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North Crapland, ME
Member Since
Real Name
Kristen O~~~~, but please don't call me that.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, .hack//sign, G Gundam, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star, Galaxy Angel
I want to become a manga-ka, a store owner, and to live in Japan for a short while of my life. First, I wanna finish high school and get my arse into college!
Drawing, sleeping, watching anime, writing stories, writing poetry, listening to music. I'm not typical at all!
I can walk on my toe knuckles! AND, I'm a super fun drawer. No, 'drawer' isn't a word. But I'm a good one anyway. ^_-
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
Hard Luck Woman
That episode of Cowboy Bebop was just on. And it never, repeat, NEVER fails to make me cry. Seriously, the end montage with Call Me Call Me playing brings me to tears every time. I'm such a loser.
Well, it's currently 1:30 in the morning. Yesterday was my last day of work. I'm not going to miss actually WORKING in the least (coming home smelly and sweaty every day, who likes it?), but I am going to miss the people I worked with. I worked with some pretty chill people this year, and of course, I have to love Vicki the cook. She is god. We worship her with all of our beings. She's awesome. And I may never see her again! So sad. After we finished up today and were leaving everybody hugged me. Aaw. They said they'd miss me, and not just because I'm a rare competent teenager! Aaw, so loved!
Yeah. I'm PMSsy and wicked tired, therefore hideously emotional. Sorry. ^_^ Teeheehee!
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Still kind of pissed at flamers. It really doesn't get you until it HAPPENS to you. Oh well. Solidarity to all of my yaoi-loving sisters! (Fag hags, as my friends brother calls us.)
Anyway. Summer is so bloody over. It's insane. Today is my last day of work. After this, I stay up in Portland for a few more days, then I move away. Home. For school. Bleh.
TO BE A SENIOR. I'm gonna graduate! That's scary! Me? Aren't I like, seven? Should I be graduating? I guess so. It makes me think about what I need to do AFTER high school, though, and that scares me even more. College terrifies me, just because it's so un-routine and I have no idea how anything works. On top of that, I have to pay them, and get accepted, and make a portfolio and do all this shit I've never had to do before. That I don't know HOW to do. I don't want to end up like my sister and procrastinate till the last possible minute; I want to start my portfolio early and send out as many applications as possible. (Still worried that my art isn't good enough. Really, it isn't even art, just drawings. It's nothing new.)
Wow, how did this turn into a rant about college? ::takes deep breaths:: I've got a year to think about that. Damn, I need to calm down.
Later! Much much love to all my college-bound yaoi loving (or at least open minded enough to look past the subject matter and to the picture itself) friends!~
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Friday, August 20, 2004
Now I feel like crap...
I was just told that my drawing was "sick". And now I'm somewhat devastated. It kind of makes me feel bad, y'know? Granted, it's blatant yaoi, and I know that I'm putting it up for the world to critique, but it kind of hurts when someone tells you that something that you CREATED is SICK. At least they complimented the drawing itself, even if they did bash the subject matter. Oh well. I guess everyone's first real flame is kind of painful. What can I do?
::ouch, that fire kind of burns::
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I watched the Gunther video (see below) for the Ding Dong Song, and it made me die laughing. It was like bad les-porn. I'm not kidding, you all need to go see it. It's fecking hilarious. My sister describes it as "the gunther curse", in which you say that you never want to hear anything so awful again, but then you HAVE to show someone else, therefore re-exposing yourself to it. It's true. I have to show everyone I know Gunther, just because he's so freaking lame. ^_^
Swedish people need to go to Japan and have some good music shoved down their throats.
(PS, I hope this post wasn't offensive to anyone who is Swedish, or actually LIKES Gunther. Wait... nah, that second one was just too unrealistic.)
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
I swear to god this guy is for real. He is a Swedish pop sensation named Gunther. Go to to see the video/hear the song. It is hilarious.

I swear... Swedes have NO taste in music, haha!
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I have to go. And I just got online. Because I have an hour to get ready for work. Yes, work. I have to work from 11 to 3; 4 to 7:30. So, really, that hour off in the middle doesn't even count. The place I work at is having a lobster bake for the residents so me and a bunch of my teenaged night-shift co-workers were called in for this weird-assed shift. Bleh.
It is my second to last day and I have to work eight hours. Screw that.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Hehe, new picture up! I apologize for the lined paper, because it actually turned out to be a pretty good picture.
Lucky me, ALL today I get to take care of baby-chan. (I give Sophia the weirdest nicknames... baby-chan, honey baby, and That One.) I just hope she's good today, I never know what to do when she's screaming over something like a snack or whatever. Bluh. She's been pretty good so far, but that's thanks to her Playhouse Disney morning television schedule. JoJo's circus is on next. Joy.
I'm tired. Bluh.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Yesterday was super special fun! I went a-shopping at the mall (I hate the mall, but whatever.) I bought the seskyest thing on earth. My jacket. MY jacket. I've had my eye on it for months, just hanging in Hot Topic (I hate that store, but hey, I'm a hypocrite). I cashed my check and bought it. It is hot pink with little black bands across the front. It is very Adam Ant/Sgt. Peppers. And Oh-So-Sexy. Then I bought myself ho-boots. Light pink, mid calf, pointy, stilletto boots. Suprisingly, I can walk, even run in them! I think it's because I'm so used to walking around on my toe-knuckles... but whatever.
Anyway, I'm one sesky peice of ass.
Love~ Romy!!!
(PS- I have a penpal now! SQUEE!)
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Monday, August 16, 2004
Yesterday blew hard.
My day yesterday started out with being woken up at 9:45 or so by my screaming sister. Apparently she wanted a snack instead of breakfast, so she threw a complete tantrum. Yeah. Then I heard dad and Linda discussing that I had to go to work. Dad walks in, and I'm like, you have to be kidding. But no. Apparently the cook on duty called up at 6:20 in the morning and asked if I could come in at 6:30, but even Linda said no. Good thing- if she had done that I would've stabbed her. She did make me go in at eleven, though. So I had an 8 and a half hour day yesterday. A day where we were under staffed, under stocked, and fucking behind schedule as anything. It sucked so hard. I was fucking wiped.
At least later on I ended up having a pureed peaches and water fight with Susie in the dishroom. Heehee!
::reads over post:: damn, that was a shitload of complaining. Oh well. To make you happy, I may have a new manporn picture up soon! A really weird coupling, but it's a request from Nico, so what can I do? Oh well, so pretty.
Love you~
~Romy <3
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
I had the best night last night. First, Pam and Nico came up. They were going to a Gavin DeGraw concert, so I eventually came too. But first me and Nico freaked Pam out by ogling yaoi fanart and talking about how goregous Mana from Malice Mizer is. Yeah. Then we got to the concert. Three acts. Act 1, me and Nico sat in the COOLEST BATHROOM EVER and talked. (Seriously, this bathroom is like a lobby with a couch and big windows where the sinks are, connected to a room with all the stalls with the fun grafitti to read.) (Awesome bathroom.)
Act 2 we found the highest seat in the place, in the farthest corner pretty much, and we talked more. (It's awesome to have someone to talk to... especially because I've been pretty much devoid of all human contact this summer...) Act three, which was the headliner Gavin DeGraw, we actually watched. It wasn't really my sort of music, but all three acts were really good. And Gavin can belt it, really, really well. And it was awesome seeing him sing "Lets Get It On", heehee! ^_^
After the concert the three of us hopped in Nico's purple car (ooh... story! The rear right window doesn't close anymore, because KJ stuck his head out it, and Nico tried to close it on him, thus breaking it XD )
Anyway... we drove around for 50 minutes trying to find Dennys. We compared it to an RPG... you have to talk to the wise common folk (Convenience store clerks) to get hints (directions) as to where the mystical land (Denny's) lies. Yeah, I was so freaking hyper and tired, it was great. I left the waiter at Denny's a note saying that our Denny's is shinier than theirs, and therefore superior. I wonder what he thought of it...
Anyway, it was a really awesome night. I love being with my friends, I didn't even realize how much I missed them!
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