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North Crapland, ME
Member Since
Real Name
Kristen O~~~~, but please don't call me that.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, .hack//sign, G Gundam, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star, Galaxy Angel
I want to become a manga-ka, a store owner, and to live in Japan for a short while of my life. First, I wanna finish high school and get my arse into college!
Drawing, sleeping, watching anime, writing stories, writing poetry, listening to music. I'm not typical at all!
I can walk on my toe knuckles! AND, I'm a super fun drawer. No, 'drawer' isn't a word. But I'm a good one anyway. ^_-
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
It's a wonderful day in the romyhood, a wonderful day to be romy!
I had a very good day today. Kind of pointless, but wonderful. I had to go to school, which always bites (even though I'm done the 26th!). Afterwards, instead of going home, I just wandered around downtown portland for a while by myself. Some guy tried to pick me up, but I politely refused (read it: lied) my way out of having to chill with him. This was Romy time, damn you. (He had a cool nosering, but he smoked. Eew.) Anyway. I went to Anthony's Italian Kitchen for a grilled chicken ceasar wrap. (So good... must be crack in the dressing!) Then I went back to the comic book store and talked to the guy there, and bought a magazine. Because I'm almost out of money. Like, two dollars left out of a hundred, now. No joke. Before I ran out of money, I bought some bindis. You know, the pretty jewel things you wear on your forehead. Yeah. Preeeety. Three for $2.50! W00t!
Then, I sat in a little park and read my magazine while listening to these street perfomers playing jazz. I got checked out, then went home. THen it started to downpour, which is weird because it was goregous. Oh well. I've had a very good day. It's nice to have money and some alone time. I was smiling at everyone I saw, everyone I met, and I had a wonderful hippie romy herself moment, and it was grand.
I'm in such a good mood.
I love you all so much! I hope you all had nice days too!~
(PS- cutetanuki, I don't have AIM right now, but my email is if you wanna email me!)(that goes for anyone else, too!)
Sunshine and thunderstorms to the lovely~
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Monday, July 19, 2004
Shopping Spree!
w00t! Yesterday I took all of my pay and I went shopping. There is this one building in the Old Port that I am convinced ::is:: heaven. Firstly, it has Bullmoose music, a kickass cd store. One of the employees is goregous. Then, there's Videoport, where you can get the most freaking obscure things EVER. Like classroom PSA's with puppets from the fifties. Yeah. Then, there's Casco Bay Books, where I get my free 'zines. Then, (angels start singing) there's Casablanca Comics. Where I buy manga. It's such a typical comic store. Literally, there were five guys there total. One was working, the other four were playing Magic the Gathering. They were watching Star Trek and discussing how fitting that funeral would be for a Klingon... yadda yadda yadda. Guess what I bought there? A COWBOY BEBOP WALLSCROLL! Yay! I got into a conversation with the geeks about bebop and how it is awesome, and where I could possibly put my new wallscroll. THey suggested laminating it and using it for a floormat in the shower (fyi: my room at home has NO wallspace or ceiling space left. It is literally COVERED with stuff. Pictures on pictures and whatnot.)
I love geeks.
I also love being THE girl in the comic store. So hot.
I also bought the Killer's CD Hot Fuss. It is awesome. I recommend to everyone who likes that sort of indie.
Well, later much, I guess!
~Wallscrolls and Somebody Told Me!~
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
Good morning to you!
(I say at 12:22 AM). I just finished and submitted that picture of Kurama I drew. I colored it in Photoshop, and I'm not very good at it yet. I'm actually better in paint, although I thouroughly enjoyed the smudging tool. Hopefully I'll improve over the summer.
If anyone here likes swing music, I highly recommend seeing Big Bad Voodoo Daddy live. They are incredible in concert. So much fun to dance to. I love swing. There was this one kid at the show wearing a black and white zuit suit and swing dancing with different people. Sweet. It made me long for my fedora (which has been at my friend's house with my jacket, shoes, and cd for months, now).
Mm. I really oughtta go to sleep, now. Bye, then!
~I'm tired~
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Friday, July 16, 2004
This is where the $200 for summer school is getting me...

That's all I did today. Oh, well, that and I almost fell asleep. I am fecking exhausted. Even the teacher thought it was cool, though. woot.
I love the Cure. I LOVE THEM.
Later~ Romy
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
I have nothing to say. I am a very boring person today.
I'm currently drawing Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, and I intend on submitting him when I'm finished.
Tonight my sister and a bunch of my friends are SUPPOSED to be coming down to portland to go to a free Big Bad Voodoo Daddy show, but I haven't gotten ahold of anyone, so lord-knows what's going down. I hope they show up, though. I miss 'em all so frigging much. Haven't seen one of them in three weeks! bummer.
Oh well. I hope it doesn't rain for the show.
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Post, post, post.
You know, bjork has a cd called post? It's awesome.
I'm so bored. And so happy. I just learned that I DON'T have to go to work today. Sweet.
Thursday the swing band Big Bad Voodoo Daddy is playing a free show here in portland. I'm so psyched, I love them. That, and all of my friends and my sister are coming up for it. Beauty. Swing music and my buddies. If they get here early enough, we're going to the mall to play DDR. Awesome. What normal people I hang out with.
You know, I really miss my kitty. Dad and Linda don't have any pets, so I find myself hugging my stuffed turtle, Bill. Yesterday my mom put the cat on the phone for me, and I made noises at her. Is that weird? Um... new topic.
I'm very weird, and so have given a physical form to my muse. Her name is Violet Eyed Valentine, and she is an alcholic (though she claims she is a 'social drinker'). She hits me with an iron skillet. Yeah. I'm scanning a chibi of her, that's why I'm telling you. Otherwise, you wouldn't care. Oh well.
My fingers are cold, so it's hard to type, so I'm gonna go now.
Love and bubbles~
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Saturday, July 10, 2004
DDR makes me so happy!
Woot! Today has been a FAR better day than yesterday. I slept till noon, and it was nothing short of grand. Then, after taking my dear sweet time to get ready, we went to the mall, where I promptly convinced Dad to give me a few bucks and I RAN off to the Dream Machine to play DDR. It was wonderful. I played once, then waited to play again, and this guy was playing. HE WAS INCREDIBLE! I was literally in awe! He was playing the mode where you use both of the pads, and he was on Heavy, and doing these incredibly fast songs. And he got nearly perfect. It was amazing. After he finished, I told him so. Then, after some girls played the four most obnoxious, poppy songs, I got on to play by myself, and he played with me. (And I'm here, thinking like, shouldn't this be an honor or something?) And we did one song, Afronova (he on heavy, me on light) and he was doing it awesome, and I almost failed. Maybe I did fail. He was that fecking good.
Yeah. So that made me all happy. DDR and cool people.
Now I totally want to work at the arcade. All the employees there are these hot nerdy lan-geeky kids with wristies and arm warmers and I want them all. So, I want to work there. As soon as I get paid, though, I'm SO going there every freaking chance I get.
Yeah. Well, that's enough for me.
~End of the Century and hot geeks to all my friends!
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Friday, July 9, 2004
No... you don't even understand. Here's the list:
5:45- wake up and get ready to go to school.
6:55- Leave to get on bus
8:00- School starts
12:00- School ends, I get on bus.
12:45- Finally get home!
3:45- Get ready for work and leave.
4:00- Start working and smelling and sweating.
7:30-Out of work. I'm supposed to go on the bus home today. But I can't find the first of two buses. So I walk to the metro pulse (where all the buses go).
8:00- Get to metro pulse, where I should get on my second bus.
8:20- Figure out that the next bus comes at NINE THIRTY.
8:30- Realize that I have no money with which to make a call to the 'rentals. Start wandering.
9:30- MY BUS DOESN'T COME. Some Texan starts talking to me. I'm cold.
9:40- FINALLY get a quarter and call Dad's cell. Leave a message.
10:00- Start walking home. I get a few miles before Dad and Linda find me and pick me up. Yeah. Now I'm here.
I'm miserable, cold, and a PMasshole. And you know how I said I was flattered by people who call at me? Not anymore. Not after thirty guys (no exaggeration) do it. And countless more old pervs stare at my tits. Gross.
At least I'm home, now. My feet kill. Worst day ever.
At least tomorrow and sunday I have NO work or school at all. I'm sleeping forever. Not waking up.
So tired.
~Sketchy pervs and sore feet to no one~
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
Who says 'boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses'? They're fecking wrong! Seriously- walking TEN minutes from the bus stop to my house I got 'holla'd at twice. This one kid actually hung out his window and 'whooed' at me. The other car slowed down and honked, and I got two woos and a hey. I know that these dumbass teenage males might just be uncouth and lewd- yelling at anything with tits, but I actually think it's kind of flattering. Cuz in the backwoods where I live, the only way that I'd be attractive was if I was that person's cousin.
Yes I am kidding.
Well, I just got home, and in 1 hour 40 minutes, I have to leave again. How much does that suck? I leave at seven in the morning and I get back from work at 7:45 in the pm, with one hour 45 minutes spent at home in the whole fecking time. This sucks! I don't even have time to do my homework, for christ's sake! This schedule is going to drive me insane.
Well, that's all for now. Love much!
Skittles and speakers~
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Summer school... bleh...
Well, went to my first day of summer school today. Ooh, what a blast that was! (can't you just feel the sarcasam oozing out of me?) Yeah. It was four hours of boring, really. Nothing interesting at all. I mean, I know I'm gonna pass. The teacher even said that the only way you can fail is by not showing up. And so far, everything has been pretty easy. (Maybe that's just because I'm not stupid- I only failed because I hate busy work)
I realized that on days where I have to work (which is most of them), I'm only going to be at home for like, two hours. Between work and school, that is. Horrible. I'm not going to be able to relax at all this summer, am I?
Eh, that's enough ranting for now. I sound so whiny...
I'm pissed at my sister and my friend Taryn because they came to Portland today for lunch. They left a note at home that said "Oh, we stopped by but you weren't here". Duh! I was at summer school. The kicker is that they were probably right in town as I was, and didn't even know it. I miss my people and friends and whonot from Readfield. Sad sad.
Oh well. Later!
Flowy curtains and Annie Lennox!~
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