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myOtaku.com: roguehobbit

Thursday, September 9, 2004

Of Alice 19th, and Elusive Guidance Councilors
Just finished my Sociology outlines, I have a test tomorrow. Ugg. And a math and Brit Lit quiz. Need to study....

I read Alice 19th volumes 4 and 5 today. ^-^

How can Alice love Kyo more then Frey? Lol. I guess I know why, I do see that she’s been mooning over Kyo a long time, and that Frey just pops up all the sudden. But still. Frey is way more entertaining.

Plus, he has cooler hair. ^^

Look! Pictures! (Frey’s the blond one, just in case you don’t know)

I don’t dislike Kyo, but I wish Alice would end up with Frey....

I’m typing this because I think I’m going to draw some Frey fan art, lol, and now you know the reason why.

I might not have time though...Grr. I don’t have time to draw anymore! Evil school.

I was supposed to meet with the school’s guidance councilor today, but they screwed it up by taping another kids pass to my locker, so I don’t know if I was supposed to go when the pass said, and they somehow thought that my name was Justin (lol) or if they haven’t given me my pass to see her yet, and thought Justin’s locker was mine. But I did sign up for a meeting today.

I told the secretary in the main office about it and gave her the pass (since maybe that student was supposed to have received it) and she was like “Oh...okay...”

Yeah. Real competent.

I need to track down the GC and find out...

Not that I want to talk to her about my college plans or anything. But it’s mandatory, and she writes recommendation letters to colleges.

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