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Under the sea, with Kisame-san. ^_~
Member Since
I'm a full-time slacker. xD
Real Name
Uh... When I was still in elementary school I was accepted into this whole "Honor Chorus" thing-a-ma-bob. Only seven people from my school were selected so I guess that's purty kewl... And that's about it.
Anime Fan Since
Since I ever heard of anime, I guess.
Favorite Anime
I like Yu-Gi-Oh, Yuyu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Hellsing, The Dragonball trilogy, Naruto... Uh, pretty much every anime I've ever seen.
One day I hope to become a novelist for young adults, or at least get a comic in a newspaper. It would be like "Get Fuzzy" but with an anime edge. :P
I like drawing, writing, and making fun of my friends cuz they're douchebags.. (lol)
Talents? Well, I can crack my neck and I can't move my wrists without them cracking. Is that considered a talent or a medical condition? o.O Ooh! And I can put my foot behind my head! ^___^
| Rockinmuffin
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 05/10/06:
I just had to display this one because of the picture. >;D
Result Posted on 05/10/06:
O/////O I don't know who I should feel more sorry for; me or Bakura...
RYOU: *Laying in bed, smoking a cigarette*
Uhh... Don't do drugs. >.>
Result Posted on 05/10/06:
O////O That doesn't sound like any angel I know... xD KINKY!
Result Posted on 05/05/06:
It's true, I really DO serve no purpose other than to freak people out. ;___; Somebody, HOLD ME!
Do you share the sex appeal of your fav. Yu-Gi-Oh! character?
 You are Shadi! You have no sex appeal what-so-ever, and spend most of your time trying to screw up everyone's mission in life. You LOVE to spread dire warnings, and really need to look into other ways to spend your time. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 05/05/06:
Yup, more shameless self promotion, though I'm taking a long, LONG break from Quizilla. Lots of scary people there. xD I die from a cheese grater!
Which guy from Yugioh is going to kill you? (The Real One!)
 Yami Marik is going to kill you. He has nothing against you personally, in fact, he finds you quite amusing, but he can't let you live because you threaten his position. He needs to make sure that he's the craziest person, or whatever he is, alive. He will kill you by shredding you with an electric cheese grater and then he'll send your rotting corpse to the shadow realm. Can you think of a better place to hide a dead body? It's too bad things had to turn out that way. If you were slightly less crazy then he probably would've let you help him rule the world. Oh well! Take this quiz!
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