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North Crapland, ME
Member Since
Real Name
Kristen O~~~~, but please don't call me that.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, .hack//sign, G Gundam, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star, Galaxy Angel
I want to become a manga-ka, a store owner, and to live in Japan for a short while of my life. First, I wanna finish high school and get my arse into college!
Drawing, sleeping, watching anime, writing stories, writing poetry, listening to music. I'm not typical at all!
I can walk on my toe knuckles! AND, I'm a super fun drawer. No, 'drawer' isn't a word. But I'm a good one anyway. ^_-
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Friday, January 30, 2004
Hey there. I should be on the bus right now, going home on a happy happy friday, but no. I had to stay after for physics help. And I missed my bus by let's say... oh... about five minutes. Bummer. It's okay, though, because my homeroom teacher is going to give me a ride. Thank god, I really didn't feel like walking in the cold for two miles. In boots that hurt my ankles.
Oh dear lord... yesterday was our first activity period of the semester. I signed up for Judo. I am so terrible at Judol it isn't even funny. I CAN'T EVEN FALL RIGHT! What the butt! I think I'm going to ditch that activity and join something like 'movies', in which we watch... well... movies.
Yeah. Now I'm busy reading fanfiction. I guess I'll update later.
Love ya! ~Romeo Kuro
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Monday, January 26, 2004
Hi hey there. Finally the week AFTER midterms. Now I can get all of my F's and start anew. Yay.
Well. I'm very tired right now.
Thank you everyone who has complimented me! I really appreciate your compliments. I love you all. You're the best. UNlike Andy dumbass in my study hall who I want to kill. But anyway.
I guess I have to go soon. I have to go meet Uncle Jeffy!
Love ~Romeo Kuro
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Thursday, January 22, 2004
Whoah... haven't updated in a while. It's becaust this week is midterms. STRESS STRESS. It sucks. I have my painting midterm next. At least that one is easy. It's just a project that I have to finish. Easy.
Anyway. I submitted some fan art. Hope it'll be up soon. I'll update again soon!
Love all~ Romeo Kuro
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Friday, January 9, 2004
I haven’t gotten any requests yet! ;_; Sad sad. I’ve had a total drawer’s block lately. I have no idea what to draw. It sucks. The last decent thing I’ve drawn is a character from my manga.
I’ve been so wiped lately, you don’t even know. Plus, I don’t have an alarm clock, so I never make the bus. (My clock broke the week before vacation) I haven’t made it to school on time once this week. At least today I made it to SOME of advisee time. (Yeah, like three minutes out of eleven or something.) Not long at all.
Anyway, I’m not supposed to be posting right now because I’m in English class writing my paper about the Iliad on a laptop. So maybe I should go before I get in trouble.
~LOVE all! Romeo Kuro ^_*
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Tuesday, January 6, 2004
Hey, all! Happy new year!
Back to school- -_- I'm so tired. You don't even know. Anyway. I have to go, because my bus will be here soon. Just wanted to update!
Love, Romeo Kuro
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Wednesday, December 31, 2003
PS- if you think ninjas are cool, go to
You'll pee laughing.
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Happy almost new year, everyone! In less than one hour it'll be 2004!!! Whee!
Right now I am at my friend Tiki's house watching Bowling for Columbine. (What a happy new years movie, right?) Anyway, I'm over my nasty sickness (barf count: nine) and feeling good.
Love all! See you next year!
~Romeo Kuro!!!!!!!!!
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I still am not sure if that fanart is gonna make it on this site, so if you wanna see it (PLEASE WANNA SEE IT), go to my other blog at
It should be up there.
PS- hooray for new friends! -_^
Love all~ Romeo Kuro
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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Sick sick!
It's so horrible! I have that nasty nasty flu that's been spreading all throughout the country. Not that you really want to know, but I've barfed nine times. Or was it ten? Too many, in any case. Thank god, I think I'm over the worst part. I haven't barfed in a few hours. GOOD.
Anyway, I submitted a Trigun fanart today, though I'm not sure if it'll make it on here. It's yaoi, and I don't know if that's okay on this site. (It's not like it's really lewd, or anything. It's just Wolfwood leaning in for a kiss from a suprised looking Vash)
This is the first time I've ever done anything blatantly yaoi. I wonder what my friends will say when they see it in my sketchbook? -_^
Oh well. I like that pic, so I hope it makes it.
I leave for home from my dad's house tomorrow. I was supposed to go today, but due to my sickness (as well as my sister's and his own), we couldn't go driving for that long. Car barf, icky. I probably won't even get to do anything for New Years with my friends. sigh.
So, what is all of your new year's resolutions? I'm going to try to become less of a procrastinator and work on my poses/facial expressions/shading. (At least the first resolution is legit!)
Well, I have to go now.
Love all! ~Romeo Kuro
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Monday, December 29, 2003
anime quizzies!
 You're Mamimi!
You're one weird kid. To some, you may seem like a space case (and, at times, you truly are) but that's only because you seem so different than most people your age. Don't be ashamed of who you are, though. Different isn't always a bad thing. And even though people may think that you're a little on the dense side, you're a lot more intelligent than you let on.
What FLCL (a.k.a Fooly Cooly or Furi Kuri) Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I love the name Mamimi. In my manga, the main character's name is Mamimi. The other main character's name is Shuichi. Because I love Kurama.
I guess that's it for now. Too busy checking out fanfics. Yay!
Love, Romeo Kuro
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