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Under the sea, with Kisame-san. ^_~
Member Since
I'm a full-time slacker. xD
Real Name
Uh... When I was still in elementary school I was accepted into this whole "Honor Chorus" thing-a-ma-bob. Only seven people from my school were selected so I guess that's purty kewl... And that's about it.
Anime Fan Since
Since I ever heard of anime, I guess.
Favorite Anime
I like Yu-Gi-Oh, Yuyu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Hellsing, The Dragonball trilogy, Naruto... Uh, pretty much every anime I've ever seen.
One day I hope to become a novelist for young adults, or at least get a comic in a newspaper. It would be like "Get Fuzzy" but with an anime edge. :P
I like drawing, writing, and making fun of my friends cuz they're douchebags.. (lol)
Talents? Well, I can crack my neck and I can't move my wrists without them cracking. Is that considered a talent or a medical condition? o.O Ooh! And I can put my foot behind my head! ^___^
| Rockinmuffin
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/18/06:
*Sparkly eyes* Kisame-san likes my jokes. :3 And I love the thought if a drunken Itachi. xD
Result Posted on 08/15/06:
Well, it's probably a good thing that I got Sasuke over Itachi-sama, cuz he'd probably kill me off eventually. >.>
Naruto: Which Uchiha Is For You? (for girls)
 You'll Surely attract: Uchiha Sasuke! Now he may be a bit `unstable`, but maybe you'll be the one to change him. With your drive, you'll probably join him on his journey to become stronger. Sasuke needs a girl who will show some empathy, share the feeling of having everything, and than losing it all. Just don't be too clingy, loud, or weak. (note to Sakura) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/15/06:
*Sighgs* Why do all the psychos like me? ...Oh well. At least they're cute psychos. >x3
Naruto: Would you interest Uchiha Itachi? (girls)
 dark lady// Itachi finds you: interesting. You're just the kind of person he could deal with- minipulate. You're probably one of those people who sit back, and think about things that could label you `mentally unstable`. Good for you. You're probably in no danger with being around a murderer like Itachi. Intelligent, innocent, and just a all around good person. Though, he might take advantage of you. But, is that a bad thing? Love meter ( 1 -lowest, 5 highest) 4.5/5 Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/15/06:
I'm so mysterious that even I don't know what's going on in my head. xD
Naruto: What does Uchiha Sasuke think of you? (for girls)
 Earth: Sasuke thinks you're a mysterious, kind person. Though your past is shrouded in mystery, he probably enjoys picking through his mind, wondering about you and why you care for him so damn much. But, you could also be a problem. Though you are a mystery, you're not one to hide feelings. He might get attached to you, and you being so protective over him, could get hurt in battle, thus causing more pain for Sasuke. Love Meter: (1 lowest - 5 highest) 4.5/5 Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/15/06:
No one could possibly understand how truly honored I am to get this result. >:D
How insane are you?((NOW WITH PICS!!))
 You are totally insane! People perfer to stay away from you. I like you a lot! You're my new best friend! You are what is keeping us all alive today. Or just killing us. What ever! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/15/06:
I do NOT take life too seriously. D:< I demand a re-vote! ...But At least he's pretty! ^___^ *Sigh*
Know your Inu Yasha character by ACTUAL events.
 Oh my gosh, you are Sesshoumaru!!You're DEAD SEXY! But that's only because you're mysterious and that's what people like about you. You entice others with your secrets without even knowing it. Girls/guys should approach you unless they're playing hard to get! But aside from this, you take life way too seriously and are mostly quiet. But if you relaxed it bit a talked some more, you have the potential to be the most popular kid around! Only your enemies hate you but even so, they love to look at you. <3 Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/15/06:
Which Inuyasha guy would make you his mate?
 Your mate would be Sesshoumaru! Now that was unexpected. This high demon lord obviously thought you were Lady of the Western Lands material. He then abducted you from your village, and used some sort of bad excuse like he needed a babysitter for his ward Rin. Well, fact is, Rin adores you. You're like a mother to her. Sesshoumaru may not wear his emotions on the outside, but he loves seeing you playing with Rin, as much as he loves you and your smile. It warms him up inside like nothing else ever has before. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/14/06:
I'm a eunich! Hooray! xD
You Are 40% Boyish and 60% Girlish
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.
Result Posted on 08/13/06:
That song is pretty. ^___^
Which of the InuYasha Theme Songs Are You?
 Your theme song is:I AmQuietly awakening... I always, always wish that these fleeting thoughts would reach you... Unable to move forward across "just a little more" distance The way I see before me is always blocked Every time the days I want to see you but can't pile up, My strong heartbeat turns into heartbreak. If there is such a thing as "eternity," I want to believe, even if I have to take the long way. Although I know that I've been hurt before because I'm clumsy I won't stop; I won't give in to anyone. I think of you and that alone is enough to make the tears start to flow now I always, always wish that these fleeting thoughts would reach you... I've known all too well about pretending to be strong. But since then, my doubts have vanished. There's definitely things I want to show you And so many words I want to hear I want to see all sides of you, when you laugh and cry So I'll stop waiting and seize my "chance." I think of you, and I feel like that alone is enough to make my heart grow stronger. I always, always wish that these fleeting thoughts would reach you... I think of you and that alone is enough to make the tears start to flow now My distant voice can't reach you now, but so that someday it definitely will... Believe. la la la la la la... Believe. la la la la la la... Believe. la la la la la la... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/13/06:
Yay! I got the best result! ^_^ It's kind of funny. I'm weird and annoying yet in every quiz I take Sesshomaru gets along just fine with me. O_o Yay?
Would I, Lord Sesshomaru, tolerate you?
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