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myOtaku.com: Rose Lover

Sunday, January 9, 2005

I don't feel like writing so here's some quizzes. Be happy. Oh yeah, keep giving hugs.

Which Inuyasha character will save you when you go on a homicidal rampage?(Girls only...lovely pics) by Sesshoumaru_Rox
Using what:Mikoku's Wind Tunnel
When:March 7, 2037
Damage cost:$8,597,274
Who do you want to save you:
Who will save you:
Your reaction:"Thank you so much! You saved me from myself!"::hugs person...but doesn't let go::(Corny!!! You need help)
Quiz created with MemeGen!

How will your InuYasha character tell you he loves you? by NarakusLuver
what is your name?
your username?
who is your fav. InuYasha girl character?
your fav. color?
your InuYasha guy isMiroku
he will tell you he loves you byhanding you a rose, and kissing you on the lips
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Inuyasha Encounter! by Nyyght
Favorite Color
How did you get into InuyashaSheer boredom flung you hundreds of years backwards in time.
What are you thinking now?Damn I'm hungry.
What do you see?Grass...stand up, your on your face!
What do you do?Run in circles!
A demon shows up, that demon is...A giant bumble bee! ...no really...it's like...the size of a nickle!
Who shows up to save you?Oh come on...you know it's gonna be Inuyasha!
Then they do thisYou both get married...(yes, even if your a guy!) *lol*
This many times9
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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