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North Crapland, ME
Member Since
Real Name
Kristen O~~~~, but please don't call me that.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, .hack//sign, G Gundam, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star, Galaxy Angel
I want to become a manga-ka, a store owner, and to live in Japan for a short while of my life. First, I wanna finish high school and get my arse into college!
Drawing, sleeping, watching anime, writing stories, writing poetry, listening to music. I'm not typical at all!
I can walk on my toe knuckles! AND, I'm a super fun drawer. No, 'drawer' isn't a word. But I'm a good one anyway. ^_-
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Monday, March 15, 2004
Hey there. I had an interesting weekend.
Firstly and mostly, it was the opening of the play, and may I say, it kicked balls. Amazing. Especially KJ as Tevye. That boy rocks my socks hardcore. It opened on Friday (our best performance out of the three) and we performed on Sat and Sun, too. After the performance on Friday all the cast and crew went to Friendly’s. Whee! What fun. The next day Pam, Tik, Nico, their friend Kozak, and yours truly went to Denny's. I had an emotional breakdown. Fun fun! I was screaming at Pam in the parking lot and bawling my eyes out because of some stupid things I thought as a child, I guess. ANYway, then I slept over at Tiki's. Her cat ended up sleeping on my leg. Ooh. Ever so comfortable. The next day (yesterday, duh) We had another performance, and afterwards Tik, Megs, Kozak, and I went to Barnes and Noble. It's actually pretty damn lame that we hang out there, but we sit in the cafe and read manga and mags for free. (There I admitted my stupid crush of a year and a half. I didn't know that Nico read this blog!)(Holy hell I'm lame.) We talked to the guy in the music department, and he was pretty cool. Good taste in music. And he was the only one among us with a normal name, I guess. (Romy? Nico? Kozak? Whatever happened to real names?) Anyway, I thought that was pretty funny. And then I found five dollars. Then we went to Wendy's and ate chicken nuggets and a cute little kid was there and he waved at me! Aaw. Cuddly.
Then I went home and got in trouble for not calling mom. Oh well. It was a hella fun day anyway. Not like the day before at all.
Yeah. So that was my weekend! Fun, eh? I thought so. Very interesting, anyway. Whatever. I'm gonna go now. Bye!
Love all~ Romeo Kuro
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Thursday, March 11, 2004
Good evenin' to yall. I'm at school right now, waiting for the FINAL FREAKING dress rehearsal to start. Crap. I so don't want to be here. I'm so very tired, and so very sick of the Fiddler on the Roof. Anyone would be. It's only natural. We open tomorrow, and we so aren't ready.
Anyway. I've been looking at some of the fanart on here, and really, it's quite humbling. In my little world I'm like a sketchy sketch god, but on here I'm totally not. Kudos to all of you with the amazing art that brought me down from my little ego trip. You all rock my socks hardcore. What Neko Are You?
Heh heh, I'm a cosplay neko! Miao! Yeah. I'm tired; you can tell.
Oh oh oh! Yesterday I got the DVD "When Incubus Attacks"! I love Incubus so much, they're totally my favorite band. I love the song The Warmth. It makes me love music all over again. Plus- in the DVD, when the lead singer Brandon Boyd (the most beautiful man alive) is singing it, he looks like a god. (To me. Please don't take that as some sort of anti-religion weirdo comment.) I think I'll draw him when I get some free time (In a week and three days, I think).
Oh well. I guess I should go now. Write later!
Love all~ Romeo Kuro- The Popped Ego Balloon Girl Who Sortof Has To Pee
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Monday, March 8, 2004
Hallo, everyone. I'm going to be wicked stressed out probably this week, so don't get angry, okay? It's "hell week" for the spring musical at school. We're doing Fiddler on the Roof and it opens on Thursday. AND WE'RE NOWHERE NEAR DONE! Of course, we never are on time, though, and the plays always come out beyond excellent. Thing is, I'm wicked nervous. I'm not even in the play, either. I'm working spotlight. I just got my cues YESTERDAY. Gaah! I'm freaking out. And I'm staying after school today for practice, but I FORGOT MY SCRIPT WITH ALL OF MY CUES IN IT!!! I suck so hardcore.
Oh well. I'm freaked out.
I'll try and have summore art up in this week. I have a realistic sketch I did of Derek that's wicked awesome (I think). Mr. Herb (the awesomest art teacher ever) said it was beautiful. Yay! We love Mr. Herb. Kickass.
Okay, well, I have to go update my OTHER blog, now. See yall later!
Love all~ Romeo Kuro the Broken Fingernail PMS Stressed Stressed ANGRY ANGRY doll jam!
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Wednesday, March 3, 2004
New fanart!
Yo. My fanart is up. I'm so happy with this batch. Especially my Outlaw Star picture- that one makes me pee a little with happiness. Rate, please!
Love all~ Romeo Kuro
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Monday, March 1, 2004
Whee! What a good day. First I had easy MEA's (standardized testing). Then, after finishing that super early, I talked to Derek for a good long while. Which is nice, because he's the ONLY person EVER to give me any help whatsoever with my manga plot. Plus, he's so pretty, I could glomp him right now.
Thing is, it's kinda weird. I don't know him that hella well. But he still came over and talked to me exclusively for a good 20+ minutes.
Oh well. Who cares? I'm not complaining!-_^
Well, I submitted some new fanart. It should be up in a day or two.
See yall later!
Love all~ Romeo Kuro- Loving the Longshot
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Monday, February 23, 2004
Hey there. Sorry I couldn’t update all last week. I got a chance when I was at dad’s house, but for some reason his computer wouldn’t let me sign on. Stupid cookies.
Anyway, I have a favor to ask all of you. I am going to spit out the basic plot and characters of my manga, and I want you all to read, review, flame, comment, suggest, whatever. Give me as much help as humanly possible, I need it. I’ll probably have some of my character designs up here soon- it’s not like I don’t have enough drawn already. Anyway, here goes:
Okay. The main character (Mamimi) finds out that she is part of an ancient bloodline of magical people devoted to destroying this one evil. After many years, the evil was "destroyed", so the bloodline's powers were repressed.
The 'evil' comes back (his name is Shuichi)(and he's hot) and he unlocks some of Mamimi's locked away powers. He's really evil and throughout the story loves to make Mi miserable by messing with her mind.
Akira Mai (the only character with a natural hair color) is the founder of the powerful bloodline, and talks to Mi in her dreams and thoughts, helping her with the development of her powers and whatnot.
The last main character is Hayden (he's so pretty!), Mi's best friend. He is totally in love with her, and eventually finds out about Mamimi's powers. Shuichi uses him to make Mi even more miserable throughout the story. He's really quite a jackass, as you can see.
Eventually, Mi unwittingly puts herself under Shuichi's control. Akira Mai gets pissed (obviously), and Hayden comes into play quite a bit. Climax, resolution, etc.
Rock on. Anyway, help me out, here! I’m SO not good at writing a good story.
Yeah. Well, I’m actually supposed to be writing an essay about ‘A Doll’s House’ in World Lit right now, so I really should go. Okay then, catch ya later!
Love all~ Romeo Kuro the wonderous wonderfious me!
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Friday, February 13, 2004
Happy Valentines Day, everyone!
I won't be able to post tomorrow, so I'm posting today. Can't you feel the love? I sure can!
Bye now!
Love~ Romeo Kuro
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Thursday, February 12, 2004
Hi hey! Happy (Slightly early) Valentines Day. Have I told you all how much I love you? Yay!
Anyay. Thank god. Next week is vacation. THANK GOD. I'm so sleepy. All this week I've been struggling to wake up in the morning/stay awake at school. It's hardly working. I took a like, two hour nap yesterday.
Okay, I have to go. Bye!
Love All~ Romeo Kuro
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Thursday, February 5, 2004
My Phase is Nemesis
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Monday, February 2, 2004
border=0 frameborder=0 alt="You are Kuroneko!">
Take the
href="" target="new"> "Which Anime pet are you?" test!
Heeheehee! I got Kuroneko! (That's what I call my kitty after getting the Trigun boxed set for christmas!!! ^_^)
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