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Saturday, March 4, 2006
My school got light on fire.
Someone light a papertowle despenser on fire, so we had to stand in the wind for an hour, and then watch radio and drumline for the rest of the day, god it was so boring.

Which Rurouni Kenshin Character Are You?Test Created By oronoda
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Friday, February 24, 2006
Nothing new, I ment to come earlyer, but i forgot my pass and well didnt cheeck my emal and a whole bunch of other stuff
You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations - you got 9 out of 10 correct!
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Friday, February 17, 2006
I finshed watching Chobits, and it was a good serise, now I need to find A new anime to watch. Well better start looking on limewire.
I know i posted a Trigun quiz once before on my stie, but this was a good quiz.
 Vash-Everyone's favorite pointy haired- hero. Crazy
is a good way to describe you. Or maybe
insane. You have a dark past, and always try
to be funny, because you feel sad whenever
you're serious. You get angry when you have
to talk about your past. You kill Legato and
Knives. *thumbs up* Talk to me:
Trigun 2 brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
4 day weekend W00T
I got a four day weekend comeing up, and it is going to be the lazzyest i have ever spent. But sadly i have lots of prjects to do, all worth my soul in point OH WELL 4 DAY WEEKEND YEEEEEEAAAAHHHH BOOOY
I did not forget your guys quizzes.
Your Brain's Pattern

Your mind is a creative hotbed of artistic talent.
You're always making pictures in your mind, especially when you're bored.
You are easily inspired to think colorful, interesting thoughts.
And although it may be hard to express these thoughts, it won't always be.
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Monday, February 13, 2006
Second quiz
You Are a Seeker Soul

You are on a quest for knowledge and life challenges.
You love to be curious and ask a ton of questions.
Since you know so much, you make for an interesting conversationalist.
Mentally alert, you can outwit almost anyone (and have fun doing it!).
Very introspective, you can be silently critical of others.
And your quiet nature makes it difficult for people to get to know you.
You see yourself as a philosopher, and you take everything philosophically.
Your main talent is expressing and communicating ideas.
Souls you are most compatible with: Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul
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Snow Day.
Today I had a snow day, it was fun, but mom had me go collect kiddleing for our fireplace. I useally don't mid but it was cold as hell to today.

What Naruto Guy Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Good night
Its 2:00 im going to bed, this is just a way to get to sleep. FMA was good today, and next week will be even better.
Your Pimp Name Is...

Stud Glider
Yes I put this quiz thing up.
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
No news but a post at that.
Ya I just woke up. Have a new test for yall too, it is perrty acuart, I am the fouth oldset, but that only counting my hqalf and step brothers.Ah well dosen't matter.
You Are Likely A Forth Born

At your darkest moments, you feel angry.
At work and school, you do best when your analyzing.
When you love someone, you tend to be very giving.
In friendship, you don't take the initiative in reaching out.
Your ideal jobs are: factory jobs, comedy, and dentistry.
You will leave your mark on the world with your own personal philosophy.
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Friday, February 10, 2006
Its Friday!!!
Big news!! I'm getting a C or higher in every class.
I screwed around in phiscis today, Im all ahead of the class, so I can play cards and still get all the questions on a pop quiz right. Koodos.
Speaking of big I took the big 5 quiz
Big Five Test Results | Extroversion (28%) low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private. Accommodation (50%) medium which suggests you are moderately kind natured, trusting, and helpful while still maintaining your own interests. Orderliness (38%) moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, random, scattered, and fun seeking at the expense of structure, reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment. Emotional Stability (64%) moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic. Inquisitiveness (80%) high which suggests you are very intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical. | Take Free Big Five Personality Testpersonality tests by
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Today was not kosher.....
English the class got in touble, and i was slghtly at fualt so we got extra homework.
Piano my teacher justs sits there and dose nothing, letting the class run wild, so that was boring as hell.
Math some asswhole sprayed spraypianit so of coures we got extra homework there too.
Spanish she finds it fun to give use a pop quiz everyday so that it fun, also she gave me extra homework.......all i did was cal someone a communistic bastered......
Locus of Control Test Results | Internal Locus (45%) Individual believes that their life is defined more by their decisions and internal drive. External Locus (55%) Individual believes that their life is defined more by genetics, environment, fate, or other external factors.
| Take Free Locus of Control Test personality tests by
and to top it off my speakers just broke.....Well i habve alot of homework not to do
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