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myOtaku.com: roguehobbit

Monday, March 28, 2005

Lucciola Is Up. Who's Next?
Finished and submitted the pic of Lucciola. His eye still bugs me, but it�s better then it was before. Yay. Now Lucciola can be represented better in the LE fan art section. Might attempt Lavie next, or another pic of Dio.

Oooh. *is looking at all the new stuff on MyO* So that�s why the site was down last night.

Heh. I shouldn�t be online right now. I should be doing the massive amount of homework I have to do before my break is over. Hehe. Math, American Law, Religion, Brit Lit...wow. I think I�ll just conveniently forget about all that for a bit. *purges memory*

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