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North Crapland, ME
Member Since
Real Name
Kristen O~~~~, but please don't call me that.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, .hack//sign, G Gundam, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star, Galaxy Angel
I want to become a manga-ka, a store owner, and to live in Japan for a short while of my life. First, I wanna finish high school and get my arse into college!
Drawing, sleeping, watching anime, writing stories, writing poetry, listening to music. I'm not typical at all!
I can walk on my toe knuckles! AND, I'm a super fun drawer. No, 'drawer' isn't a word. But I'm a good one anyway. ^_-
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Monday, June 14, 2004
WELL! I just did my play (final) for theatre class. I screwed up pretty bad on one of my lines, but luckily, we were performing for small children, so they didn't notice.
"The evil Dr. Zogg stole the imaginations of children, though his Domination of Imagination Machine of the World (or DIM W) wasn't finished yet. He had nothing to do with the hundreds of thousands of imaginations he stole while they slept. He would go from town to town, city to city, until there were no imaginations left to take. He had already taken all of the imaginations from Iowa, NEbraska, and Kansas; because we all know, it takes alot of imagination to live there."
THat's the line I F'ed up on. Goddamn. Oh well, it was fun enough, I guess.
See you all later,
~90's and huggles~ Romy
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I have my theatre final tomorrow- I have to act in front of small children. No fun. Then I have study hall. No fun. BOORING.
Anyway. HAs anyone read the Comic Party manga? I just bought it, and it's really cool. It's just little shorts from up-and-coming japanese doujin artists. Some of the shorts are HILARIOUS. Especially when they're arguing about yaoi, heh heh heh.
Anyway, I have to go now. I don't even think I'm supposed to be on the computer right now.
Cherries and huskies!~ Romy
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Friday, June 11, 2004
Hey... I guess that I'm a senior level artist or something now. I totally just uploaded some new art, and they're up. Cool, I guess. How does one even get to be a senior level artist, anyway?
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I'm in a good mood today. Don't ask me why... just am. Probably because the two classes I have today are study hall and painting, and I slept in till 8:30. Sweet.
Yesterday I went out to Barnes and Noble and had their sorry asses special order me my Trigun Maximum. (Jerks didn't have it in stock!) I can't wait to have it... Trigun is one of my favorite animes, and probably my favorite manga.
Ooh ooh ooh... I passed my permit test yesterday! (I know it's sad that I'm a junior and still in driver's ed, but oh well.) I totally kicked that test's ass. I got a 92. I even beat my sister who is considerably smarter than me. Rock on. I also won $30. Kickass.
Oh well, it's almost time for my painting final now. See you all later!
~Hugs and bunnies~ Romeo
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Wednesday, June 9, 2004
Maine is hot right now. Like nintey degrees. I have the worst case of swamp-ass in recorded history. (Don't know what swamp ass is? Ask me.) Everyone thinks that Maine is so cold all year round. Nope. In summer we get this horrible humid heat, and the air makes everything so freaking sticky. It's disgusting.
Mr. Streeter just told us that yesterday in NH, someone stabbed his girlfriend to death who was 2 mos. pregnant with his child. THat's just disgusting. How could people do such things? I hate to quote anime for my morals, but noone has the right to take the life of another. I said that this humidity is disgusting? I take it back. THAT is disgusting. I hate people sometimes.
Oh well. On a lighter note, a fanart of mine was just accepted. Like, five minutes after I submitted it. Speedy.
Love all~ Romeo
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Damn sempais... Damn underwear...
I'm so sad! All the seniors graduated on Sunday. I'm so bummed. I mean, I'm happy that they're all graduated and whatnot, but all of my good friends are seniors. Who knows what I'm gonna do next year without them? It's gonna suck. Right now I'm drawing a picture of all my senior friends. Damn sempai...
Anyway. I wish I could show you all my new underwear, but a) you're somewhere else, and b) I'm not that skanky. I love my underwear. With the hello kitty picture on the butt. Kawaii! Pam just looked at me strange when I showed her. Seriously, am I the only person who walks around the house in their underwear? I get home, and if my pants are uncomfortable, I'll just wear my undies around. That's not so weird. Everyone else thinks it is.
Love all~ Romy
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Thursday, June 3, 2004

Millions Knives
Find out what anime villan you are.
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Nyaa, nyaa. I drove yesterday. I have the hardest time staying in my lane and not going off the road. Nyaa. Damn driving.
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004
Back from New York. Sad. Oh well. That was the best weekend of my life.
Anyway, I changed my background, just because they didn't accept that drawing. (Damn them...)
I sure showed them, right? [rolls eyes]
Love all~ Romy
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Saturday, May 29, 2004
Holy hell.
I currently am in a youth hostel in NYC. Insane. I'm having a time,. to say the vaguest. Good? Bad? Whatever. It all depends on the events. See, yesterday we spent NINE HOURS STRAIGHT on a charter bus coming down here from maine. It was fun enough, but boring, and my legs hurt (understandably). Then, we got to the hostel. Then, we ate. Then we walked around confusedly for HOURS! Mind you, at this point it is dark, right? Like, thirty white-as-sheets kids from Maine wandering around the dark streets of NYC without an official destination. That really pissed me off. BUT- the night was not lost. At 11:30 we went to see a theatre thing; Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind. It was 30 plays in 60 minutes by the Neo-Futurists. If you're ever in NYC, GO TO THE FREAKING OUTER BOROUGHS AND SEE IT! It was incredible. Hilarious, and forceful, too. I died. THe people who performed it were the coolest people EVER. I want them all to live with me and be my special friends and bear my children and it will all be so very special. It made my life. It was the best thing I've ever seen.
It started out by paying. The method of paying was to roll a die. Whatever number you got, you multiply by one (so they say) and then add to nine. That's how much you pay. We didn't have to, though, we were already taken care of. We then walked into this really cool room, where one of the people would ask your name and write it on a "Hello My Name Is" tag. But instead of writing your name they'd name you whatever. I ended up being Ouija because my namer likes Morrissey. Pam was Pin, Tiki was Christmas, Jeff was Dip (ha!). Automatically I knew that this was awesome. Then they explained how it worked. They had 30 two minute plays, and each one began with 'go' and ended with 'curtain'. As soon as you heard 'curtain', you screamed out the number of the play that you personally wanted to see, and they'd rip the first one they heard down off a clothesline and performed it. My (and most likely everyone's) favorite was called "Fun with Fruit", in which two of the guys merely took a bite out of the side of a bananna so it looked like it was screaming, and then they ran around screaming. I think you'd have to see it to get it. So go ahead, try it at home, kids!
Anyway, being the huge merch whore I am, I got a shirt which I am wearing right now. And a pin. But that was free. Because they were so damn cool. I want to marry them all, even the girls. It was incredible, and had me shatting in laughter.
Well. Now it's Saturday. I'm not even sure what we're doing today. Oh well.
Hmm. I only have 5 min 30 sec left on the internet, so I'm gonna go now. Love you all!
~Romy Kuro: Officially Cultured
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