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Under the sea, with Kisame-san. ^_~
Member Since
I'm a full-time slacker. xD
Real Name
Uh... When I was still in elementary school I was accepted into this whole "Honor Chorus" thing-a-ma-bob. Only seven people from my school were selected so I guess that's purty kewl... And that's about it.
Anime Fan Since
Since I ever heard of anime, I guess.
Favorite Anime
I like Yu-Gi-Oh, Yuyu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Hellsing, The Dragonball trilogy, Naruto... Uh, pretty much every anime I've ever seen.
One day I hope to become a novelist for young adults, or at least get a comic in a newspaper. It would be like "Get Fuzzy" but with an anime edge. :P
I like drawing, writing, and making fun of my friends cuz they're douchebags.. (lol)
Talents? Well, I can crack my neck and I can't move my wrists without them cracking. Is that considered a talent or a medical condition? o.O Ooh! And I can put my foot behind my head! ^___^
| Rockinmuffin
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Friday, April 21, 2006
BLEH! -_-;
I tried to post images here earlier but it didn't work right. It's weird, because a bunch of people couldn't see the pics, but I could. -_-; I really, really feel like stabbing something. Or getting Kura to stab something. xD

Or maybe I could somehow convince Ryou to huggle something to death... Like Kaiba. xD That would satisfy my need for bloodshed, my interest in annoying Kaiba, and my love for yaoi.

...Maybe I'll kill Tristan. I'm tired of him falling in love with me in EVERY quiz I take! Dx I HATE HIM SO MUCH! GO MOLEST SERENITY INSTEAD, YOU STUPID PEDOPHILE!

(If you can see the pictures... They don't belong to me, though I did draw the crappy stick figure in the first one.)
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Monday, April 17, 2006
Kura doesn't love me either...
Of course, what would this post be without a little shameless self-promotion. ^_~ Well, it looks like Kura doesn't like me, but Yami no Malik is stalking me. YAY! And once again, Honda/Tristan likes me. WHY CAN'T I ESCAPE HIM?! Dx Lol.
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Yay, Tea hates me! xD
This just makes me laugh because I love Tea... In a completely platonical way. O_O This is almost as funny as Joey stalking me. And how come Tristan seems to like me in all these quizes I take. O_o Oh well! ^__^ *Glomps Tea*
TEA: Someone... Kill me...
I love you! ^___________^
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Friday, April 14, 2006
...I couldn't help but post this. The thought of Joey stalking me just makes me giggle. ...And paranoid. *Stares out the window* He's out there somewhere. *Shifty eyes*
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Ever have one of those days where you just feel like lazing about the house and doing absolutely nothing? Well, that's how I feel everyday. xD All I did today was draw; I couldn't even bring myself to work on any of my fanfics. I guess I'm lacking... inspiration... or a life. Whichever.
Oh, today I saw "Howl's Moving Castle" for the first ime today. Wow, it was freakin' awesome! Heck, even my mom liked it and she HATES all things anime. O_O It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's late and I should probably get to bed now... But I probably won't go to bed until five in the morning. ...I love Spring Break. xD
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Sexual harassment can kiss my @$$!
GARGH! *Pulls at hair* I'm getting so sick and tired of all the sexual harassment I have to go through at school.
Okay, first of all, I'm really not all that gorgeous. I suppose I'm attractive in the approachable sense, but I'm not drop-dead gorgeous or anything like that.
Yet I STILL have to go through this harassment everyday. T____T Everyday I come to school and I always get groped, by my friends (Which I don't mind too much) and by people that I barely even know. ...And being groped by people you don't know is really creepy.
Also, everyday I have to deal with people saying vulgar comments to me. Some of them are so disgusting, perverted, and tasteless that I don't even dare to repeat them.
I'm tired of guys staring at my chest when they think I don't notice, I'm tired of guys grabbing my butt from behind when I let my guard down, and I'm sick and tired of hearing guys telling me what they want to do to my body...
Maybe I'm over-reacting. I suppose in a sick, demented way that some of these comments/actions are flattering. Still, sometimes I wish I was just invisible.
It also doesn't help that some of my friend keep telling me I need to get laid. I know they're joking, but I know a part of them is serious. Is it so wrong to want to save yourself for your wedding night, to only be with one man physically in your entire life? I guess I'm just old-fashioned.
*Sighs* Man, I'm glad I got that off my chest; it was really starting to drive me crazy! I'm feeling a little better now. If anyone else has had to go through this then feel free to talk to me. Talking really does help you feel better! ^____^
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
I'm so fragging excited! I just got a letter yesterday from saying that they're going to publish my Remembering Sakura poem (which in my opinion is the only good poem I've ever written) xD
A while back I submitted my poem because I thought that I could somehow win a scholarship or something. It was my mom's idea. So, I figured, "Hey, what have I got to lose?" and submitted it.
...Though, I'm kind of suspicious. My mom looked at the letter, and after seeing how much the poetry book that it will be published in will cost... She thinks that they take just about any poem and publishes it just so the people that got poems published will buy books for themselves and their families and make loads of money off of stupid people. I really hope that isn't the case, beause I'm proud of that poem and I thought it was actually good...
If anyone has info on then please tell me what you know. I don't want my poem to be part of a scam!
...I'm still excited though. There's just something about getting a poem published that makes me feel good. YAY! My self-esteem has been resurrected! xD
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Child's Play (One F***ed Up Poem)
Okay, when I first started this poem I had intended for it to be funny and kind of be a rap parody, hence the first few lines, but as I continued to write it ended up becoming depressing and just talked about drugs and suicide. Oh well. *Shrugs shoulders* But just for the record; I'm not a crack-head. I don't do drugs and I don't encourage anyone else to do them. And suicide is bad. *Nods head* Yup.
Knick-knack padddy wack
Give a dawg a little crack
Walking down the streets alone
Watching old men rolling home
They’re all high, I never knew
A man could do that to his crew
Now all I need’s my sweet release
A little pot, a little peace
What happened to the good ol’ days
When everything was child’s play
I’m always trying to be free
But dealers are all after me
I didn’t know I was so famous
Everywhere I go I shame us
Sometimes I wish I could escape
But this is my life, this is my fate
Just stick the needle in my arm
Forget the pain, forget the harm
Waiting in the alley for my fix
I’ve got no money, just a couple of tricks
What happened to the good ol’ days
When everything was child’s play
Where kids could just play and jump the rope
Instead of smoking pot and doing dope
All I can do is wait for the end
High off of drugs, my one true friend
I look in the mirror, I hate myself
So I reach for my darling lying on the shelf
I hold the gun up to my head
Finger on the trigger, wishing I was dead
The life I lived is not a lived life
So when I can’t pull the trigger, I pick up the knife
What happened to the good ol’ days
When everything was child’s play
And I didn’t wish that every day
My spirit could just fly away
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Remembering Sakura (Another Poem)
Darkness was her name
Pain was her life
She hoped to end it all
With a sharp rusted knife
Her friends begged her not to
Eyes full of tears
But all their cries and pleas
Fell upon deaf ears
Some thought she wouldn’t do it
Until it was too late
If only they could’ve saved her
From her miserable fate
The poor girl ended everything
With one slice of the knife
But I know I’ll remember Sakura
For the rest of my life
This is probably one of the first poems I've ever written in my entire life. It'a about a year old. I wrote it one day because I was depressed because I thought one of my internet buddies had committed suicide, but she's still alive and kicking to this day! xD
I dunno why, but I feel like sharing this stuff on this site. I guess I just like adding posts is all. ^_^
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Easter: Bunnies don't lay eggs!
As you all know, Spring has finally arrived and you all know what that means... Easter is on it's way. But before you start preparing for Peter Cottontail, I'd like you to consider this.
As we all know, Easter is the day that Christians celebrate the day Jesus was resurrected from the dead after he died on the cross for our sins. So how did this turn into the commercialistic holiday of looking for colorful eggs that were left behind by a giant bunny? O_o
First of all, bunnies don't lay eggs. They just don't. That means the Easter Bunny STOLE these eggs! After all, bunnies also can't get a job so I doubt Ol' Mr. Cottontail has much spending money on him.
Second, how the heck does the Easter Bunny deliver eggs to all the children in the world in one night? Have the Easter Bunny and Santa joined forces to create one unstoppable team?! O_O We can only hope not.
Then again, I suppose it's sort of a good thing that Easter uses bunnies and rabbits. It wouldn't look so good to see a little kid biting the head off of a chocolate Jesus.
Well, I hope that you all enjoy your Easter once it comes and enjoy your little Easter egg hunts, but remember not to hide your Easter eggs too hard. They can really stink up the place if you leave them alone for a week or so...
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