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myOtaku.com: roguehobbit

Friday, March 25, 2005

It�s Good Friday
I wonder why it�s called that. Good for the human race, yes, but it wasn�t what I�d call a good day for Jesus. -_-

Posted two pics today, one I did awhile ago, and colored in Photoshop. Original. And the other pic is a Chrono Crusade fan art, colored in colored pencil. I was just laying around watching TV yesterday (watched The Dead Poets Society. Good movie. Sad though. *sob* Neil!) And I had the urge to color. But now I remember why I don�t post most of my pics that were colored with pencils. I practically have to destroy the image to get it the right KB size. Grr.

Like my new background? Lol, I don�t know if I do. I�ll go back to a Last Exile one soon, but I just wanted something new.

I�m up! I�ve had my coffee! (Yesterday, slept in more) But I have nothing to do.... Hopefully I�ll go to the mall later today, but I can�t buy anything. Gotta save for Tsubasa anime, and my trip to Italy this summer. But at least I�ll get out of the house. Lol, it�s my 2nd day of Easter break, and already I have cabin fever.

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