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myOtaku.com: Rockinmuffin

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 08/25/06:
Yay! Happiness and honor! WOOT! ^0^

Roleplaying Character Motivation Quiz
Created by EvilAuthor on Memegen.net

You are motivated by the search for happiness. This is a difficult path because the more you are driven to seek contentment, the more it may seem out of your grasp. However you have a good heart, and a better chance than most of us to attain what you seek. The tough part is to know when you have found it.

You are motivated by the desire to survive at all costs. You avoid risks and any kind of danger - perhaps you have some goal (noble or otherwise) that you feel you must see through to the end.

You are motivated by honor. You are willing to die for the right cause, and would prefer to die doing the right thing than to life because you did not. You may follow a rigid code, or just your innate sense of right and wrong. Your honor may make things more difficult, but it also gives you an unwavering strength and confidence in all that you do.

Take this quiz now - it"s easy!
If you could choose one of these magic items, would you take:

Result Posted on 08/18/06:
You know how Itachi's famous line is "You lack hatred. Well, my friend and I came up with this line. xD

What would happen If you met Itachi and Kisame by Serpant-Girl
Hair + Eye color
Favoret frase
ItachiI feel pretty oh so pretty I feel pretty and witty and GAAAY!!!
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 08/18/06:
...I wanted Kisame. ;___;

A Random Akatsuki Sleepover by Rozie-chan
When you arrive, what do you do?
You introduce yourself as...
You walk up to this person and start talking
He says...Want some beer?
Everyone sings...99 Bottles of Beer
Deidara says...My heart belonds to Rozie! Not you!
Itachi says...I love you.
Tobi says...You're a good girl/boy!
Simon says...Stand on your right foot!
What game do you play?Neopets The Darkest Faerie
In spin the bottle, you kiss...Leader-sama
You fall in love with...Sasori
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 08/18/06:
:P *Sings along with Kisame*

Akatsuki Randomness by Rozie-chan
Favorite Akatsuki member
What Rei-sama thinks of youYou should die
What Deidara thinks of youYou're ugly
What Kisame thinks of youHe says you're blue, da ba dee da ba die
What Tobi thinks of youHe thinks you think he's a lollipop
What Itachi thinks of youYou're ugly
What Zetsu thinks of youYou're stupid
What Sasori thinks of youHe thinks you're annoying
What Hidan thinks of youHe loves you
What Kakuzu thinks of youHe thinks you're cute
Chance they won't kill you: 44%
Your nickname
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 08/18/06:
Haha! I'd ride that wave any day! xD

which akatsuki member would screw you? by uchiacrimson
fav akatsuki member
how do you meet?
what does he do?
what does he say?*hn...im making you mine tonight
what do you do to flirt?
who sees what happens?
what happens?you rode him all night
was it good?not really what i wanted
will he come back for more?yes he's going to have his way each and every night
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 08/18/06:
I wouldn't have posted this ressult if it weren't for the fact that Kisame is jealous of my hottness. xD Lol.

What do the Akatsuki think of you? (Preferably for girls) by KitsunaoHoshigaki
Favorite Color:
Leader:Thinks you're an idiot
Itachi:Thinks you should die.
Kisame:Thinks you're hot! *jealous glare*
Deidara:Thinks you're ugly.
Sasori:Thinks you're lazy.
Hidan:Thinks he should pray. (Me: RUN!)
Kakuzu:Thinks you have money. (Run while you can!)
Tobi:Thinks you know how to get into the Akatsuki.
Zetsu:Thinks you like plants.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 08/18/06:
Weak? I'll show you weak! *Chains Kisame up to her bed* Who's weak now, bitch!? >:D

What do Akatsuki Thinking Of you? by sakura9chan
Fav Colour
Deidara ThinksArt is a bang
Sasori ThinksYou're sexy
The Leader ThinksYou want to join akatsuki
Zetsu thinksYou look tastey *licks lips*
Hidan ThinksYou're a cheapskate
Kakuzu ThinksYou look retarded
Tobi Thinksyou know how to get into Akatsuki TELL ME NOW!
Itachi ThinksMarry me?
Kisame ThinksYou're weak
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 08/18/06:
The banana phone song tis awesome. >:3 and I got hot, smexy, fishy lovin'!

PARTY WITH AKATSUKI WOO! (soz for girls or gays) by sakura9chan
Who won stip pokerKakuza
DeidaraStarted singing ring ring ring ring banana phone
Itachihad an argument with kisame screaming "THESE ARE MY TORTIAS , GIVE ME THEM NOW THEIR TRYING TO KILL YOU!" after he snatched them from kisame's hands
You goot off withThe Leader (luckey )
you danced withSasori
Tobi said"Thoose are some huge breasts you have!" o_O
Who got drunkYou ! ya alcoholic .
Did you fall in love ?No but you got laid
With who?The dead Smexy fish man
Did it last?No
How much you enjoyed the party: 74%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 08/18/06:
I'm evil. >:3

Are you a Ninja in Akatsuki, or are you a Black Ops by TrickKitsune
ResultAkatsuki VERY evil!
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 08/18/06:
My poor Kisame-kun got bitch-slapped. There there, I'll kiss you better... >:D *Drags KIsame into her room*

The Akatsuki Sleepover [Girls] by Littiot
Favorite Akatsuki Member:
Zetsu...lived a lonly life at sea.
Itachi...Bitch-slapped Kisame.
Kisame....Shaved his legs with his sword.
Deidara...Argued with Zetsu about "What is love?".
Sasori...Thought he was a saiyan warrior for space.
Tobi....Pwned you at Kareoke.
Kakuzu....Tried to get some ass.
Hidan....Hired some Canadian Hookers.
Who you slept with:
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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