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Under the sea, with Kisame-san. ^_~
Member Since
I'm a full-time slacker. xD
Real Name
Uh... When I was still in elementary school I was accepted into this whole "Honor Chorus" thing-a-ma-bob. Only seven people from my school were selected so I guess that's purty kewl... And that's about it.
Anime Fan Since
Since I ever heard of anime, I guess.
Favorite Anime
I like Yu-Gi-Oh, Yuyu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Hellsing, The Dragonball trilogy, Naruto... Uh, pretty much every anime I've ever seen.
One day I hope to become a novelist for young adults, or at least get a comic in a newspaper. It would be like "Get Fuzzy" but with an anime edge. :P
I like drawing, writing, and making fun of my friends cuz they're douchebags.. (lol)
Talents? Well, I can crack my neck and I can't move my wrists without them cracking. Is that considered a talent or a medical condition? o.O Ooh! And I can put my foot behind my head! ^___^
| Rockinmuffin
Monday, July 3, 2006
ZOMG! O_o Like, whoa!
Even though it's a little after one thirty in the morning I'm really hyper right now because I had COOKIES! xD I couldn't stop myself... They were calling to me. It was all like;
COOKIES: "Maria, come and eat me!"
ME: "But my mommy told me not to eat anything this late at night. ...And she also told me to stop talking to inanimate objects."
COOKIES: "Are you gonna let her telll you what to do?!"
ME: "...Yes."
COOKIES: "But I'm delicious and full of fats and sugars and all sorts of other useless calories that will go straight to your thighs!" :D
ME: *Stares at cookie longingly* "I want you inside me."
The scary part is that I actually said that last line to the cookies. -_-; Yes, I'm a freak, a pervert, and I'm one-third schizophrenic! xD So, yeah... Point is, the cookie is now inside me and the sugar is rushing through my blood.
I love sugar. It is my heroin. xD
...Don't do heroin. :(
So... What to say, what to say? Well, I uploaded my picture of Mana an hour or two ago so if it's not up yet it should be soon. ...Now I wanna draw something. O_O I should draw a picture of someone from the Yu-Gi-Oh cast eating a pop-tart! Hmm... Should it be Seto Kaiba or Yami no Yugi? >:D I also wanna draw a picture of Kisame from Naruto. Because he's cool. So there. :P Here's a smexy picceh of him in case you don't know who he is:

He's a sharky thing... That hangs out with Itachi. I really don't know anything about him because I haven't gotten to the part where they introduce him in the manga yet. xD I still think he's cool though. He's my second favorite Naruto character, right after Kakashi. ^___^ Yay!
Oooh, today's my mommy's birthday! ^___^ I'll have to wake her up early in the morning in the most annoying way possible... >:D I need a blowhorn, a bucket of paste, and a drunken donkey. *Evil plotting*
>.> Wow, I ramble a lot. I went from cookies to drunken donkies. -_-; Curse that evil cookie and it's superb skills of seduction. *Runs off to do evil things*
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