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myOtaku.com: Rose Lover

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 11/03/04:
Yeah! ^_^

Result Posted on 11/03/04:
I've never seen snow before.

goddess of snow loving and playful, though a bit

Which goddess or magic are YOU?(Anime pics)plz rate
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Result Posted on 11/03/04:
I am cute, aren't I?

You are an Anime Cute girl. Nobody really kows you
for your looks, infact not many people do know
you, But if they did they woudl see that you
are a true artist and that your beautiful
artwork is meerly a representation of your
inner beauty.

What Kind of Anime Babe are You?
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Result Posted on 11/02/04:
That's right! All animals! (hugs everything)

You love all animals!
ANIMAL LOVER! You love all animals. You care for
every animal if it's your pet or a free one, if
an animal needs you, you'll help. You don't
care for the kind of animal you like them all!

What's your ideal pet? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
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Result Posted on 11/02/04:
I would really scream, then run, then hide, then cry. I can multi-task!

You hide yourself! You are able to make you
invisible in seconds. You hate it when you are
confronted with troubles. So you prefer to
disappear as long as the danger is over. It's a
good way.Go you!

How do you react when you are afraid? ( ...with pics... )
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Result Posted on 11/02/04:
I also like earth

I'm Air
Element Air. You are happy, loves to travel to all
kinds of places. Your power amplifier is the
Sky, your protective stone is the Cristal. You
like the Crescent Moon and your special power
is to fly.

Which element (or double element) control your mind and heart?(with anime girls pics)
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Result Posted on 11/02/04:
I may look innocent...

Innocent Angel
Innocenct Angel. Innocence. A true angel. Probaly a
younger one. Not yet shown the real way of this
planet. Lemme give you some advice, stay that
way, for as long as you can. The pure make it.

What Element Angel Are You?
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Result Posted on 11/02/04:
Heh heh. That's not what my friends say.

You are a normal girl.

What Mythical Girl are You?
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Result Posted on 11/02/04:
I'll take him!

Result Posted on 11/02/04:

oh cool! you're like Kurama! he's cute...:). you're
really kind but you're still a kick ass fighter
despite your usual kind self. you have a cool
ass whip too and you're really really smart. go
Kurama! kick some ass!

The Yu Yu Hakusho Character Quiz
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