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Under the sea, with Kisame-san. ^_~
Member Since
I'm a full-time slacker. xD
Real Name
Uh... When I was still in elementary school I was accepted into this whole "Honor Chorus" thing-a-ma-bob. Only seven people from my school were selected so I guess that's purty kewl... And that's about it.
Anime Fan Since
Since I ever heard of anime, I guess.
Favorite Anime
I like Yu-Gi-Oh, Yuyu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Hellsing, The Dragonball trilogy, Naruto... Uh, pretty much every anime I've ever seen.
One day I hope to become a novelist for young adults, or at least get a comic in a newspaper. It would be like "Get Fuzzy" but with an anime edge. :P
I like drawing, writing, and making fun of my friends cuz they're douchebags.. (lol)
Talents? Well, I can crack my neck and I can't move my wrists without them cracking. Is that considered a talent or a medical condition? o.O Ooh! And I can put my foot behind my head! ^___^
| Rockinmuffin
Saturday, May 20, 2006
I'm bored and when I'm bored I like to do these Otaku thingys, so HA! FEART IT!
KAIBA: *Looking at himself in the mirror* I'm so cool. And handsome. And sexy. And rich. And powerful. ALl the ladies want me! xD
MOKUBA: Seto, are you talking to yourself again?
KAIBA: Maybe... <.< >.>
MOKUBA: The doctor said that's not healthy... Seto, did you forget to take your pills again?
KAIBA: Yes, but only because the tacos told me that the pills are really mind-control devices sent to earth by the aliens from Uranus so that they can control my body and make me do lewd, sexual things in public!
MOKUBA: O_o -_-; *Twitches* Take your pills, Seto.
KAIBA: NEVER! I'm too sexy for mah pills! xD *Singing* Dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
MOKUBA: T___T Only Uncle Pegasus is allowed to talk to me that way!
KAIBA: Uncle Pegasus? O_o
PEGASUS: *Sticks his head in through the window* Did someone call my name?! O_O
KAIBA: -_-; What did I say about coming in my house, you fruity drunkard?!
PEGASUS: Oh Kaiba-boy, why must you always play hard to get?
KAIBA: Last time I checked, getting a restraining order is not playing "hard to get." Now go away, you're not supposed to be within fifty yards of me. You've already traumatized poor Mokuba! JUST LOOK AT HIM! Dx
MOKUBA: *Eating a Danish*
KAIBA: T___T The poor, poor boy. He never had a chance.
PEGASUS: Fine! I'll leave but I'll lock you in your own room FOREVER! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Closes the window, locks it, then runs off to the local pub just in time for happy hour*
KAIBA: NOOOOOOO! We're doomed, DOOMED! We'll die slow and painful deaths! I don't think the dark swirling abys that rests in my chest and used to be my heart will be able to take it! Mokuba, it looks like this ius the end! HOLD ME! Dx *Reaches his arms out towards Mokuba*
MOKUBA: *Has finished his Danish and is licking the crumbs off his fingers* Uh, what? Sorry, I wasn't listening. What did you say, Seto?
KAIBA: T______T Oh woe is me. I can already feel death approach me. The hunger pains are coming... MUST... RESIST... THE URGE TO DEVOUR HUMAN FLESH!
MOKUBA: *Takes a step back*
KAIBA: Need... FOOD! But what can I eat? *Searches his room for any edible substance* Ah-ha! *Grabs a tube of Crest toothpaste*
MOKUBA: Uh, Seto...
KAIBA: FOOD! *Starts eating the toothpaste, getting it smeared all over his face*
MOKUBA: Seto, we've only been in here for three minutes. Besides, we're no locked in. We can leave through the door.
KAIBA: *Too busy eating toothpaste to listen*
MOKUBA: *Mutters to himself* I should start crushing his pills in his food... *Leaves the room*
KAIBA: Mmm... Minty! ^_____^ *Burp*
O_o Uhhh, yeah... This one wasn't even funny. It just scares me... *Shrugs shoulders* Oh well.

Look at what I made! xD Lol!
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