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North Crapland, ME
Member Since
Real Name
Kristen O~~~~, but please don't call me that.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, .hack//sign, G Gundam, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star, Galaxy Angel
I want to become a manga-ka, a store owner, and to live in Japan for a short while of my life. First, I wanna finish high school and get my arse into college!
Drawing, sleeping, watching anime, writing stories, writing poetry, listening to music. I'm not typical at all!
I can walk on my toe knuckles! AND, I'm a super fun drawer. No, 'drawer' isn't a word. But I'm a good one anyway. ^_-
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, August 2, 2004
I'm back, I'm back, I'm back, YAAY! Thank god. This weekend was insane. In the not good way.
Well, it was a five hour drive just to get to Presque Isle, and I had to sit in the bitch seat (middle seat), squished in between my sister with a large ass and gangly arms, and a carseat. In like, eighty degree weather. The ride home was much the same. (CURSE MY SMALL STATURE!!!)
When we finally got there we stayed in a motel (which I must admit was fairly exciting. Never done it before.)
The whole reason we were there was because it was a suprise 50th anneversary party for my Nona and Nono (grandparents. It's italian). Kinda weird; their 50th was in January. But whatever. I didn't mind being there for them, but all of my little cousins (must all be ages 4 and under) were all hellions. I don't say that about just any children, either. These children are HORRIBLE. They drove me insane. So me and Pam just hid out in the cellar and watched Fuse for a great deal of the day. Whee. And it was hot and I was wearing a wool skirt. I'm a nub. I couldn't even draw! (Brought my sketchbook but not a pencil. Way to go me.)
Well, now I'm back, and that's all that matters. I can sleep in my own bed and watch my tv and update my journal and draw shoz. W00t.
Later much! Love!~
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Saturday, July 31, 2004
Eh, quick quick post! Just saying that I'm going to the big family event up north today, so I won't be online till monday or tuesday. Sorry! I'll miss you all when I'm surrounded by boring family members that think I'm weird. Love!
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Friday, July 30, 2004
Whee! New picture picture. My pants stopped distracting me and I finished it. (Although my armpit did distract me once. But I finished nonetheless.)
Going to go draw more. Love all!
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So late... er... early...
Hey hey. It's 12:11 in the morning. Tomorrow I get to go up north to visit the family. Bleh. The family I don't like. Namely, my aunt. Nobody's looking forward to this. At all.
I'm such a dork, I've been trying to finish coloring this one picture forever and ever (okay, since last night), but I keep being stupid and getting distracted. Things that have distracted me today alone- a lollipop, my job, my cell phone, the tv (which was not on. It was the thought of the tv), my pants, my shirt, my job, my sister, my bed, and of course, the internet. And fanfiction. See? I'm very easily distracted. Bleh. I suck. Wait, you might get to see the picture in a few weeks.
On a more something-else related note, I'm going to buy some clothes off of my friend Nico. Namely a skirt and legwarmers she made out of army pants. I want them, she doesn't wear them, and she's broke, so I'm tradin' her $15 bucks for em. Sweet deal.
Feh, like you care what's covering my bum!
Love much~
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
I don't think I like pants anymore. I just like walking around the house in my undies. Like now. They have stripes on them.
Anyway. I'm going to scan this picture that I finished last night. My lil' sister Sophia makes me doubt my drawing skills, though, because when she saw it, she was concinced it was me. Granted, it could very well be me, if it weren't a GUY. And if I were an ANGEL. And if I looked ANYTHING LIKE IT. Oh well.
Ramble ramble ramble.
Everyone should read this manga I found online-
I am so in love with it I could cry. It is awesome.
Well, that's enough for now. Love you all!
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Monday, July 26, 2004
I finally am out of summer school! Now I can spend my vacation sleeping like the rest of the normal populous! WEE!
I managed to scrape by with an A minus. It would've been an A but I did really shitty on my last test. (Not that it was my fault, he told us about it the day before and I didn't have my notes on me.) But that's just excuses. I'm done, and that's all I care about. That, and I get paid this week. Life is good to me.
On my latest picture, I noticed that everyone who commented was girls. Is it some sort of empowerment thing? Or are the guys just too nervous? I think it's kind of funny. Somebody did point out something true, though. If it were yaoi I'd probably have a bunch of negative comments, but since it's yuri, it's fine. Frigging double standards.
Enough rambling for now.
~Snickers and sparkly pink flowers
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
Hello everyone. I just woke up, so I'm kinda still tired. I'm suprised I'm already awake, though, because I stayed up till 4 drawing this picture (which still isn't colored, god damn it).
Mm-hm. Anyway. The picture is mild yuri, I guess you could say. Now all my relatives will think I'm les, in addition to being crazy. Hee hee. Oh well, let them think what they want. They're all sillyheads anyway. (WOO! There's that 4:00 bedtime showing up.)
I'm lucky. Dad, Linda, and Sophia are going to be gone all day at some animal farm. And they left me the house and donut holes. And the internet and Adult Swim on Demand. What a happy day this will be. I just have to remember to brush my teeth. Don't let me forget.
Well, I have nothing interesting left to say. Sianara!
~Donuts and yuri!
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Friday, July 23, 2004
My friend Kate just smothered my room in her naked g-stringedness.
She says "i do da cha cha with da naked cowboy bebop bounty hunters on kristen's wall"

For any of you who are curious, she was changing in my room while looking at that wallscroll. Yeah.
She's special, and we love her, don't we?
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
Another wonder of summer school...

Yes. I need to pay more attention. I just like the bottom half with all of the Trigun characters. Whee!
Later much~
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I'm coloring a picture in Photoshop right now. It's taking forever. Namely the clothes. Clothes are so time consuming, don't you think? I say we just get rid of them all together. Seeing as how this is a picture of Legato, I don't think anyone would mind. (::panties in a bunch::) ^_-
Yeah. Anyway. Does anyone else here hate public transportation? If not for it's constant lateness, then at least for the creepy people who use it? I despise the bus, and nobody can even imagine how bloody much.
(Imagine romy walking, not riding the bus, muttering to herself about her crap job and crap buses, and really wishing she could find something to smash into a thousand pieces of satisfaction.) Yeah. I hate public transportation.
Anyway, I REALLY ought to go to bed. I wake up in six hours to go to summer school. And I haven't done today's homework. Or yesterday's actually. Whoops, I'm slacking! (W00t! Only 3 days left!)
Later, then!
~Nekkid Legatos and personal cars~
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