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• whitelillymoon
• 1988-01-10
• NC
Member Since
• 2004-10-19
• Student; Specialty at Petsmart
• I made it to college
Anime Fan Since
• sailormoon..oh the memories! T_T
Favorite Anime
• Hot Gimmick, His and Her Curcumstances, and alot more..
• to finish my degree in ASL Interpretation
• coloring, reading, ASL
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Only child again
So, lets picture this. I come home, i call to my sister and she isn't home. Mother calls me and asks if she knows where she went. "nope," i reply. Sis hasn't been here all day or so it seems. My sis has runned away. Now she is 20, so it isn't like we call the cops or anything. But we all alot of people. We found a note on the kitchen table stating that she feels like a burden and wants to make mother and father proud. I think this hurts my mother more then my father. And me, well, she is old enough by now, if she wants to run away from problems then she can. I am sad to see her go but if she wants it, she'll do it. She is strong like that. So, yesterday was filled with saddness. I'm so happy i went to improv though. I got to forget about it all. About the running away and the sad ppl i'd see when i get home. She called last night too. Just wanted to tell 'rents that she was with a friend and was gonna do everything herself. she didn't take anything with her. I'm not sure who she is with but i have my guessing. So that is what is happening.
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