or something because one of the members came up to him and they exchanged some... words. (I don't really know who started it; I wasn't there. I just know what my dad told me and even he isn't entirely sure what happened.) One thing led to another and so the member called my dad an "N-word Lover" and my dad just called him a "White N-word" If the cops weren;t there I'm sure my dad would've kicked that punk's ass. xD It's times like these I realize how much I love my dad.
On a much lighter note, today the WB aired the final episode of Yu~Gi~Oh! TT3TT Fare thee well, Yugi-tachi! I'll miss you all! ...Now I just need to get my hands on the uncut, unedited version where they don't turn Anzu into a dork and they don't replace guns with sling-shots. -_-; (In the begginning of the Memory World Arc, when that guy flung a sling-shot at young Grandpa's back when they were in Atemu's tomb... he was supposed to shoot him with a pistol. Thank you, manga.)
Oh yeah, and school is finally over for me! WOOT! *Throws confetti in the air* Now I can go back into my night owl schedule; sleep all day and stay up on the internet all night! xD
Well, now I'm gonna go to and continue watching some smexy videos! I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH! xD
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
More complaining. -_-;
*Sigh* Seems like almost all I ever do on this site is complain. But at least I can have the satisfaction of knowing you must suffer through my tiresome rants. xD
Don't you just hate it when your parents never support what you like to do? I know I'm not the only one in the world that feels unappreciated by their parents --a great number of us teenagers do-- but I feel as if nothing I do is ever enough to satisfy them.
My mother supports my art and my writing, but not the type of art and writing that I enjoy. My mom thinks that I should lean more towards realism and more "practical" drawings and she thinks I should get into journalism and forget about my silly "fanfiction obsession."
My father, on the other hand, doesn't seem to support any of my interests. He enjoyed my self-portrait I drew for Art class, but that was it. He's never accepted that I want to become a published novelist and he wants me to work in some boring cubicle for some important company.
Today I got the book that my poem was published in and I was all excited because my poem was on the first page, but that excitement was short-lived. As soon as my mom found out she asked "Why did they put your poem in the front?" So now she thinks that did this for everyone that wrote a poem in the book and ordered it so everyone could have their poem in the front of that book. At first I thought the idea was completely moronic, but now it seems my mother even has me doubting that.
Since the beginning, my mother and my father both thought this whole Poetry.Com publishing thing was a huge scam... And I've found that the both of them are making me doubt my own talents and abilities more and more each day. I, by no means, have ever thought I had a special gift for writing or drawing, but I still don't appreciate my parents deflating my ego, especially since there wasn't that much of it to begin with.
I want you to understand, I am fully aware that there are plenty of kids that are worse off than me --some kids are completely ignored by their parents or get no support from thir parents whatsoever-- but that thought doesn't make the pain in my heart hurt any less. Why do parents have to have such high expectations for their children? Why can't they just let us live our own lives and be proud of us for who we are? *Sigh*
Well, I'm done ranting and I'd like to thank any and all of you who read this. ^___^ I feel much better now that I got that off my chest. I've been overly emotional the past few days because of all my final exams, but at least it's almost over. June 9th is my last day! xD *Throws confetti in the air* I promise my next post won't be such a downer. I'll try to stop raining on your parades. xD
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Friday, June 2, 2006
I'm getting SICK and TIRED of the perverts at my school. The one that's getting on my nerves the most is this kid named Jake. He's the biggest flirt at our school and I just wanna kick him in the nutsack and run! ...But I don't think people appreciate just how painful being kicked in the balls can be, so I'll just stab him or something...
What did he do to get me so upset? Well, besides all the lewd comments he says to me, yesterday he grabbed my ass. Him, two other guys, and I had to hang up some posters in the caffeteria for our fourth period class and while I was hanging up the posters he kept getting close and hovering his hand over my breast. I chased him away, but I immediately went back to hanging up the posters because I wanted to get the job over with and go back to class. So while I was hanging the poster up he came behind me and grabbed my ass.
I sighed, glared at him, then finished hanging up the poster. (It was a big poster, okay?) And then...
I chased his narrow ass around the school. xD
He's lucky I didn't catch him because I don't even KNOW what I would've done to him if I did. I would've gotten him, though, if he hadn't ran into the classroom where the teacher was so I couldn't get him. The baby. My friend Sam told me that if he kept messing with me that she'll "take care of him" for me. I'm very tempted by the offer, but I bet the pervert would somehow find a way to enjoy it. *Sighs* Oh well. I decided that from now on whenever he gets near me I'm just going to shout out "RAPE!" I did that today and he backed away a little. xD
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