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• 1987-10-08
• North Crapland, ME
Member Since
• 2003-11-29
Real Name
• Kristen O~~~~, but please don't call me that.
Anime Fan Since
• 1999
Favorite Anime
• Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, .hack//sign, G Gundam, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star, Galaxy Angel
• I want to become a manga-ka, a store owner, and to live in Japan for a short while of my life. First, I wanna finish high school and get my arse into college!
• Drawing, sleeping, watching anime, writing stories, writing poetry, listening to music. I'm not typical at all!
• I can walk on my toe knuckles! AND, I'm a super fun drawer. No, 'drawer' isn't a word. But I'm a good one anyway. ^_-
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Hi hey there. I'm sorry that I haven't been updating so very regularly lately. I'm a butt, I know. It's just that nothing of tremendous intrest has been happening lately!
Actually, it snowed something fierce yesteday. Horrible. It's spring and we should've had a snowday. People were literally spinning off the road and shat. AND WE DIDN'T HAVE A SNOW DAY! WTF? No fair. Everyone was wicked pissed off. Also pissed off because it's spring and still freezing. At least alot will melt today.
So! I got a date for the prom. I've never met this kid before. He's my friend Heather's brother. I don't know his name. I'll ask her. It's Glenn. Yes, with two N s. I'm not even sure if I'll meet him BEFORE prom. But apparently he reads manga, and he has to be cool if he's going to go with me, who (in her dress) looks like a deranged 80's wedding cake. Plus, he's related to Heather. We love Heeeathur. ^_^
Well. I haven't put up any fanart for quite a while, now. I'm sorry. I haven't been drawing at all, lately. Which sucks really hard, I know. I've been busy reading a book (Idoru. It's really good) and working on my zine (which ironically only needs drawings left) and other random crap. Plus, it's the end of the quarter, so I had makeup, and this, and that, and the other, and just too much stuff going on. I'll have some new shoz though, I promise. Soon. I hope.
Okay, I'll update later. Hopefully sooner.
Love all!~ Romeo Kuro
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